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IET PCS Series - The World's Only Programmable Capacitance Decade Box

A broad range of laboratory grade programmable capacitance decade boxes for applications requiring a programmable impedance unit controlled manually and by a computer via an IEEE-488, RS-232 interface.

The PCS Series is a broad line of high precision programmable decade capacitors. They provide straight capacitance in a wide selection of ranges, tolerances and ratings. IET Labs also supplies custom combination substituters for capacitance and resistance as well as sources for voltage and current.

The PCS Series is a precision substituter with excellent characteristics of stability, temperature coefficient, and power coefficient. High dynamic ranges are available, starting as low as 1 pF and extending for as many as 10 decades. These features combined with a low virtually constant residual impedance make for very versatile instruments.

The PCS Series features two optional special settings, an “open circuit” and a “short circuit”. These modes are useful for obtaining reproducible transitions between settings, i.e. break-before-make or to short between settings. The “short circuit” setting also provides a reduced zero setting impedance.

Operation is both local using convenient direct reading front panel thumbwheel switches, and remote with optional parallel RS-232 Serial or IEEE-488 interfaces.
The PCS Series employs very low capacitance relays. High quality gold plated tellurium copper five-way binding posts serve to minimize the thermal emf effects which would artificially reflect a change in dc resistance measurements. All other conductors within the instrument, as well as the solder employed, contain no metals or junctions that could contribute to thermal emf problems.

With low resolutions and high dynamic ranges, the PCS Series may be used for exacting precision measurement applications requiring high accuracy, good stability, and low zero impedance. They are suited for automatic and manual calibration and testing, simulation of programmable loads, and many other laboratory and industrial applications.

The components employed in these substituters are accurate and stable. Low temperature coefficient capacitors are used. Capacitors are selected for best suitability to each decade.

The PCS Series offers an optional digital display to indicate the control command. The unit may be rack mounted to serve as a component in measurement and control systems.


To aid the user in operating the PRS/PCS/PLS, Two “Keyboard” Controller programs - the easiest way to control GPIB or RS232 devices without writing a program - are available from IET. This Keyboard programs automatically finds your device at start-up and it lets you enter just the data that you want to send to the device. This program works with ICS, Measurement Computing and National Instruments controllers. 

For GPIB   IEEE-488.1 and IEEE-488.2 interface
Download ICS_GPIBkybd_Install.zip

Unzip the file and follow instructions to install. Open the application.  You may use the Find Listeners button to confirm that the PLS unit is recognized. Other instruments may also be recognized at this time.

Enter and set the Address to the PLS address. Use the window to send a command string to the PLS, where the command string is constructed as described in the operating manual. A command string might be, for example:
SOURce:DATA resistance string

For Serial RS-232 interface:
Download: ICS_Serkybd_Install.zip

Unzip the file and follow instructions to install. Open the application.  Initialize the COM PORT and use the Device Command window to send a command string to the PLS, where the command string is constructed as described in the operating manual. A command string might be, for example:
SOURce:DATA resistance string

  • The world's only programmable capacitance decade box
  • Wide range and resolution: 1 pF to 100 µF
  • Available at accuracies of : 0.5%, 1% and 4%
  • LabVIEW Drivers for IEEE-488.2 and RS-232 Versions
  • Dual / Combo rackmount models ( examples:Resistance & Capacitance )
  • Effective programmable impedance unit controlled manually and by a computer
  • Programmable "open circuit" and "short circuit" states optional
  • Desktop and 19" Rackmount enclosures
  • Dual / Combo rackmount models ( examples: dual capacitance, resistance & capacitance )
  • Windows tools and IEEE-488 interface software and hardware available
  • Contact us for Custom or Built to Order Models 

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    Основные возможности и технические характеристики

    IET PCS Series - The World's Only Programmable Capacitance Decade Box

    A broad range of laboratory grade programmable capacitance decade boxes for applications requiring a programmable impedance unit controlled manually and by a computer via an IEEE-488, RS-232 interface.

    The PCS Series is a broad line of high precision programmable decade capacitors. They provide straight capacitance in a wide selection of ranges, tolerances and ratings. IET Labs also supplies custom combination substituters for capacitance and resistance as well as sources for voltage and current.

    The PCS Series is a precision substituter with excellent characteristics of stability, temperature coefficient, and power coefficient. High dynamic ranges are available, starting as low as 1 pF and extending for as many as 10 decades. These features combined with a low virtually constant residual impedance make for very versatile instruments.

    The PCS Series features two optional special settings, an “open circuit” and a “short circuit”. These modes are useful for obtaining reproducible transitions between settings, i.e. break-before-make or to short between settings. The “short circuit” setting also provides a reduced zero setting impedance.

    Operation is both local using convenient direct reading front panel thumbwheel switches, and remote with optional parallel RS-232 Serial or IEEE-488 interfaces.
    The PCS Series employs very low capacitance relays. High quality gold plated tellurium copper five-way binding posts serve to minimize the thermal emf effects which would artificially reflect a change in dc resistance measurements. All other conductors within the instrument, as well as the solder employed, contain no metals or junctions that could contribute to thermal emf problems.

    With low resolutions and high dynamic ranges, the PCS Series may be used for exacting precision measurement applications requiring high accuracy, good stability, and low zero impedance. They are suited for automatic and manual calibration and testing, simulation of programmable loads, and many other laboratory and industrial applications.

    The components employed in these substituters are accurate and stable. Low temperature coefficient capacitors are used. Capacitors are selected for best suitability to each decade.

    The PCS Series offers an optional digital display to indicate the control command. The unit may be rack mounted to serve as a component in measurement and control systems.


    To aid the user in operating the PRS/PCS/PLS, Two “Keyboard” Controller programs - the easiest way to control GPIB or RS232 devices without writing a program - are available from IET. This Keyboard programs automatically finds your device at start-up and it lets you enter just the data that you want to send to the device. This program works with ICS, Measurement Computing and National Instruments controllers. 

    For GPIB   IEEE-488.1 and IEEE-488.2 interface
    Download ICS_GPIBkybd_Install.zip

    Unzip the file and follow instructions to install. Open the application.  You may use the Find Listeners button to confirm that the PLS unit is recognized. Other instruments may also be recognized at this time.

    Enter and set the Address to the PLS address. Use the window to send a command string to the PLS, where the command string is constructed as described in the operating manual. A command string might be, for example:
    SOURce:DATA resistance string

    For Serial RS-232 interface:
    Download: ICS_Serkybd_Install.zip

    Unzip the file and follow instructions to install. Open the application.  Initialize the COM PORT and use the Device Command window to send a command string to the PLS, where the command string is constructed as described in the operating manual. A command string might be, for example:
    SOURce:DATA resistance string

  • The world's only programmable capacitance decade box
  • Wide range and resolution: 1 pF to 100 µF
  • Available at accuracies of : 0.5%, 1% and 4%
  • LabVIEW Drivers for IEEE-488.2 and RS-232 Versions
  • Dual / Combo rackmount models ( examples:Resistance & Capacitance )
  • Effective programmable impedance unit controlled manually and by a computer
  • Programmable "open circuit" and "short circuit" states optional
  • Desktop and 19" Rackmount enclosures
  • Dual / Combo rackmount models ( examples: dual capacitance, resistance & capacitance )
  • Windows tools and IEEE-488 interface software and hardware available
  • Contact us for Custom or Built to Order Models 

  • Комплектацию Вы можете узнать:
    По тел.: +7 (495) 105 96 88 или
    Написать нам письмо: info@micro-electronics.ru
    Комплектацию Вы можете узнать:
    По тел.: +7 (495) 105 96 88 или
    Написать нам письмо: info@micro-electronics.ru
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    Standard Models

    Model PCS-300 PCS-301
    Type Wide Range Capacitance Precision Wide-Range Capacitance
    Accuracy 4% + 5 pF 1% + 3 pF
    Decades 6
    Range 0 - 100 µF
    Resolution 100 pF
    Type of Components 100-900 pF: Mica 0.001-0.009 ìF: Polystyrene 0.01-0.9 µF: Polycarbonate 1-9 µF: Polyester 10-90 µF: Polarized tantalum
    Max. Load* 100 V (20 V for 10-100 µF)
    Residual Impedance 7 pF, typical; higher w/ Rear Output
    * These specifications are dynamic switching limits. The maximum voltage, power, or current which may be applied at any particular resistance setting may be higher as long as the setting is unchanged, or the unit is switched dry.

    Switching time: < 4 ms per change; < 7 ms for ≤0.05% units
    IEEE: GPIB standard 24 pin connector, conforms to IEEE-488.2; SCPI 1994.0 command set; Hardware or software configurable addressing range of 0 to 30. .
    RS232: 25 pin male DTE interface conforms to EIA-STD-RS-530; SCPI 1994.0 command set; data rates from 300 to 115200 bps.
    Модели и опции
    Модели и Опции
    Цена Заказать
    GPIB Cables
    1 meter IEEE-488 cable
    По запросу
    - шт +
    Other options
    RM Option
    Rack mount
    По запросу
    - шт +
    RMK Option
    Rack mount Kit
    По запросу
    - шт +
    RO Option
    Rear output
    По запросу
    - шт +
    D Option
    Digital display of programmed value
    По запросу
    - шт +
    SC Option
    Short circuit option
    По запросу
    - шт +
    ОС Option
    Open circuit option
    По запросу
    - шт +
    Custom high power specifications
    По запросу
    - шт +
    IEEE Option
    IEEE-488.2 Interface
    По запросу
    - шт +
    RS232 Option
    Serial interface
    По запросу
    - шт +
    Ethernet Option
    Ethernet IEEE 802.3
    По запросу
    - шт +
    Programmable Precision Capacitance Substituter
    По запросу
    - шт +
    Programmable Wide-Range Inductance Substituter
    По запросу
    - шт +
    Programmable Inductance Substituter
    По запросу
    - шт +
    PRTD Models
    Programmable RTD Simulator
    По запросу
    - шт +
    Programmable Resistance Substituter
    По запросу
    - шт +
    Programmable Precision Resistance Substituter
    По запросу
    - шт +
    Programmable Wide-Range Resistance Substituter
    По запросу
    - шт +
    Programmable Wide-Range Precision Resistance Substituter
    По запросу
    - шт +
    Programmable High-Precision Resistance Substituter
    По запросу
    - шт +
    Programmable Wide-Range, High-Precision, Resistance Substituter
    По запросу
    - шт +
    Programmable Capacitance Substituter
    По запросу
    - шт +

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