Логопериодическая направленная антенна Fsant S12014-5 20 - 220 МГц, КУ = 5 - 8 дБи

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Артикул: Р1000449

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Немецкая компания FS Antennentechnik GmbH (FSA) была основана в 1973 году. Офисное здание и производство расположены в Германии в 10 км к северу от Мюнхена.

Компания FSA разрабатывает и производит приемные и передающие антенны и антенные системы в диапазоне частот от VLF до EHF, используемые промышленными, правительственными и военными учреждениями по всему миру.

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Основные возможности и технические характеристики
The antenna S12014/5 is a linear polarized log.-periodic antenna with foreshortened radiators used for indoor EMC testing.

This is an exceptionally compact antenna for this frequency range, ideally suited for use in anechoic EMC chambers. Antenna polarization (horizontal or vertical) and elevation angle (0° to -40°) can be manually or remotely adjusted.

The antenna is installed on a dolly with rollers for ease of positioning. Manual or automatic change of polarisation, height and elevation is available as option. An optional remote control unit allows automatic operation of the antenna axes.

Measured Field Strengths
The diagrams show measured field strengths made in various anechoic chambers. The measuring sensor was placed 4 m from the tip of the antenna. The RF input power was 2 kW, the height of the sensor was about 1.5 m. For comparison the calculated values assuming a reflecting ground are also shown. The spread of the measured values is due to the effects of the different chambers and the accuracy of the used sensors.

Measured field strength distribution
Measured field strength distribution at 3 m distance from the antenna tip (vertically polarized). The covered area has dimensions of 1.75m (H) x 2.25 m (W); the antenna height is 1.6 m, the antenna elevation –12°. All measured values are given in dB relative to the beam center. 20 MHz (1st value) 220 MHz (2nd value).

Simulated electric field uniformity
Simulated electric field uniformity for the log.-periodic antenna array S12014/5 at 2 m distance with vertical antenna polarization. The antenna was placed in free space without ground influences. The input power was considered to be 10 kW. The covered area has the dimension 4 m x 4 m. The grid-distance is 0.2 m.

Remote adjustments
A remote control unit S42056/01 is needed. The remote control unit itself can be controlled as a device via RS-232 serial interface or graphical user interface.
The remote control unit is connected to the antenna via fibre optic cables. The control box at the antenna controls the motor for the polarization axis. The remote control unit continuously monitors the actual value of the polarization.

Mains Connector                  Souriau 8.47.25F547N002 (shielded)
Mains Voltage:                      230 V / 50 Hz
Connector for FOC:              2 x ST 62.5/125 µm Multimode

FOC and mains cable with connector are not part of the scope of delivery but available on request.

Detachable Radiators
The overall height of the antenna may require the user to remove the last radiators to enable the antenna to pass through the chamber door, or to minimize storage space required. Optionally the longest radiators can be manufactured to be removable.
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Основные возможности и технические характеристики
The antenna S12014/5 is a linear polarized log.-periodic antenna with foreshortened radiators used for indoor EMC testing.

This is an exceptionally compact antenna for this frequency range, ideally suited for use in anechoic EMC chambers. Antenna polarization (horizontal or vertical) and elevation angle (0° to -40°) can be manually or remotely adjusted.

The antenna is installed on a dolly with rollers for ease of positioning. Manual or automatic change of polarisation, height and elevation is available as option. An optional remote control unit allows automatic operation of the antenna axes.

Measured Field Strengths
The diagrams show measured field strengths made in various anechoic chambers. The measuring sensor was placed 4 m from the tip of the antenna. The RF input power was 2 kW, the height of the sensor was about 1.5 m. For comparison the calculated values assuming a reflecting ground are also shown. The spread of the measured values is due to the effects of the different chambers and the accuracy of the used sensors.

Measured field strength distribution
Measured field strength distribution at 3 m distance from the antenna tip (vertically polarized). The covered area has dimensions of 1.75m (H) x 2.25 m (W); the antenna height is 1.6 m, the antenna elevation –12°. All measured values are given in dB relative to the beam center. 20 MHz (1st value) 220 MHz (2nd value).

Simulated electric field uniformity
Simulated electric field uniformity for the log.-periodic antenna array S12014/5 at 2 m distance with vertical antenna polarization. The antenna was placed in free space without ground influences. The input power was considered to be 10 kW. The covered area has the dimension 4 m x 4 m. The grid-distance is 0.2 m.

Remote adjustments
A remote control unit S42056/01 is needed. The remote control unit itself can be controlled as a device via RS-232 serial interface or graphical user interface.
The remote control unit is connected to the antenna via fibre optic cables. The control box at the antenna controls the motor for the polarization axis. The remote control unit continuously monitors the actual value of the polarization.

Mains Connector                  Souriau 8.47.25F547N002 (shielded)
Mains Voltage:                      230 V / 50 Hz
Connector for FOC:              2 x ST 62.5/125 µm Multimode

FOC and mains cable with connector are not part of the scope of delivery but available on request.

Detachable Radiators
The overall height of the antenna may require the user to remove the last radiators to enable the antenna to pass through the chamber door, or to minimize storage space required. Optionally the longest radiators can be manufactured to be removable.
Комплектацию Вы можете узнать:
По тел.: +7 (495) 105 96 88 или
Написать нам письмо: info@micro-electronics.ru
Комплектацию Вы можете узнать:
По тел.: +7 (495) 105 96 88 или
Написать нам письмо: info@micro-electronics.ru
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Technical Data
Electrical Frequency range 20 - 220 MHz
Gain Typ. 3 - 5 dBi (20 - 60 MHz)
Typ. 5 - 6 dBi (60 - 220 MHz)
Polarization linear, adjustable
Input impedance 50 Ω
VSWR typ. < 3.5 : 1 (20 - 30 MHz)
max. < 2.5 : 1 (30 - 220 MHz)
RF input power 10 kW (20 - 100 MHz)
5 kW (100 - 220 MHz)
Mechanical RF connector 13 - 30
Dimensions (approx.) 3.86m (L) x 3,4m (B) x 3.18m (H)
Weight 50 kg
Options Remote Control Unit
Detachable Radiators
Mechanical Data
Fig. 1 shows the antenna on the standard mast. The mast is installed on a dolly with four rollers. The axes for elevation and polarization are situated at the top of the mast. Both axes can be changed manually by a hand wheel.
Polariztion 0° - 90°
Elevation 0° - -40°
Height of Antenna Boom 2.3 m
Weight of Dolly with Mast approx. 100 kg
Модели и опции
Модели и Опции
Цена Заказать
Логопериодическая направленная антенна Fsant S12014-5 20 - 220 МГц, КУ = 5 - 8 дБи
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