Логические анализаторы 34 - 136 каналов, такт. частота 700 МГц, длина записи 128 МБ, 12,5 ГГц синхр.

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Логические анализаторы 16860A Подробнее

Американская компания Keysight Technologies начала свою историю в 1930-х годах прошлого века. Сегодня – это лидер в производстве измерительного оборудования и САПР (систем автоматизированного проектирования). Keysight Technologies предлагает интегрированные решения, объединяющие измерения, экстракцию параметров и верификацию разработок.

Компания Keysight Technologies производит осциллографы, анализаторы, измерители, генераторы, источники питания, а также… подробнее

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Портативные логические анализаторы серии 16860A

Логические анализаторы Keysight серии 16860A являются самыми высокопроизводительными портативными логическими анализаторами в отрасли, обеспечивая четкое понимание явлений и позволяя решать самые сложные задачи по отладке цифровых систем.

  • Высокая скорость сбора данных в режиме анализа временных диаграмм и логических состояний в сочетании с глубокой памятью — Захват данных о работе системы (до 128 Мбайт) с высочайшим разрешением для выявления коренных причин возникновения проблемы и признаков неисправностей, далеко отстоящих друг от друга по времени
  • Целостность сигнала — Быстрое выявление проблемных сигналов благодаря возможности просмотра глазковых диаграмм одновременно по всем каналам
  • Поддержка пробников и прикладных программ — Настройка системы для решения конкретных задач испытаний благодаря широкому набору опций пробников и специализированному программному обеспечению
  • Модернизация — Приобретение прибора в конфигурации, соответствующей текущим измерительным задачам, с возможностью модернизации по мере изменения потребностей тестирования

  • Свернуть Развернуть
    Основные возможности и технические характеристики

    Портативные логические анализаторы серии 16860A

    Логические анализаторы Keysight серии 16860A являются самыми высокопроизводительными портативными логическими анализаторами в отрасли, обеспечивая четкое понимание явлений и позволяя решать самые сложные задачи по отладке цифровых систем.

  • Высокая скорость сбора данных в режиме анализа временных диаграмм и логических состояний в сочетании с глубокой памятью — Захват данных о работе системы (до 128 Мбайт) с высочайшим разрешением для выявления коренных причин возникновения проблемы и признаков неисправностей, далеко отстоящих друг от друга по времени
  • Целостность сигнала — Быстрое выявление проблемных сигналов благодаря возможности просмотра глазковых диаграмм одновременно по всем каналам
  • Поддержка пробников и прикладных программ — Настройка системы для решения конкретных задач испытаний благодаря широкому набору опций пробников и специализированному программному обеспечению
  • Модернизация — Приобретение прибора в конфигурации, соответствующей текущим измерительным задачам, с возможностью модернизации по мере изменения потребностей тестирования

  • Шнур питания
  • Руководство по эксплуатации
  • Клавиатура
  • Мышь
  • Сумка для принадлежностей

  • Шнур питания
  • Руководство по эксплуатации
  • Клавиатура
  • Мышь
  • Сумка для принадлежностей

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    Сведения о реестре СИ

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    Наименование СИ

    Обозначение типа СИ


    Срок свидетельства или заводской номер

    Анализаторы логические
    16861A, 16862A, 16863A, 16864A
    Компания "Keysight Technologies Malaysia Sdn. Bhd.", Малайзия

    Свернуть Развернуть
    Сведения о реестре СИ

    Номер в Госреестре

    Наименование СИ

    Обозначение типа СИ


    Срок свидетельства или заводской номер

    Анализаторы логические
    16861A, 16862A, 16863A, 16864A
    Компания "Keysight Technologies Malaysia Sdn. Bhd.", Малайзия

    Загрузить технические характеристики

    Models 16861A 16862A 16863A 16864A
    Channels 34 68 102 136
    Max timing sample rate 2.5 GHz full channel/5.0 GHz half channel
    Quarter channel timing sample rate - 10 GHz  (Option T10) - 10 GHz (Option T10)
    Max state clock rate 350 MHz standard, 700 MHz (Option 700)
    Maximum state data rate 700 Mb/s standard, 1400 Mb/s (Option 700)
    Timing zoom 12.5 GHz at 256 K deep
    Memory depth 2 Mb standard; 4 Mb, 8 Mb, 16 Mb, 32 Mb, 64 Mb, 128 Mb optional (2x in half-channel timing, 4x in quarter-channel timing)
    Probe/signal compatibility U4200A Series single-ended direct connect probes, 90-pin single-ended and differential probes
    16860A Series Logic Analyzer Specifications and Characteristics
    State (synchronous) sampling mode
    16861A 16862A 16863A 16864A
    Channels 34 (32 data and 2 clock) 68 (64 data and 4 clock) 102 (96 data and 6 clock) 136 (128 data and 8 clock)
    Sampling option: Single clock
    Clock (clock is on Pod 1) 1 1 1 1
    Clock qualifiers 1 3 4 4
    Reset qualifier 0 0 0 1
    Sampling option: Multiple clocks
    Clocks or clock qualifiers 2 4 4 4
    Reset qualifier 0 0 0 0
    350 MHz  (Base configuration) 700 MHz (Option 700) 350 MHz  (Base configuration)
    Sampling option Single clock Single clock Multiple clocks
    Available clock modes Master Master Master
    Dual sample Dual sample Master/slave
    Maximum state data rate (spec) 1 Captures data up to  350 Mbps on either edge of a clock up to 350 MHz Captures data up to  700 Mbps on either edge of the clock up to  700 MHz Captures data up to  700 Mbps on any combination of multiple clocks up to 350 MHz
    Captures data up to  700 Mbps on both edges of a clock up to 350 MHz Captures data up to  1400 Mbps on both edges of the clock up to 700 MHz
    Maximum state clock frequency 350 MHz 700 MHz 350 MHz
    Minimum state clock frequency 12.5 MHz (single edge),
    6.25 MHz (both edges)
    12.5 MHz (single edge),
    6.25 MHz (both edges)
    0 MHz
    Minimum time between active clock edges 1430 ps 715 ps 1430 ps
    Maximum trigger sequencer speed 700 MHz 1400 MHz 700 MHz
    1. Specification (spec): Represents warranted performance of a calibrated instrument that has been stored for a minimum of 2 hours within the operating temperature range of 5 to 40 °C, unless otherwise stated, and after a 45-minute warm-up period. The specifications include measurement uncertainty.
    State mode functional characteristics
    Single clock Multiple clocks
    Minimum setup time 80 ps 250 ps
    Minimum hold time 80 ps 250 ps
    Minimum data valid window 160 ps 500 ps
    Sample position adjustment range 7 ns typical 12 ns typical
    Sample position adjustment resolution 20 ps typical 80 ps typical
    Minimum state clock pulse width Single edge: 200 ps Single edge: 250 ps
    Clock qualifier setup time 200 ps 250 ps
    Clock qualifier hold time 200 ps 250 ps
    RESET clock qualifier setup time 2 ns N/A
    RESET clock qualifier hold time 0 ps N/A
    Minimum slave to master clock time N/A 350 ps
    Minimum master to slave clock time N/A 150 ps
    Minimum slave to slave clock time N/A 1.43 ns
    Time tag resolution 80 ps 80 ps
    Maximum time count between stored states 66 days 66 days
    Maximum trigger sequence steps 8 16
    Trigger sequence step branching Arbitrary 4-way if/then/else Arbitrary 4-way if/then/else
    Trigger position Start, center, end or user-defined Start, center, end or user-defined
    Trigger resources –– 16 patterns evaluated as =, !=, >, >=, <, <=
    –– 8 double-bounded ranges evaluated as in range, not in range
    –– 4 edge detectors in timing, 3 in transitional timing
    –– 1 occurrence counter per sequence level
    –– 1 timer
    –– 4 flags
    –– 1 arm in
    –– Burst patterns
    –– Event counters - 2
    – 16 patterns evaluated as =, !=, >, >=, <, <=
    –– 8 double-bounded ranges evaluated as in range, not in range
    –– 4 edge detectors in timing, 3 in transitional timing
    –– 1 occurrence counter per sequence level
    –– 3 timers
    –– 4 flags
    –– 1 arm in
    –– Global counters - 2
    Maximum occurrence counter 999,999,999 999,999,999
    Maximum range width 64 bits 64 bits
    Maximum pattern width 128 bits single label 128 bits single label
    Timer range 200 sample clock period to 27 hours 100 ns to 27 hours
    Timer resolution 5 ns 5 ns
    Timer accuracy ± (8 sample clock period + 2 ns + 0.01%) ± (8 sample clock period + 2 ns + 0.01%)
    Timer reset latency 80 sample clock period 80 sample clock period
    Timing (asynchronous) sampling mode
    Feature Full channel Half channel Quarter channel (Optional on 16862A or 16864A, requires options -700 and -T10
    Max sample rate 2.5 GHz 5.0 GHz 10 GHz
    Sample period 400 ps to 10 ns 200 ps 100 ps
    Memory depth Up to 128 M Up to 256 M Up to 512 M
    Timing mode functional characteristics
    Minimum data pulse width 1 sample period + 200 ps
    Timing interval accuracy
    - Within a 16 channel pod ± (1 sample period + 130 ps + 0.01% of time interval reading) 1
    - Across 16 channel pods ± (1 sample period + 400 ps + 0.01% of time interval reading) 1
    Maximum trigger sequencer speed 2.5 GHz
    Maximum trigger sequence steps 8
    Trigger sequence step branching Arbitrary 4-way if/then/else
    Trigger position Start, center, end or user-defined
    Trigger resources 16 patterns evaluated as =, !=, >, >=, <, <=
    8 double-bounded ranges evaluated as in range, not in range
    4 edge detectors in timing, 3 in transitional timing
    1 occurrence counter per sequence level
    1 timer
    4 flags
    1 arm in
    Burst trigger
    2 event counters
    Trigger resource conditions Arbitrary Boolean combinations
    Trigger actions Go to
    Trigger and fill memory
    Trigger and go to
    Trigger, send e-mail and fill memory
    Occurrence counter reset
    Flag actions Set
    Pulse set
    Pulse clear
    Maximum occurrence counter 999,999,999
    Maximum range width 64 bits
    Maximum pattern width 128 bits single label
    Timer range 200 sample clock period to 27 hours
    Timer resolution 5 ns
    Timer accuracy ± (8 sample clock period + 2 ns + 0.01%)
    Timer reset latency 80 sample clock period
    Timing zoom (Captured simultaneously with timing or state sampling mode capture)
    Timing analysis sample rate 12.5 GHz (80 ps sample resolution)
    Timing interval accuracy
    - Within a 16 channel block ± (80 ps + 130 ps + 0.01% of time interval reading)
    - Between 16 channel blocks ± (80 ps + 400 ps + 0.01% of time interval reading)
    Memory depth 256 K samples
    Trigger position Start, center, end or user-defined
    Minimum data pulse width 1 sample period + 200 ps
    16860 Series Instrument Characteristics
    Standard data views
    Waveform Integrated display of data as digital waveforms, analog waveforms imported from an external oscilloscope, and/or as a chart of a bus' values over time
    Listing Displays data as a state listing
    Compare Compares data from different acquisitions and highlights differences
    Source code Displays time-correlated source code and inverse assembly simultaneously in a split display
    Define the trigger event by simply clicking on a line of source code
    Obtain source-code-level views of dynamically loaded software or code moved from ROM to RAM during a boot-up sequence using address offsets
    Requires access to source files via the LAN or instrument hard drive to provide source code correlation
    Source correlation does not require any modification or recompilation of your source code
    Eye scan Displays eye diagrams across all buses and signals simultaneously, allowing you to identify problem signals quickly
    Data display
    Numeric bases for data display Binary, hex, octal, decimal, signed decimal (two's complement), ASCII, symbols and processor mnemonics
    Symbolic support/object file format compatibility
    Number of symbols/ranges Unlimited (limited only by amount of virtual memory available on 16860 Series logic analyzers)
    Object file formats supported IEEE-695, Aout, Omf86, Omf96, Omf386, Sysrof, ELF/DWARF1 1, ELF/DWARF2 1, ELF/Stabs1, ELF/ Stabs2, ELF/Mdebug Stabs, TICOFF/COFF, TICOFF/Stabs
    ASCII GPA (general purpose ASCII)
    User-defined symbols Specify a mnemonic for a given bit pattern for a label or bus
    Available data/file formats
    ala Contains information to reconstruct the display appearance, instrument settings and trace data (optional) that were present when the file was created
    xml Extensible markup language for configuration portability and programmability
    csv CSV (comma-separated values) format for transferring data to other applications like Microsoft Excel
    alb Export logic analyzer data for post-processing. Alb data (module binary format) can be parsed using programming tools
    Standard analysis tools
    Filter/colorize Show, hide or color certain samples in a trace for easier identification and analysis
    Find (next/previous) Locate specific data/events in a captured trace
    1. Supports C++ name de-mangling.
    16860A Series PC characteristics
    Operating system Microsoft Windows 7 embedded (64-bit)
    Processor 3 GHz Intel i5 quad core processor
    Chipset Intel Q77
    System memory 8 GB
    Removable SSD 256 GB
    Installed on SSD Operating system, latest revision of the logic and protocol application software, optional application software ordered with the logic analyzer
    16860A Series instrument controls
    LCD touch-screen display Large 38.1-cm (15-in.) touch-screen display makes is easy to view a large number of waveforms or states
    Front-panel hot keys Dedicated hot keys for selecting run mode and disabling touch screen
    Front-panel knob General-purpose knob adjusts viewing and measurement parameters
    Keyboard and mouse USB keyboard and USB mouse
    16860A Series video display modes
    Touch-screen display standard Size: 38.1-cm (15-in.)
    Resolution: 1024 x 768
    External display Simultaneous display capability; Front panel and external
    16860A Series Interfaces
    Peripheral interfaces
    Display One 15-pin XGA connector and one DisplayPort connector
    Audio ports Line in, line out, mic in
    USB ports Two 3.0 ports on rear, two 2.0 ports on front, two 2.0 ports on rear
    Connectivity interfaces
    LAN 10Base-T, 100Base-T, 1000Base-T
    Connector RJ-45
    Interface with external instrumentation
    Trigger or arm external devices or receive signals that can be used to arm measurement hardware within the logic analyzer with trigger in/out
     Trigger in
    Input Rising edge or falling edge
    Action taken When received, the logic analyzer takes the actions described in the trigger sequence step
    Input signal level ± 6 V max
    Threshold level Selectable: ECL, LVPECL, LVTTL, PECL, TTL
    User defined (± 5 V in 50 mV increments)
    Minimum signal amplitude 200 mV
    Connector BNC
    Input resistance 3.2 kΩ nominal
    Trigger out
    Trigger Select one event from the following as the trigger out event: logic analyzer trigger, flag 1, flag 2, flag 3 or flag 4
    Mode Feedthrough
    Polarity Active high
    Output signal VOH (output high level) 2.0 V min
    VOL (output low level) 0.5 V max
    Signal load 50 Ω (For good signal quality, the trigger out signal should be terminated in 50 Ω to ground)
    Connector BNC
    External reference clock in
    10 MHz ± 0.01%
    Signal swing Minimum 200 mVp-p swing, Maximum 5 Vp-p swing
    Connector BNC
    16860A Series Physical Characteristics
    16861A, 16862A, Height 291.57 mm (11.48 in)
    16863A, 16864A Width 450.65 mm (17.74 in)  Add 1.25 inches to the width to account for probes that plug into the right side of the instrument
    Depth 456.54 mm (17.97 in)
    16861A 100 to 120 V ± 10%, 50/60/400 Hz
    100 to 240 V ± 10% 50/60 Hz
    325 W max
    16862A 100 to 120 V ± 10%, 50/60/400 Hz
    100 to 240 V ± 10% 50/60 Hz
    325 W max
    16863A 100 to 120 V ± 10%, 50/60/400 Hz
    100 to 240 V ± 10% 50/60 Hz
    325 W max
    16864A 100 to 120 V ± 10%, 50/60/400 Hz
    100 to 240 V ± 10% 50/60 Hz
    325 W max
    Weight Max net Max shipping
    16861A 12.5 kg (27.6 lbs) 23.3 kg (51 lbs)
    16862A 12.5 kg (27.6 lbs) 23.3 kg (51 lbs)
    16863A 12.5 kg (27.6 lbs) 23.3 kg (51 lbs)
    16864A 12.5 kg (27.6 lbs) 23.3 kg (51 lbs)
    Instrument operating environment
    Temperature Operating 5 °C to 40 °C
    Non-operating -40 °C to +65 °C
    Operating up to 90% relative humidity (non-condensing) at 40 °C
    Humidity Operating up to 90% relative humidity (non-condensing) at 40 °C
    Non-operating up to 90% relative humidity (non-condensing) at 65 °C
    Altitude Operating up to 4000 meters (13,000 ft)
    Non-operating up to 15300 meters (50,000 ft)
    Extra notes regarding 16860A Series:
    1. Pollution degree 2
    2. Installation category II
    3. These instruments are intended for use in an indoor lab environment
    Модели и опции
    Модели и Опции
    Цена Заказать
    Логические анализаторы 34 каналов, такт. частота до 700 МГц, длина записи до 128 МБ, 12,5 ГГц синхр.
    $21 338.75
    - шт +
    Логические анализаторы 68 каналов, такт. частота до 700 МГц, длина записи до 128 МБ, 12,5 ГГц синхр.
    $31 756.25
    - шт +
    Логические анализаторы 102 каналов, такт. частота до 700 МГц, длина записи до 128 МБ, 12,5 ГГц синхр.
    $38 000
    - шт +
    Логические анализаторы 136 каналов, такт. частота до 700 МГц, длина записи до 128 МБ, 12,5 ГГц синхр.
    $45 397.50
    - шт +

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