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Китайская компания Ceyear Technologies Co., Ltd была основана в мае 2015 года. Штаб-квартира находится в г. Циндао, провинция Шаньдун.
Компания Ceyear является крупнейшим производителем контрольно-измерительного оборудования в Китае. Продукция Ceyear широко известна и хорошо зарекомендовала себя по всему миру.
Ceyear осуществляет свою деятельность на базе многочисленных национальных исследовательских организаций, что гарантирует расширение возможностей для научно-исследовательских и опытно-конструкторских разработок, производства, испытании и… подробнее
4456 Series Digital Phosphor Oscilloscope integrates functionalities of a digital oscilloscope, a logic analyzer, a function generator, a protocol analyzer and a digital voltmeter and has many functions including waveform autoset, automatic measurement of waveform parameter, cursor measurement, histograms measurement, arithmetic operation, FFT analysis, serial protocol trigger and analysis, limit and mask test, power measurement and analysis, waveform record and replay, mixed signal analysis, arbitrarily function generator and so on.
- Five in One
- Any Acquire Phosphor
- Abundant optional sensors
- 10.1-inch screen
- Compact, Light, Portable
Oscilloscope has 350MHz-1GHz bandwidth, 5GSa/s sample rate, up to 500Mpts/CH memory depth, up to 1000,000 wfms/s Waveform capture rates. The originally developed Any Acquire Phosphor technique provides brand-new use experiences of oscilloscope for clients.
Logic Analyzer(optional)
The logic analyzer provides 16 logic channels, 2.5GSa/s sample rate and 500Mpts memory depth and makes it possibile to analysis mixed signal easily.
Function Generator(optional)
The function generator can output more than 10 types of pre-defined waveforms with the bandwidth up to 25MHz. The arbitrary waveform generator provides 16k points outputs and you can quickly generate signals you want through drawing the output waveform on the capacitance touch screen.
Protocol Analyzer(optional)
The protocol analyzer supports auto trigger, decoding and analysis of multiple protocols, like I2C, SPI, CAN, LIN, FlexRay, RS232, USB, Audio, and 1553. Serial protocol test solutions are available for embedded, vehicle, computer, audio and aviation etc.
4456 series support passive voltage probes, high voltage single-ended probes, high voltage differential probes and current probes etc, which meets your various test requirements.
4456 Series Digital Phosphor Oscilloscope integrates functionalities of a digital oscilloscope, a logic analyzer, a function generator, a protocol analyzer and a digital voltmeter and has many functions including waveform autoset, automatic measurement of waveform parameter, cursor measurement, histograms measurement, arithmetic operation, FFT analysis, serial protocol trigger and analysis, limit and mask test, power measurement and analysis, waveform record and replay, mixed signal analysis, arbitrarily function generator and so on.
- Five in One
- Any Acquire Phosphor
- Abundant optional sensors
- 10.1-inch screen
- Compact, Light, Portable
Oscilloscope has 350MHz-1GHz bandwidth, 5GSa/s sample rate, up to 500Mpts/CH memory depth, up to 1000,000 wfms/s Waveform capture rates. The originally developed Any Acquire Phosphor technique provides brand-new use experiences of oscilloscope for clients.
Logic Analyzer(optional)
The logic analyzer provides 16 logic channels, 2.5GSa/s sample rate and 500Mpts memory depth and makes it possibile to analysis mixed signal easily.
Function Generator(optional)
The function generator can output more than 10 types of pre-defined waveforms with the bandwidth up to 25MHz. The arbitrary waveform generator provides 16k points outputs and you can quickly generate signals you want through drawing the output waveform on the capacitance touch screen.
Protocol Analyzer(optional)
The protocol analyzer supports auto trigger, decoding and analysis of multiple protocols, like I2C, SPI, CAN, LIN, FlexRay, RS232, USB, Audio, and 1553. Serial protocol test solutions are available for embedded, vehicle, computer, audio and aviation etc.
4456 series support passive voltage probes, high voltage single-ended probes, high voltage differential probes and current probes etc, which meets your various test requirements.
- 1. 4 passive voltage probes
- 2. User manual
- 3. Programming manual
- 4. power cord
- 1. 4 passive voltage probes
- 2. User manual
- 3. Programming manual
- 4. power cord
model index |
Standard Model |
Economic Model |
4456C |
4456D |
4456E |
4456CM |
4456DM |
4456EM |
Vertical system |
Channels |
4 |
Bandwidth Note: >5mV/div |
350MHz |
500MHz |
1GHz |
350MHz |
500MHz |
1GHz |
Rise time |
<1ns |
<700ps |
<450ps |
<1ns |
<700ps |
<450ps |
Bandwidth limits |
20MHz、250MHz |
Input impedance |
1MΩ±1%、50Ω±1% |
Input coupling |
Input sensitivity range |
1MΩ:1mV/div~10V/div |
50Ω:1mV/div~1V/div |
Amplitude accuracy |
±3% (Note:> 5mV/div) |
Max. input voltage |
1MΩ:300Vrms、50Ω:5Vrms |
Vertical resolution
8bit |
Offset range |
±1V(1mV/div~100mV/div) |
±10V(200mV/div~1V/div) |
±100V(2V/div~10V/div) |
Channel isolation |
≥40dB |
Horizontal system |
Sample rate
5GSa/s(1ch,2ch)、2.5GSa/s(3ch, 4ch) |
5GSa/s(1ch)、2.5GSa/s(2ch)1.25GSa/s(3ch, 4ch) |
Record length
500Mpts/CH |
200Mpts/CH |
Acquisition modes |
Normal:acquire sampled values and sample value |
Peak Detect:capture glitches as narrow as 200ps |
Peak Detect:capture glitches as narrow as 800ps |
Hi Res: 11digits resolution, can reduce random noise |
Envelope:min-max envelope reflecting peak detect data over multiple acquisitions |
Average:from 2 to 512 waveforms included in average |
Roll:scroll waveforms right to left across the screen, time-base: 100ms/div~1000s/div |
Segmentation: The economical acquisition memory can be divided into 131,072 segments maximally |
Max. duration at highest sample rate
100ms |
40ms |
Maximum waveform capture rate |
Fast sample model:1,000,000 wfms/s |
Segment model:700,000 wfms/s |
Time base range |
200ps/div~1000s/div |
400ps/div~1000s/div |
Time base accuracy |
±5ppm |
Time base delay time range |
-10 divisions to 5000s |
Ch to ch deskew range |
±150ns,resolution: 400ps |
±150.4ns,resolution: 800ps |
Trigger system |
Trigger source |
analog(CH1~CH4)、EXT、digital(D0~D15)、220VAC |
Trigger modes |
Auto, normal, single |
Trigger hold off range |
6.4ns to 12.8s |
Trigger level ranges |
Int(CH1~CH4):±4 divisions |
Ext:±0.4V、exterior/10:±4V |
Trigger sensitivity |
Int(CH1~CH4):users can adjust,step by 0.1 div |
Ext:50mV、Ext /10:500mV |
Trigger types |
Zone trigger (visual trigger): Trigger on a user-defined zone drawn on the display
Edge:trigger at positive or negative edge in any channel or auxiliary input . |
Sequence:prepare at a chosen edge, trigger at a chosen time or other chosen edge of the event . |
Runt:trigger on a pulse that crosses one threshold but fails to cross a second threshold before crossing the first again. |
Pulse width:trigger on width of positive or negative pulses that are >, <, =, ≠, or inside/outside a specified period of time. pulse width range:0.8ns~10s,resolution: 0.8ns. |
Logic:trigger when any logical pattern of channels goes false or stays true for specified period of time. Any input can be used as a clock to look for the pattern on a clock edge. Pattern (AND, OR, NAND, NOR) specified for all input channels defined as High, Low, or Don’t Care. |
Setup and hold:trigger on violations of both setup time and hold time between clock and data present on any of the input. channels . |
Rise/Fall Time:trigger on pulse edge rates that are faster or slower than specified. |
Video:trigger on all lines, odd, even, or all fields on NTSC, PAL, and SECAM video signals . |
HD video(Option S03): trigger on 480p/60、576p/50、720p/50、720p/60、1080i/50、1080i/60、1080p/24、1080p/25、1080p/30. |
Measurement and analysis system |
Auto measurement |
30, of which up to eight can be displayed on-screen at any one time. Measurements include: period, frequency, delay, top drop, rise Time, fall Time, positive duty cycle, negative duty cycle, positive pulse width, negative pulse width, burst width, phase, positive overshoot, negative overshoot , peak to peak, amplitude, high, low, max, min, mean, cycle mean, RMS, cycle RMS, positive pulse count, negative pulse count, rising edge count, falling edge count, area and cycle area. |
Cursors |
Waveform and screen |
Measurement statistics |
Mean, min, max, standard deviation |
Reference levels |
User-definable reference levels for automatic measurements can be specified in either percent or units. |
Gating |
Isolate the specific occurrence within an acquisition to take measurements on, using either the screen or waveform cursors. |
Waveform histogram measurements |
A waveform histogram provides an array of data values representing the total number of hits inside of a user-defined region of the display. |
Source:CH1~CH4, REF1~REF4, math. |
Type: vertical, horizontal. |
Measurement types:12, of which up to eight can be displayed on-screen at any one time. waveform count, hits in box, peak hits, median, max, min, peak-to-peak, mean, standard deviation, sigma 1, sigma 2, sigma 3. |
Waveform mathematics |
Arithmetic:add, subtract, multiply and divide waveforms. |
Math functions:integrate, differentiate, FFT |
FFT:set FFT vertical scale to Linear RMS or dBV RMS, and FFT window to rectangular, hamming, hanning or blackman-harris. |
Advanced math:define extensive algebraic expressions including waveforms, reference waveforms, math functions, scalars, up to two user-adjustable variables and results of parametric measurements. |
Limit and mask test (Option S01) |
Incluided standard masks:ITU-T, ANSI T1.102, USB |
Mask test source:CH1~CH4 |
Limit test source:CH1~CH4、REF1~REF4 |
Mask creation:Limit test vertical tolerance from 0 to 1 division; limit test horizontal tolerance from 0 to 500 m division. Load standard mask and custom mask from text file. |
Mask scaling:lock to source on, lock to source off. |
Test criteria run unti:Minimum number of waveforms (from 1 to 1,000,000 and Infinity). The shortest time (1 s-48 h; infinity)
Violatetion threshold:1~1000000. |
Actions on test failure:stop acquisition, save screen image to file, save waveform to file,, trigger out pulse. |
Actions on test complete:trigger out pulse. |
Result display:test status, total waveforms, number of violations, violation rate, total tests, failed tests, test failure rate, elapsed time, total hits for each mask segment. |
Power measurement and analysis (Option S02) |
Power quality test: VRMS, Vcrest factor, frequency, IRMS, Icrest factor, active power, apparent power, reactive power, power factor, phase angle |
Switching loss measurement: Power loss and energy loss, including Ton, Toff, conduction, total loss |
Harmonics: THD-F, THD-R, RMS measurement, harmonic graphic display and table display |
Ripple measurement: Vripple and Iripple |
Modulation analysis: Graphic display of modulation types including +pulse width, -pulse width, period, frequency, +duty ratio and -duty ratio |
Safety operation area: Graphic display of measurement of safety operation areas of switching equipment and template test |
Measurement of dV/dt and dI/dt: Conversion rate marker measurement |
Protocol analysis
Option |
Decode channel |
1 |
Display format |
Binary, hexadecimal |
Display types |
Bus, digital, event list with time scale information. |
I2C(Option S04) |
Trigger on start, repeated start, stop, missing ACK, address, data, or address and data on I2C buses up to 10 Mb/s. |
Signal rate:≤10Mbps; Protocol type:7 digita /10 digits address |
RS232(Option S05) |
Trigger on Tx start bit, Rx start bit, Tx end of packet, Rx end of packet, Tx data, Rx data, Tx parity error, and Rx parity error up to 2Mbps. |
Signal rate:50bps~2Mbps |
SPI(Option S06) |
Trigger on start of frame, MOSI, MISO, or MOSI and MISO on SPI buses up to 10 Mb/s. |
Signal rate:≤10Mbps |
CAN(Option S07) |
Trigger on start of frame, frame type, identifier, data, identifier and data,end of frame, missing ACK, or bit stuffing error on CAN signals up to 1 Mb/s. |
Signal rate:10kbps~1Mbps |
LIN(Option S08) |
Trigger on sync, identifier, data, identifier and data, wakeup frame, sleep frame, errors, up to 100 kb/s. |
Signal rate:800bps~100kbps; Protocol standard:1.x、2.x |
FlexRay(Option S09) |
Trigger on start of frame, type of frame, identifier, cycle count, complete header field,data, identifier and data, end of frame or errors ,up to 10 Mb/s. |
Signal rate:2.5Mbps、5Mbps、10Mbps |
Audio(Option S10) |
Trigger on word select, frame sync, or data. Maximum data rate for I2S/LJ/RJ/TDM is 10 Mb/s. |
Signal rate:≤10Mbps; Protocol type:I2S、LJ、RJ、TDM |
USB(Option S11) |
Trigger on sync active, start of frame, reset, suspend, resume, end of packet, token packet, data packet, handshake packet, special packet, error. Low speed is 1.5Mbps and full speed is 12Mbps. |
Signal rate:low speed 1.5Mbps, full speed 12Mbps |
MIL-STD-1553(Option S12) |
Trigger on synchronization, word type, command word, data word, error and idle time, with a rate of 1 Mbps
Signal rate:1Mbps |
Logical analyzer
Option H01 |
Number of digital channels |
16 |
Threshold grouping |
Pod 1: D7~D0; Pod2: D15~D8 |
Threshold selection |
TTL (1.4 V), 5VCMOS (2.5 V), 3.3VCMOS (1.65 V), 2.5VCMOS (1.25 V), ECL (-1.3 V), PECL (3.7 V), user-defined |
User-defined threshold range |
±20 V, with an increment of 10 mV |
Threshold precision |
± (150 mV+3% of threshold setting) |
Maximum input voltage |
±40 V peak-peak value |
Input dynamic range |
±10 V relative to the threshold |
Minimum voltage amplitude |
400mVpp |
Maximum input switching rate |
400MHz |
Input impedance |
100 kΩ±1% |
Vertical resolution |
1bit |
Timing sample rate |
2.5GSa/s |
Memory depth |
500Mpts/CH (C/D/E) |
200Mpts/CH (CM/DM/EM) |
Minimum detection pulse width |
2ns |
Inter channel delay error |
3.2ns |
Function generator
Option H02 |
Number of channels |
1 |
Max output frequency |
25MHz |
Maximum sample rate |
200MSa/s |
Vertical resolution |
14bit |
Output impedance |
50Ω (typical value) |
Output waveform |
Standard waveform: Sine wave, square wave, oblique wave, pulse, DC, noise and arbitrary wave Built-in waveform: SinC, Exponential Rise/Decay, Gaussian, Lorentz curve and haversine curve |
Modulation |
Sine wave |
Frequency range: 0.1 Hz~25 MHz |
Harmonic distortion: -40 dBc |
Stray: -40 dBc |
Total harmonic distortion: 1% |
Signal-to-noise ratio: 40 dB |
Square wave/pulse |
Frequency range: 0.1 Hz~10MHz |
Duty ratio: 1%~99% |
Duty ratio resolution: 0.1% or 5 ns (the larger one prevails) |
Minimum pulse width: 40 ns |
Pulse width resolution: 5 ns or 4 digits (the larger one prevails) |
Ramp /triangular wave |
Frequency range: 0.1 Hz~1MHz |
Linearity: 1% |
Variable symmetry: 0~100% |
Noise |
Bandwidth: 25 MHz |
Built-in waveform frequency |
0.1 Hz~1 MHz |
Arbitrary waveform |
Waveform length: 1~16,384 |
Frequency range: 0.1 Hz~10MHz |
Frequency |
Precision: 100 ppm |
Resolution: 0.1 Hz or 4 digits (the larger one prevails) |
Amplitude |
Output range: 50 mVpp~2.5 Vpp (50Ω) |
Precision: ±[1.5% peak to peak amplitude setting +1.5% DC offset setting)+1 mV |
DC offset |
Offset range: ±1.25 V (50Ω) |
Offset resolution: 1 mV (50Ω) |
Offset precision: ±2% of the offset setting value |
Digital voltmeter |
Measurement source |
CH1、CH2、CH3、CH4 |
Measurement types |
AC RMS, DC, DC+AC RMS, frequency |
Resolution |
Digital voltmeter:4 digits |
Frequency counter:6 digits |
Display system |
Display type |
10.4 inch color LCD |
Display resolution |
1024 horizontal × 768 vertical pixels |
Graticules |
full, grid, crosshair, frame |
Touch screen |
Capacitive, supports waveform and menu operation. |
Waveform styles |
Dots, vectors, persistence. |
Display format |
Grey grade |
256 |
Waveform color |
Normal, inverted, temperature and spectral |
Language |
Chinese, English |
Brightness |
The waveform, scale and screen brightness can be freely adjusted |
Input and output ports |
USB host port |
Two ports on front and two ports on rear of instrument. |
USB device port |
One port on rear of instrument. |
LAN port |
RJ-45 connector, supports 10/100/1000 Mb/s |
Video output port |
DB-15 female connector, connect to show the oscilloscope display on an external monitor or projector. |
Auxiliary input |
Rear panel BNC, 1MΩ impedance, max. input: 300Vrms. |
Auxiliary output |
Rear panel BNC,used for trigger pulse signal output, event output of limit mask test, or built-in training signal output |
Reference input/output |
Rear panel BNC,time base systems is used for input or output of reference clock, frequency is 10MHz. |
Probe compensator |
Front panel pins, frequency is 1kHz, amplitude is approx. 3 V. |
Physical characters |
Structural style |
Portable |
Power source |
100V~240VAC、50Hz~60Hz |
Max. power consumption: 150 W |
Operating temperature |
0℃~+50℃ |
Dimensions(W×H×D) |
426mm×221.5mm×160mm |
Max. weight |
6kg |
Товар |
Модели и Опции |
Описание |
Цена | Заказать |
Модели |
Digital Phosphor Oscilloscope (4CH, 350MHz, 5GSa/s(1ch), 2.5GSa/s(4ch))
По запросу | ||
Digital Phosphor Oscilloscope (4CH, 500MHz, 5GSa/s(1ch), 2.5GSa/s(4ch))
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Digital Phosphor Oscilloscope (4CH, 1GHz, 5GSa/s(1ch), 2.5GSa/s(4ch))
По запросу | ||
Digital Phosphor Oscilloscope (4CH, 350MHz, 5GSa/s(1ch), 1.25GSa/s(4ch))
По запросу | ||
Digital Phosphor Oscilloscope (4CH, 500MHz, 5GSa/s(1ch), 1.25GSa/s(4ch))
По запросу | ||
Digital Phosphor Oscilloscope (4CH, 1GHz, 5GSa/s(1ch), 1.25GSa/s(4ch))
По запросу |
hardware options |
P3258 high voltage single-ended probe
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P8050 high voltage differential probe
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P8100 high voltage differential probe
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AP622 current probe
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AP202 current probe
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Rack mount kit
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Hard transit case
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English front panel
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P9550A voltage probe
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P9551 passive voltage probe
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P9350A passive voltage probe
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P4220 high voltage single-ended probe
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AP621 current probe
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AP622D current probe
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AP204A current probe
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PL-50 50Ω impedance adapter
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PL-75 75Ω impedance adapter
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PL-93 93Ω impedance adapter
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Logic analyzer module
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Function generator module
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P9558 high voltage single-ended probe
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Software options |
Limit mask test module
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Power analysis module
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HD video trigger module
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I2C trigger and analysis module
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RS232 trigger and analysis module
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SPI trigger and analysis module
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CAN trigger and analysis module
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Standard Package |
4 passive voltage probes
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User manual
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Programming manual
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power cord
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