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Швейцарская компания Montena Technology SA начала свою историю в 60-х годах с разработки и производства конденсаторов, осветительных ламп и высоковольтных устройств. С 80-х годов компания начинает развивать инженерную деятельность по электромагнитной совместимости (ЭМС).
В настоящее время основными направлениями деятельности компании являются проектирование, разработка, производство и установка продуктов и систем для испытания на электромагнитную совместимость (ЭМС) и имитации электромагнитного импульса от ядерного взрыва (NEMP).
Компания… подробнее
Montena MOL3000 optical link is designed for the transmission of analogue electric signals (CW and pulses) from 80 Hz to 3.5 GHz over long distance in harsh electromagnetic environment.
The input electric signal is conditioned and converted into an analogue optical signal in the transmitter module and sent to the receiver module through a fibre optic cable. The receiver module converts back the optical signal into an electrical signal. Both transmitter and receiver modules are shielded and are powered with embedded batteries. The optical signal transmission is regulated with an automatic level control that maintains precise and constant performance independently of the optical losses.
Typical frequency response
Bandwidth 80 Hz to 3.5 GHz
Montena MOL3000 optical link is designed for the transmission of analogue electric signals (CW and pulses) from 80 Hz to 3.5 GHz over long distance in harsh electromagnetic environment.
The input electric signal is conditioned and converted into an analogue optical signal in the transmitter module and sent to the receiver module through a fibre optic cable. The receiver module converts back the optical signal into an electrical signal. Both transmitter and receiver modules are shielded and are powered with embedded batteries. The optical signal transmission is regulated with an automatic level control that maintains precise and constant performance independently of the optical losses.
Typical frequency response
Bandwidth 80 Hz to 3.5 GHz
По тел.: +7 (495) 105 96 88 или
Написать нам письмо: info@micro-electronics.ru
По тел.: +7 (495) 105 96 88 или
Написать нам письмо: info@micro-electronics.ru
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Оптоволоконная линия точка-точка 80 Гц - 3,5 ГГц с фикс. КУ 0 дБ, АКБ
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