Анализаторы спектра реального времени с диапазоном частот от 1 Гц до 26,5 ГГц

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Анализаторы спектра RSA5000B Подробнее

Американская компания Tektronix была создана в 1946 году. Основатели компании Howard C. Vollum и Jack Murdock считаются изобретателями первого в мире осциллографа, умевшего осуществлять синхронизацию картинки. Компания Tektronix первая в мире сделала из осциллографа измерительный прибор, т.е. с калиброванными сетками на экране.
В 1963 году компания первой разработала технологию ЭЛТ «Direct View BistableStorage Tube (DVBST)», позволяющую запоминать осциллограмму… подробнее

Печатное руководство по быстрому включению
Руководство по применению
Руководство по программированию на CD-ROM
Шнур питания
BNC-N коаксиальный адаптер
USB клавиатура
USB мышь
Крышка на переднюю панель
Для RSA5115B: разъем N Розетка PN 131-4329-00
Для RSA5126B: разъем 3.5 мм Розетка
Стандартная гарантий: 1 год
Печатное руководство по быстрому включению
Руководство по применению
Руководство по программированию на CD-ROM
Шнур питания
BNC-N коаксиальный адаптер
USB клавиатура
USB мышь
Крышка на переднюю панель
Для RSA5115B: разъем N Розетка PN 131-4329-00
Для RSA5126B: разъем 3.5 мм Розетка
Стандартная гарантий: 1 год
Основные возможности и технические характеристики
Высокая производительность при повседневном анализе РЧ-сигналов

Анализатор RSA5000B с высокой производительностью анализа РЧ-сигналов, широким набором функций и легкодоступными стандартными элементами управления — это надёжный прибор для повседневного использования. Впечатляющая скорость свипирования в сочетании с высокой чувствительностью позволяет осуществлять качание в полосе 10 ГГц с минимальным уровнем шума -110 дБм/Гц всего за 22 секунды, поэтому для анализа всегда будут готовы множество трасс, маркеров и стандартных измерений.
Основные преимущества
- Стандартные независимые элементы управления: разрешение по полосе пропускания (RBW), разрешение слабых сигналов в присутствии помех (VBW), квазипиковый детектор, нулевой обзор
- Комплексные измерения: мощность канала, занятая полоса частот (OBW), коэффициент мощности по соседнему каналу (ACRL), паразитные сигналы, дополнительная кумулятивная функция распределения (CCDF), спектрограмма
- Одновременный просмотр событий в доменах частоты, времени и реальном времени
Анализ широкополосных сигналов — надёжные разработки

Анализатор RSA5000B обеспечивает полный и очень точный анализ сигналов. Точность позволяет повысить уровень выполняемых измерений. А полнота анализа означает уверенность в том, что будут найдены все детали.
Основные преимущества
- Анализ в широкой полосе захвата с большим динамическим диапазоном: 165 МГц с динамическим диапазоном, свободным от паразитных составляющих (SFDR) 80 дБн
- Частотный отклик в полосе 165 МГц: ±0,4 дБ, 1,5°
- Опции для WLAN, Bluetooth, ZigBee, анализа импульсов и пр.
Анализ реальных проблем в режиме реального времени: технология DPX®

Мощная архитектура реального времени анализатора обеспечивает выявление и исследование самых сложных, с трудом обнаруживаемых проблем. А усовершенствованная фирменная технология DPX® позволяет получить характеристики РЧ сигналов, практически неразличимые при использовании обычного анализатора спектра. Полностью контролируемые независимые настройки полосы (Span), RBW и VBW для отображения сигналов в реальном времени.
Основные преимущества
- Обнаружение всех сигналов с длительностью больше 434 нс со 100 %-ной вероятностью перехвата, что является лучшим в отрасли показателем
- Самый быстрый механизм быстрого преобразования Фурье: до 3,125 млн БПФ/с
- Самые полные измерения: DPX-спектр, DPX-спектрограмма, DPX-нулевой обзор
- Самые ответственные запуски: по частотной маске, плотности DPX-измерений, рантам, уровню, квалификации по времени для всех запусков
Основные возможности и технические характеристики
Высокая производительность при повседневном анализе РЧ-сигналов

Анализатор RSA5000B с высокой производительностью анализа РЧ-сигналов, широким набором функций и легкодоступными стандартными элементами управления — это надёжный прибор для повседневного использования. Впечатляющая скорость свипирования в сочетании с высокой чувствительностью позволяет осуществлять качание в полосе 10 ГГц с минимальным уровнем шума -110 дБм/Гц всего за 22 секунды, поэтому для анализа всегда будут готовы множество трасс, маркеров и стандартных измерений.
Основные преимущества
- Стандартные независимые элементы управления: разрешение по полосе пропускания (RBW), разрешение слабых сигналов в присутствии помех (VBW), квазипиковый детектор, нулевой обзор
- Комплексные измерения: мощность канала, занятая полоса частот (OBW), коэффициент мощности по соседнему каналу (ACRL), паразитные сигналы, дополнительная кумулятивная функция распределения (CCDF), спектрограмма
- Одновременный просмотр событий в доменах частоты, времени и реальном времени
Анализ широкополосных сигналов — надёжные разработки

Анализатор RSA5000B обеспечивает полный и очень точный анализ сигналов. Точность позволяет повысить уровень выполняемых измерений. А полнота анализа означает уверенность в том, что будут найдены все детали.
Основные преимущества
- Анализ в широкой полосе захвата с большим динамическим диапазоном: 165 МГц с динамическим диапазоном, свободным от паразитных составляющих (SFDR) 80 дБн
- Частотный отклик в полосе 165 МГц: ±0,4 дБ, 1,5°
- Опции для WLAN, Bluetooth, ZigBee, анализа импульсов и пр.
Анализ реальных проблем в режиме реального времени: технология DPX®

Мощная архитектура реального времени анализатора обеспечивает выявление и исследование самых сложных, с трудом обнаруживаемых проблем. А усовершенствованная фирменная технология DPX® позволяет получить характеристики РЧ сигналов, практически неразличимые при использовании обычного анализатора спектра. Полностью контролируемые независимые настройки полосы (Span), RBW и VBW для отображения сигналов в реальном времени.
Основные преимущества
- Обнаружение всех сигналов с длительностью больше 434 нс со 100 %-ной вероятностью перехвата, что является лучшим в отрасли показателем
- Самый быстрый механизм быстрого преобразования Фурье: до 3,125 млн БПФ/с
- Самые полные измерения: DPX-спектр, DPX-спектрограмма, DPX-нулевой обзор
- Самые ответственные запуски: по частотной маске, плотности DPX-измерений, рантам, уровню, квалификации по времени для всех запусков
Сведения о реестре СИ
Номер в Госреестре |
Наименование СИ |
Обозначение типа СИ |
Изготовитель |
Срок свидетельства или заводской номер |
59499-14 |
Анализаторы спектра в реальном масштабе времени |
Компания "Tektronix, Inc.", США |
24.12.2019 |
Сведения о реестре СИ
Номер в Госреестре |
Наименование СИ |
Обозначение типа СИ |
Изготовитель |
Срок свидетельства или заводской номер |
59499-14 |
Анализаторы спектра в реальном масштабе времени |
Компания "Tektronix, Inc.", США |
24.12.2019 |
All specifications are guaranteed unless noted otherwise. All specifications apply to all models unless noted otherwise.
Model overview
RSA5103B | RSA5106B | RSA5115B | RSA5126B | |
Frequency range | 1 Hz - 3 GHz | 1 Hz - 6.2 GHz | 1 Hz - 15 GHz | 1 Hz - 26.5 GHz |
Real-time acquisition bandwidth | 25 MHz, 40 MHz, 85 MHz, 125 MHz, 165 MHz | |||
Minimum Event Duration for 100% POI at 100% amplitude | 2.7 μs at 165 MHz BW (0.434 us, Opt. 300)
2.8 μs at 85 MHz BW (0.551 us, Opt. 300) 3.0 μs at 40 MHz BW (0.79 us, Opt. 300) 3.2 μs at 25 MHz BW (0.915 us, Opt. 300) |
SFDR (typical) | >75 dBc (25/40 MHz) >73 dBc (85/165 MHz) ≥ 80 dBc (Opts. B85HD, B125HD, B16xHD) | |||
Trigger modes | Free run, Triggered, FastFrame | |||
Trigger types | Power, Frequency mask, Frequency edge, DPX density, Runt, Time qualified |
Frequency related
- Reference frequency
Specification Standard Option PFR Conditions Initial accuracy at cal ± 1 x 10 -6 ± 1 x 10 -7 After 10 minute warm-up Aging per day 1 x 10 -8 1 x 10 -9 After 30 days of operation First year aging (typical) 1 x 10 -6 7.5 x 10 -8 After 1 year of operation Aging per 10 years 3 x 10 - 7 After 10 years of operation Temperature drift 2 x 10 -6 1 x 10 -7 From 5 to 40 °C Cumulative error (temperature + aging, typical) 3 x 10 -6 4 x 10 -7 Within 10 years after calibration
- Reference output level
- >0 dBm (internal or external reference selected), +4 dBm, typical
- External reference input frequency
Every 1 MHz from 1 to 100 MHz plus 1.2288 MHz, 4.8 MHz, and 19.6608 MHz.
External input must be within ± 1 x 10 -6(Std), ± 3 x 10 -7(Opt PFR) to stated input
- External reference input frequency requirements
- Spurious level on input must be < –80 dBc within 100 kHz offset to avoid on-screen spurs
- Spurious
- < –80 dBc within 100 kHz offset
- Input level range
- –10 dBm to +6 dBm
- Center frequency setting resolution
- 0.1 Hz
- Frequency marker readout accuracy
±(RE × MF + 0.001 × Span + 2) Hz
(RE = Reference frequency error)
(MF = Marker frequency (Hz))
- Span accuracy
- ±0.3% of span (Auto mode)
Trigger related
- Trigger event source
- RF input, Trigger 1 (front panel), Trigger 2 (rear panel), Gated, Line
- Trigger setting
- Trigger position settable from 1 to 99% of total acquisition length
- Trigger combinatorial logic
- Trigger 1 AND trigger 2 / gate may be defined as a trigger event
- Trigger actions
- Save acquisition and/or save picture on trigger
Power level trigger
- Level range
- 0 dB to –100 dB from reference level
- Accuracy
- For trigger levels >30 dB above noise floor, 10% to 90% of signal level
- Level ≥ –50 dB from reference level
- ±0.5 dB
- From < –50 dB to –70 dB from reference level
- ±1.5 dB
- Trigger bandwidth range
- At maximum acquisition bandwidth
- Standard (Opt. B25)
- 4 kHz to 10 MHz + wide open
- Opt. B40
- 4 kHz to 20 MHz + wide open
- Opt. B85/B16x
- 11 kHz to 40 MHz + wide open
- Trigger position timing uncertainty
- 25/40 MHz acquisition BW, 20 MHz trigger BW
- Uncertainty = ±15 ns
- 25/40 MHz acquisition BW, Max Trigger BW
- Uncertainty = ±12 ns
- 85/125/165 MHz acquisition BW, 60 MHz Trigger BW
- Uncertainty = ±5 ns
- 85/125/165 MHz acquisition BW, Max Trigger BW
- Uncertainty = ±4 ns
- Trigger re-arm time, minimum (fast frame on)
- 10 MHz acquisition BW
- ≤25 μs
- 40 MHz acquisition BW
- ≤10 μs
- 85/125 MHz acquisition BW
- ≤5 μs
- 165 MHz acquisition BW
- ≤5 μs
- Minimum event duration
- 25 MHz acquisition BW
- 25 ns
- 40 MHz acquisition BW
- 25 ns
- 85/125 MHz acquisition BW
- 6.2 ns
- 165 MHz acquisition BW
- 6.2 ns
External trigger 1
- Level range
- -2.5 V to +2.5 V
- Level setting resolution
- 0.01 V
- Trigger position timing uncertainty
- 50 Ω input impedance
- >20 MHz to 40 MHz acquisition BW:
- ±20 ns
- >40 MHz to 80 MHz acquisition BW:
- ±13.5 ns
- >80 MHz to 165 MHz acquisition BW:
- ±11 ns
- Input impedance
- Selectable 50 Ω/5 kΩ impedance (nominal)
External trigger 2
- Threshold voltage
- Fixed, TTL
- Input impedance
- 10 kΩ (nominal)
- Trigger state select
- High, Low
Trigger output
- Voltage
- Output current <1 mA
- High
- >2.0 V
- Low
- <0.4 V
Frequency mask trigger
- Mask shape
- User defined
- Mask point horizontal resolution
- <0.12% of span
- Level range
- 0 dB to –80 dB from reference level
- Level accuracy1
- 0 to –50 dB from reference level
- ±(Channel response + 1.0 dB)
- –50 dB to –70 dB from reference level
- ±(Channel response + 2.5 dB)
1For masks >30 dB above noise floor.
- Span range
- 100 Hz to 25 MHz (Opt. B25)
100 Hz to 40 MHz (Opt. B40)
100 Hz to 85 MHz (Opt. B85, B85HD)
100 Hz to 125 MHz (Opt. B125, B125HD)
100 Hz to 165 MHz (Opt. B16x, B16xHD)
- Trigger position uncertainty
- Span = 25 MHz (Opt. B25)
±13 μs (RBW ≥ 300 kHz)
±7 μs (Opt. 09)
- Span = 40 MHz (Opt. B40)
±13 μs (RBW ≥ 300 kHz)
±6 μs (Opt. 09)
- Span = 85 MHz (Opt. B85)
±10 μs (RBW ≥ 1 MHz)
±3 μs (Opt. 09)
- Span = 165 MHz (Opt. B16x)
±9 μs (RBW ≥ 1 MHz)
±3 μs (Opt. 09)
- Minimum signal duration for 100% probability of trigger at 100% amplitude
Frequency-Mask and DPX signal processing Minimum signal duration, 100% probability of intercept, Frequency-Mask and DPX density trigger (μs) 1 Span (MHz) RBW (kHz) FFT Length (points) Spectrums / sec Standard Opt. 09 Full amplitude -3 dB Full amplitude -3 dB 165 MHz 20000 1024 390,625 15.5 15.4 2.7 2.6 10000 1024 390,625 15.6 15.4 2.8 2.6 1000 1024 390,625 17.8 15.7 5.0 2.9 300 2048 195,313 23.4 16.3 13.1 6.1 100 8192 48,828 44.5 23.4 44.5 23.4 30 32768 12,207 161.9 91.7 161.9 91.7 25 32768 12,207 178.0 93.6 178.0 93.6 125 MHz 10000 1024 390,625 15.6 15.4 2.8 2.6 1000 1024 390,625 17.8 15.7 5.0 2.9 500 1024 390,625 20.2 15.9 7.4 3.1 300 2048 195,313 23.4 16.3 13.1 6.1 100 4096 97,656 44.5 23.4 34.2 13.2 30 16384 24,414 120.9 50.7 120.9 50.7 20 32768 24,414 201.9 96.5 201.9 96.5 85 MHz 10000 1024 390,625 15.6 15.4 2.8 2.6 1000 1024 390,625 17.8 15.7 5.0 2.9 500 1024 390,625 20.2 15.9 7.4 3.1 300 1024 390,625 23.4 16.3 10.6 3.5 100 4096 97,656 44.5 23.4 34.2 13.2 30 16384 24,414 121.0 50.7 121.0 50.7 20 16384 24,414 161.0 55.6 161.0 55.6 40 MHz 5000 1024 390,625 15.8 15.4 3.0 2.6 1000 1024 390,625 17.8 15.7 5.0 2.9 300 1024 390,625 23.3 16.3 10.5 3.5 100 2048 195,313 39.4 18.3 29.1 8.1 30 4096 97,656 90.4 21.8 90.4 21.8 20 8192 48,828 140.7 36.3 140.7 36.3 10 16384 24,414 281.3 72.6 281.3 72.6 25 MHz 3800 1024 390,625 16.0 15.4 3.2 2.6 1000 1024 390,625 17.7 15.7 4.9 2.9 300 1024 390,625 23.4 16.3 10.6 3.5 200 1024 390,625 27.4 16.8 14.6 4.1 Frequency-Mask and DPX signal processing (Option 300 with Option 09) Minimum signal duration, 100% probability of intercept,
Frequency-Mask and DPX density trigger (μs) 2Span (MHz) RBW (kHz) FFT Length (points) Spectrums / sec Option 300 + Option 09 Standard Option 300 + Option 09 Full amplitude -3 dB 165 MHz 20000 1024 390,625 3,125,000 0.434 0.334 10000 1024 390,625 3,125,000 0.557 0.349 1000 1024 390,625 3,125,000 2.7 0.662 300 2048 195,313 195,313 13.1 6.1 100 8192 48,828 48,828 44.5 23.4 30 32768 12,207 12,207 161.9 91.7 25 32768 12,207 12,207 178.0 93.6 125 MHz 10000 1024 390,625 3,125,000 0.551 0.348 1000 1024 390,625 3,125,000 2.7 0.662 500 1024 390,625 3,125,000 5.1 1.2 300 2048 195,313 195,313 13.1 6.1 100 4096 97,656 97,656 44.5 13.2 30 16384 24,414 24,414 120.9 50.7 20 32768 24,414 24,414 201.9 96.5 85 MHz 10000 1024 390,625 3,125,000 0.55 0.348 1000 1024 390,625 3,125,000 2.7 0.662 500 1024 390,625 3,125,000 5.1 1.2 300 1024 390,625 3,125,000 8.3 1.9 100 4096 97,656 97,656 34.2 13.2 30 16384 24,414 24,414 121.0 50.7 20 16384 24,414 24,414 161.0 55.6 40 MHz 5000 1024 390,625 3,125,000 0.79 0.377 1000 1024 390,625 3,125,000 2.7 0.663 300 1024 390,625 3,125,000 8.3 1.9 100 2048 195,313 195,313 29.1 8.1 30 4096 97,656 97,656 90.4 21.8 20 8192 48,828 48,828 140.7 36.3 10 16384 24,414 24,414 281.3 72.6 25 MHz 3800 1024 390,625 3,125,000 0.915 0.392 1000 1024 390,625 3,125,000 2.7 0.664 300 1024 390,625 3,125,000 8.3 1.9 200 1024 390,625 3,125,000 12.3 2.8
1Values displayed by the instrument may differ by 0.1μs
2Values displayed by the instrument may differ by 0.1μs
Advanced triggers
- DPX density trigger
- Density range
- 0 to 100% density
- Horizontal range
0.25 Hz to 25 MHz (Opt. B25)
0.25 Hz to 40 MHz (Opt. B40)
0.25 Hz to 85 MHz (Opt. B85, B85HD)
0.25 Hz to 125 MHz (Opt. B125, B125HD)
0.25 Hz to 165 MHz (Opt. B16x, B16xHD)
- Minimum signal duration for 100% probability of trigger
- See minimum signal duration for 100% probability of trigger at 100% amplitude table
- Frequency edge trigger
- Range
- ±(½ × (ACQ BW or TDBW if TDBW is active))
- Minimum event duration
6.2 ns (ACQ BW = 165 MHz, no TDBW, Opt. 16x)
6.2 ns (ACQ BW = 85 MHz, no TDBW, Opt. B85)
25 ns (ACQ BW = 40 MHz, no TDBW, Opt. B40)
25 ns (ACQ BW = 25 MHz, no TDBW, Opt. B25)
- Timing uncertainty
- Same as power trigger position timing uncertainty
- Runt trigger
- Runt definitions
- Positive, Negative
- Accuracy (for trigger levels >30 dB above noise floor, 10% to 90% of signal level)
±0.5 dB (level ≥ -50 dB from reference level)
±1.5 dB (from < -50 dB to -70 dB from reference level)
- Time qualified triggering
- Trigger types and source
- Time qualification may be applied to: Level, Frequency mask, DPX Density, Runt, Frequency edge, Ext. 1, Ext. 2
- Time qualification range
T1: 0 to 10 seconds
T2: 0 to 10 seconds
- Time qualification definitions
Shorter than T1
Longer than T1
Longer than T1 AND shorter than T2
Shorter than T1 OR longer than T2
- Holdoff trigger
- Range
- 0 to 10 seconds
Acquisition related
- A/D converter
- 200 MS/s, 16 bit (Option B25, B40, B85, B16x); 400 MS/s, 14 bit (Option B85, B16x); 200 MS/s and 400 MS/s, 16 bit (Opt B85HD, B125HD, B16xHD)
- Acquisition memory size
- 1 GB (4 GB, opt. 53)
- Minimum acquisition length
- 64 samples
- Acquisition length setting resolution
- 1 sample
- Fast frame acquisition mode1
- Up to 1 Million records can be stored in a single acquisition (for pulse measurements and spectrogram analysis (with option 53))
1Exact number depends on Bandwidth, Sample Rate, Acquisition time. Achieved up to 200,000 pulses
- Memory depth (time) and minimum time domain resolution
Acq. BW (max span) Sample rate (for I and Q)
Record length (Std.) Record length (Opt. 53)
Time resolution 165 MHz 200 MS/s 1.34 s 5.37 s 5 ns 85 MHz 200 MS/s 1.34 s 5.37 s 5 ns 80 MHz 100 MS/s 2.68 s 10.74 s 10 ns 40 MHz 50 MS/s 4.77 s 19.09 s 20 ns 25 MHz 50 MS/s 4.77 s 19.09 s 20 ns 20 MHz 25 MS/s 4.77 s 38.18 s 20 ns 10 MHz 12.5 MS/s 19.09 s 76.35 s 80 ns 5 MHz 6.25 MS/s 38.18 s 152.71 s 160 ns 2 MHz 1 3.125 MS/s 42.9 s 171.8 s 320 ns 1 MHz 1.563 MS/s 85.9 s 343.6 s 640 ns 500 kHz 781.25 kS/s 171.8 s 687.2 s 1.28 μs 200 kHz 390.625 kS/s 343.6 s 1374.4 s 2.56 μs 100 kHz 195.313 kS/s 687.2 s 2748.8 s 5.12 μs 50 kHz 97.656 kS/s 1374.4 s 5497.6 s 10.24 μs 20 kHz 48.828 kS/s 2748.8 s 10955.1 s 20.48 μs 10 kHz 24.414 kS/s 5497.6 s 21990.2 s 40.96 μs 5 kHz 12.207 kS/s 10955.1 s 43980.5 s 81.92 μs 2 kHz 3.052 kS/s 43980.4 s 175921.8 s 328 μs 1 kHz 1.526 kS/s 87960.8 s 351843.6 s 655 μs 500 Hz 762.9 S/s 175921.7 s 703687.3 s 1.31 ms 200 Hz 381.5 S/s 351843.4 s 1407374.5 s 2.62 ms 100 Hz 190.7 S/s 703686.8 s 2814749.1 s 5.24 ms
1In spans ≤2 MHz, higher resolution data is stored.
Displays and measurements
- Frequency views
Spectrum (amplitude vs linear or log frequency)
DPX®spectrum display (live RF color-graded spectrum)
Spectrogram (amplitude vs frequency over time)
Spurious (amplitude vs linear or log frequency)
Phase noise (phase noise and Jitter measurement) (Opt. 11)
- Time and statistics views
Amplitude vs time
Frequency vs time
Phase vs time
DPX amplitude vs time
DPX frequency vs time
DPX phase vs time
Amplitude modulation vs time
Frequency modulation vs time
RF IQ vs time
Time overview
Peak-to-Average ratio
- Settling time, frequency, and phase (Opt. 12) views
- Frequency settling vs time, Phase settling vs time
- Noise figure and gain (Opt. 14) views
Noise figure vs. frequency
Gain vs. frequency
Noise figure, gain at a single frequency
Y-factor vs. frequency
Noise temperature vs. frequency
Uncertainty calculator
Results table of all measurements
- Advanced Pulse Analysis
Pulse results table
Pulse trace (selectable by pulse number)
Pulse statistics (trend of pulse results, FFT of time trend and histogram)
Cumulative Statistics, Cumulative Histogram and Pulse-Ogram
- Digital demod (Opt. 21) views
Constellation diagram
EVM vs time
Symbol table (binary or hexadecimal)
Magnitude and phase error versus time, and signal quality
Demodulated IQ vs time
Eye diagram
Trellis diagram
Frequency deviation vs time
- Flexible OFDM analysis (Opt. 22) views
Constellation, scalar measurement summary
EVM or power vs carrier
Symbol table (binary or hexadecimal)
- Frequency offset analysis
- Signal analysis can be performed either at center frequency or the assigned measurement frequency up to the limits of the instrument's acquisition and measurement bandwidths.
- WLAN 802.11a/b/g/j/p measurement application (Opt. 23)
WLAN Power vs time, WLAN symbol table, WLAN constellation, Spectrum emission mask
Error vector magnitude (EVM) vs symbol (or time), vs subcarrier (or frequency)
Mag error vs symbol (or time), vs subcarrier (or frequency)
Phase error vs symbol (or time), vs subcarrier (or frequency)
Channel frequency response vs symbol (or time), vs subcarrier (or frequency)
Spectral flatness vs symbol (or time), vs subcarrier (or frequency)
- WLAN 802.11n measurement application (Opt. 24)
WLAN Power vs time, WLAN symbol table, WLAN constellation, Spectrum emission mask
Error vector magnitude (EVM) vs symbol (or time), vs subcarrier (or frequency)
Mag error vs symbol (or time), vs subcarrier (or frequency)
Phase error vs symbol (or time), vs subcarrier (or frequency)
Channel frequency response vs symbol (or time), vs subcarrier (or frequency)
Spectral flatness vs symbol (or time), vs subcarrier (or frequency)
- WLAN 802.11ac measurement application (Opt. 25)
WLAN Power vs time, WLAN symbol table, WLAN constellation, Spectrum emission mask
Error vector magnitude (EVM) vs symbol (or time), vs subcarrier (or frequency)
Mag error vs symbol (or time), vs subcarrier (or frequency)
Phase error vs symbol (or time), vs subcarrier (or frequency)
Channel frequency response vs symbol (or time), vs subcarrier (or frequency)
Spectral flatness vs symbol (or time), vs subcarrier (or frequency)
- APCO P25 measurement application (Opt. 26)
RF output power, operating frequency accuracy, modulation emission spectrum,
unwanted emissions spurious, adjacent channel power ratio, frequency deviation,
modulation fidelity, frequency error, eye diagram, symbol table, symbol rate accuracy,
transmitter power and encoder attack time, transmitter throughput delay, frequency deviation vs. time,
power vs. time, transient frequency behavior, HCPM transmitter logical channel peak adjacent channel power ratio,
HCPM transmitter logical channel off slot power, HCPM transmitter logical channel power envelope,
HCPM transmitter logical channel time alignment, cross-correlated markers
- Bluetooth Measurements (Opt. 27 and Opt. 31)
Peak power, average power, adjacent channel power or inband emission mask,
-20dB bandwidth, frequency error, modulation characteristics including ΔF1avg (11110000),
ΔF2avg (10101010), ΔF2 > 115 kHz, ΔF2/ΔF1 ratio, frequency deviation vs. time with packet
and octet level measurement information, carrier frequency f0, frequency offset (Preamble
and Payload), max frequency offset, frequency drift f1-f0, max drift rate fn-f0
and fn-fn-5, center frequency offset table and frequency drift table, color-coded
symbol table, packet header decoding information, eye diagram, constellation diagram,
editable limits.
- LTE Downlink RF measurements (Opt. 28)
- Adjacent Channel Leakage Ratio (ACLR), Spectrum Emission Mask (SEM), Channel Power, Occupied Bandwidth, Power vs. Time displaying Transmitter OFF power for TDD signals and LTE constellation diagram for PSS, SSS with Cell ID, Group ID, Sector ID and Frequency Error.
- EMC pre-compliance and troubleshooting Opt. 32
- EMC-EMI display, Pre-compliance Setup Wizard, Measure Ambient, Re-measure Spot, Report. Troubleshooting tools: Inspect, Harmonic Markers, Level Target, Compare Traces, Persistence display
Bandwidth related
- Resolution bandwidth
- Resolution bandwidth range (spectrum analysis)
- 0.1 Hz to 5 MHz (10 MHz with Opt. B85, 20 MHz with Opt. B16x) (1, 2, 3, 5 sequence, Auto-coupled), or user selected (arbitrary)
- Resolution bandwidth shape
- Approximately Gaussian, shape factor 4.1:1 (60:3 dB) ±3%, typical
- Resolution bandwidth accuracy
- ±0.5% (Auto-coupled RBW mode)
- Alternative resolution bandwidth types
- Kaiser window (RBW, Gaussian), –6 dB mil, CISPR, Blackman-Harris 4B window, Uniform (none) window, Flat-top (CW ampl.) window, Hanning window
- Video bandwidth
- Video bandwidth range
- 1 Hz to 10 MHz plus wide open
- RBW/VBW maximum
- 10,000:1
- RBW/VBW minimum
- 1:1 plus wide open
- Resolution
- 5% of entered value
- Accuracy (typical)
- ±10%
- Time domain bandwidth (amplitude vs time display)
- Time domain bandwidth range
- At least 1/10 to 1/10,000 of acquisition bandwidth, 1 Hz minimum
- Time domain BW shape
- 20 MHz (60 MHz, Opt. B85/B16x), shape factor <2.5:1 (60:3 dB) typical
- Time domain bandwidth accuracy
- ≤10 MHz, approximately Gaussian, shape factor 4.1:1 (60:3 dB), ±10% typical
1 Hz to 20 MHz, and (>20 MHz to 60 MHz Opt. B85/B16x), ±10%
- Minimum settable spectrum analysis RBW vs. span
Frequency span RBW >10 MHz 100 Hz >1.25 MHz to 10 MHz 10 Hz ≤1 MHz 1 Hz ≤100 kHz 0.1 Hz
Spectrum display
- Traces
- Three traces + 1 math waveform + 1 trace from spectrogram for spectrum display
- Detector
- Peak, –Peak, Average (VRMS), ±Peak, Sample, CISPR (Avg, Peak, Quasi-peak average (of logs))
- Trace functions
- Normal, Average, Max hold, Min hold, Average (of logs)
- Spectrum trace length
- 801, 2401, 4001, 8001, 10401, 16001, 32001, 64001 points
- Sweep speed (typical-mean)
RBW = auto, RF/IF optimization: minimize sweep time
- Opt. B25
- 2000 MHz/s
- Opt. B40
- 3300 MHz/s
- Opt. B85
- 8000 MHz/s (RSA5103B/RSA5106B)
- Opt. B16x
11000 MHz/s (RSA5103B/RSA5106B)
- Minimum FFT Length vs. Trace Length (Independent of Span and RBW)
Trace length (points) Minimum FFT length 801 4001 1024 8192 2401 10401 4096 16384
DPX related
- DPX® digital phosphor spectrum processing
Characteristic Performance Spectrum processing rate (RBW = auto, trace length 801) 390,625 per second Spectrum processing rate (RBW = auto, trace length 801) (Option 300 with Option 09) 3,125,000 per second for Span/RBW ratio ≤ 333 390,625 per second for Span/RBW ratio > 333 DPX bitmap resolution 201 × 801 DPX bitmap color dynamic range 233 levels Marker information Amplitude, frequency, and signal density on the DPX display Minimum signal duration for 100% probability of detection (Max-hold on) See minimum signal duration for 100% probability of trigger at 100% amplitude table Span Range (Continuous processing) 100 Hz to 25 MHz (Opt. B25)
(40 MHz with Opt. B40)
(85 MHz with Opt. B85, B85HD)
(125 MHz with Opt. B125, B125HD)
(165 MHz with Opt. B16x, B16xHD)Span range (Swept) Up to instrument frequency range Dwell time per step 50 ms to 100 s Trace processing Color-graded bitmap, +Peak, –Peak, average Trace length 801, 2401, 4001, 10401 Resolution BW accuracy (Auto-Coupled) ±0.5%
- Resolution BW Range vs. Acquisition Bandwidth (DPX®)
Acquisition bandwidth RBW (Min) RBW (Max) 165 MHz 25 kHz 20 MHz 85 MHz 12.9 kHz 10 MHz 40 MHz 6.06 kHz 10 MHz 25 MHz 3.79 kHz 3.8 MHz 20 MHz 3.04 kHz 3.04 MHz 10 MHz 1.52 kHz 1.52 MHz 5 MHz 758 Hz 760 kHz 2 MHz 303 Hz 304 kHz 1 MHz 152 Hz 152 kHz 500 kHz 75.8 Hz 76 kHz 200 kHz 30.3 Hz 30.4 kHz 100 kHz 15.2 Hz 15.2 kHz 50 kHz 7.58 Hz 7.6 kHz 20 kHz 3.03 Hz 3.04 kHz 10 kHz 1.52 Hz 1.52 kHz 5 kHz 758 Hz 760 Hz 2 kHz 0.303 Hz 304 Hz 1 kHz 0.152 Hz 152 Hz 500 Hz 0.1 Hz 76 Hz 200 Hz 0.1 Hz 30.4 Hz 100 Hz 0.1 Hz 15.2 Hz
- Residual FM
- <2 Hzp-p in 1 second (95% confidence, typical).
Phase related
- Phase noise sidebands
dBc/Hz at specified center frequency (CF)
CF = 10 MHz CF = 1 GHz CF = 2 GHz CF = 6 GHz CF = 10 GHz CF = 20 GHz Offset Typical Spec/Typical Typical Typical Typical Typical 1 kHz –128 –103/–107 –107 –104 –99 –95 10 kHz –134 –109/–113 –112 –108 –108 –106 100 kHz –134 –112/–117 –115 –114 –108 –106 1 MHz –135 –130/–139 –137 –135 –128 –125 6 MHz –140 –137/–146 –142 –147 –145 –140 10 MHz NA –137/–146 –142 –147 –147 –144
- Integrated phase (RMS), typical
Integrated from 1 kHz to 10 MHz.
Measurement frequency Integrated phase, radians 1 GHz 1.01 × 10–3 2 GHz 1.23 × 10–3 6 GHz 1.51 × 10–3 10 GHz 2.51 × 10–3 20 GHz 3.27 × 10–3 Typical phase noise performance as measured by Opt. 11.
Specifications excluding mismatch error
- Measurement range
- Displayed average noise level to maximum measurable input
- Input attenuator range
- 0 dB to 55 dB, 5 dB step
- Maximum safe input level
- Average continuous
- +30 dBm (RF ATT ≥10 dB, preamp off)
- Average continuous
- +20 dBm (RF ATT ≥10 dB, preamp on)
- Pulsed RF
- 50 W (RF ATT ≥30 dB, PW <10 μs, 1% duty cycle)
- Maximum measurable input level
- Average continuous
- +30 dBm (RF ATT: Auto)
- Pulsed RF
- 10 W (RF Input, RF ATT: Auto, PW <10 μs, 1% duty cycle repetitive pulses)
- Max DC voltage
- ±5 V
- Log display range
- 0.01 dBm/div to 20 dB/div
- Display divisions
- 10 divisions
- Display units
- dBm, dBmV, Watts, Volts, Amps, dBuW, dBuV, dBuA, dBW, dBV, dBV/m, and dBA/m
- Marker readout resolution, dB units
- 0.01 dB
- Marker readout resolution, Volts units
- Reference-level dependent, as small as 0.001 μV
- Reference level setting range
- 0.1 dB step, –170 dBm to +50 dBm (minimum ref. level –50 dBm at center frequency <80 MHz)
- Level linearity
- ±0.1 dB (0 to –70 dB from reference level)
Amplitude accuracy
- Absolute amplitude accuracy at calibration point
- ±0.31 dB (100 MHz, –10 dBm signal, 10 dB ATT, 18 °C to 28 °C)
- Input attenuator switching uncertainty
±0.3 dB (RSA5103B/RSA5106B)
±0.15 dB (RSA5115B/RSA5126B)
- Absolute amplitude accuracy at center frequency, 95% confidence1
- 10 MHz to 3 GHz
- ±0.3 dB
- 3 GHz to 6.2 GHz (RSA5106B/15B/26B)
- ±0.5 dB
- 6.2 GHz to 15 GHz (RSA5115B/26B)
- ±0.75 dB
- 15 GHz to 26.5 GHz (RSA5126B)
- ±0.9 dB
118 °C to 28 °C, Ref Level ≤ -15 dBm, Attenuator Auto-coupled, Signal Level -15 dBm to -50 dBm. 10 Hz ≤ RBW ≤ 1 MHz, after alignment performed.
Typical RSA5103B / RSA5106B 1 Frequency range Preamp OFF (95% confidence) Preamp ON (Typical) Preamp ON, 0 dB attenuation (Typical) >10 kHz to 10 MHz <1.6 -- -- >10 MHz to 2.0 GHz <1.1 <1.2 <1.5 >2 GHz to 3 GHz <1.25 <1.4 <1.6 >3 GHz to 5 GHz <1.25 <1.4 <1.4 >5 GHz to 5.5 GHz <1.3 <1.4 <1.4 >5.5 GHz to 6.2GHz <1.3 <1.4 <1.75 Typical RSA5115B / RSA5126B1 Frequency range Preamp OFF (95% confidence) Preamp ON (Typical) Preamp ON, 0 dB attenuation (Typical) >10 kHz to 10 MHz <1.6 -- -- 10 MHz to 3.0 GHz <1.3 <1.4 <1.9 >3.0 GHz to 6.2 GHz <1.3 <1.5 <1.9 >6.2 GHz to 11 GHz <1.5 <1.8 <1.9 (RSA5115B) <2.25 (RSA5126B) >11 GHz to 15 GHz <1.5 <1.8 <1.9 >15 GHz to 22 GHz <1.5 <1.8 <1.9 >22 GHz to 25 GHz <1.7 <2.0 <1.9 >25 GHz to 26.5 GHz <1.7 <2.0 <2.1
1Atten. = 10 dB, CF set within 200 MHz of VSWR frequency
Frequency response
- 18 °C to 28 °C, atten. = 10 dB, preamp off
- 10 MHz to 32 MHz (LF band)
- ±0.2 dB
- 10 MHz to 3 GHz
- ±0.35 dB
- >3 GHz to 6.2 GHz (RSA5106B)
- ±0.5 dB
- >6.2 GHz to 15 GHz (RSA5115B)
- ±1.0 dB
- >15 GHz to 26.5 GHz (RSA5115B)
- ±1.2 dB
- 5 °C to 40 °C, all attenuator settings (typical, preamp off)
- 100 Hz to 32 MHz (LF band)
- ±0.8 dB
- 9 kHz to 3 GHz
- ±0.5 dB
- 1 MHz to 3 GHz (RSA5115B/26B)
- ±0.5 dB
- >3 GHz to 6.2 GHz (RSA5106B)
- ±1.0 dB
- >6.2 GHz to 15 GHz (RSA5115B/26B)
- ±1.0 dB
- >15 GHz to 26.5 GHz (RSA5126B)
- ±1.5 dB
- 5 °C to 40 °C, (RSA5103B/RSA5106B Opt. 50) (typical, preamp on, atten.=10 dB)
- 1 MHz to 32 MHz (LF band)
- ±0.8 dB
- 1 MHz to 3 GHz
- ±0.8 dB
- >3 GHz to 6.2 GHz (RSA5106B)
- ±1.3 dB
- 5 °C to 40 °C, (RSA5115B / RSA5126B Opt. 51) (typical, preamp on, atten.=10 dB)
- 1 MHz to 3 GHz
- ±0.8 dB
- >3 GHz to 6.2 GHz
- ±1.3 dB
- >6.2 GHz to 15 GHz
- ±1.5 dB
- >15 GHz to 26.5 GHz (RSA5126B)
- ±2.0 dB
Noise and distortion
- 3rd order intermodulation distortion at 2.13 GHz 1
- RSA5103B / RSA5106B
- –84 dBc
- RSA5115B / RSA5126B
- –80 dBc
1Each signal level –25 dBm, Ref level –20 dBm, Attenuator = 0 dB, 1 MHz tone separation.
- 3rd order intermodulation distortion – typical 1
- Note: 3rd order intercept point is calculated from 3rd order intermodulation performance.
Frequency range 3rd order intermodulation distortion, dBc (typical) 3rd order intercept, dBm (typical) RSA5103B/5106B RSA5115B/5126B RSA5103B/5106B RSA5115B/5126B 10 kHz to 32 MHz (LF band) –75 –75 +12.5 +12.5 1 MHz to 120 MHz –70 –70 +10 +10 >80 MHz to 300 MHz –76 –76 +13 +13 >300 MHz to 6.2 GHz –84 –82 +17 +16 >6.2 GHz to 15 GHz -- –72 -- +11 15 GHz to 26.5 GHz -- –72 -- +11
1Each signal level –25 dBm, Ref level –20 dBm, Attenuator = 0 dB, 1 MHz tone separation.
- 3rd order intermodulation distortion (preamp ON) – typical 1
- Note: 3rd order intercept point is calculated from 3rd order intermodulation performance.
Frequency range 3rd order intermodulation distortion, dBc (typical) 3rd order intercept, dBm (typical) RSA5103B/5106B RSA5115B/5126B RSA5103B/5106B RSA5115B/5126B 1 MHz to 32 MHz (LF band) -75 -75 -12.5 -12.5 1 MHz to 120 MHz -70 -80 -15 -10 >120 MHz to 300 MHz -75 -80 -12.5 -10 >300 MHz to 3.0 GHz -80 -90 -10 -5 >3.0 GHz to 6.2 GHz -90 -90 -5 -5 >6.2 GHz to 15 GHz -- -80 -- -10 >15 GHz to 126.5 GHz -- -80 -- -10
1Each signal level –25 dBm, Ref level –20 dBm, Attenuator = 0 dB, 1 MHz tone separation.
- RSA5103B / RSA5106B 2nd harmonic distortion 1
- 10 MHz to 1 GHz
- < –80 dBc
- >1 GHz to 3.1 GHz
- < –83 dBc
1–40 dBm at RF input, attenuator = 0, preamp off, typical
- RSA5115B / RSA5126B 2nd harmonic distortion1
- 10 MHz to 500 MHz
- < –80 dBc
- >500 MHz to 1 GHz
- < –74 dBc
- >1 GHz to 3.1 GHz
- < –74 dBc
- >3.1 GHz to 7.5 GHz
- < –85 dBc
- >7.5 GHz to 13.25 GHz
- < –85 dBc
1–40 dBm at RF input, attenuator = 0, preamp off, typical
- RSA5103B / RSA5106B displayed average noise level1, preamp off
Frequency range Spec, dBm/Hz Typical , dBm/Hz LF Band (all models) 1 Hz to 100 Hz -- –129 >100 Hz to 2 kHz –124 –143 >2 kHz to 10 kHz –141 –152 >10 kHz to 32 MHz –150 –153 RF band 9 kHz to 1 MHz –108 –111 >1 MHz to 10 MHz –136 –139 >10 MHz to 2 GHz –153 –157 >2 GHz to 3 GHz –152 –156 >3 GHz to 4 GHz (RSA5106B) –151 –155 >4 GHz to 6.2 GHz (RSA5106B) –149 –153
1Measured using 1 kHz RBW, 100 kHz span, 100 averages, minimum noise mode, input terminated, log-average detector and trace function.
- RSA5115B / RSA5126B displayed average noise level, preamp off 1
Frequency range Spec, dBm/Hz Typical , dBm/Hz LF Band (all models) 1 Hz to 100 Hz –129 >100 Hz to 2 kHz –124 –143 >2 kHz to 10 kHz –141 –152 >10 kHz to 32 MHz –150 –153 RF band >1 MHz to 10 MHz –136 –139 >10 MHz to 3 GHz –152 –155 >3 GHz to 4 GHz –151 –155 >4 GHz to 6.2 GHz –149 –152 >6.2 GHz to 13 GHz –146 –149 >13 GHz to 23 GHz –144 –147 >23 GHz to 26.5 GHz (RSA5126B) –140 –143
1Measured using 1 kHz RBW, 100 kHz span, 100 averages, minimum noise mode, input terminated, log-average detector and trace function.
- Preamplifier performance (Opt. 50)
- Frequency range
- 1 MHz to 3.0 GHz or 6.2 GHz (RSA5106B)
- Noise figure at 2 GHz
- 7 dB
- Gain at 2 GHz
- 20 dB (nominal)
- Preamplifier performance (Opt. 51)
- Frequency range
- 1 MHz to 15 GHz or 26.5 GHz (RSA5115B or RSA5126B)
- Noise figure at 15 GHz
- <10 dB
- Noise figure at 26.5 GHz
- <13 dB
- Gain at 10 GHz
- 20 dB (nominal)
- Displayed Average Noise Level1, preamp on (Opt. 50)
Frequency range Specification Typical LF band 1 MHz to 32 MHz –158 dBm/Hz –160 dBm/Hz RF band 1 MHz to 10 MHz –158 dBm/Hz –160 dBm/Hz >10 MHz to 2 GHz –164 dBm/Hz –167 dBm/Hz >2 GHz to 3 GHz –163 dBm/Hz –165 dBm/Hz >3 GHz to 6.2 GHz (RSA5106B) –162 dBm/Hz –164 dBm/Hz
1Measured using 1 kHz RBW, 100 kHz span, 100 averages, minimum noise mode, input terminated, log-average trace detector and function.
- Displayed average noise level1, preamp on (Opt. 51)
Frequency range Specification Typical RF band 1 MHz to 10 MHz –158 dBm/Hz –160 dBm/Hz >10 MHz to 2 GHz –164 dBm/Hz –167 dBm/Hz >2 GHz to 3 GHz –163 dBm/Hz –165 dBm/Hz >3 GHz to 4 GHz –160 dBm/Hz –163 dBm/Hz >4 GHz to 6.2 GHz –159 dBm/Hz –162 dBm/Hz >6.2 GHz to 13 GHz –159 dBm/Hz –162 dBm/Hz >13 GHz to 23 GHz –157 dBm/Hz –160 dBm/Hz >23 GHz to 26.5 GHz –153 dBm/Hz –156 dBm/Hz
1Measured using 1 kHz RBW, 100 kHz span, 100 averages, minimum noise mode, input terminated, log-average trace detector and function.
- Residual response
- Input terminated, RBW = 1 kHz, attenuator = 0 dB, reference level –30 dBm
- 500 kHz to 32 MHz, LF band
- < –100 dBm (typical)
- 1 MHz to 80 MHz, RF band
- < –75 dBm (typical)
- >80 MHz to 200 MHz
- < –95 dBm (typical)
- >200 MHz to 3 GHz
- –95 dBm
- >3 GHz to 6.2 GHz (RSA5106B / RSA5115B / RSA5126B)
- –95 dBm
- >6.2 GHz to 15 GHz (RSA5115B / RSA5126B)
- –95 dBm
- >15 GHz to 26.5 GHz (RSA5126B)
- –95 dBm
- Image response, up to 165 MHz bandwidth
- Ref = –30 dBm, attenuator = 10 dB, RF input level = –30 dBm, RBW = 10 Hz.
- 100 Hz to 30 MHz
- < –75 dBc
- 30 MHz to 3 GHz
- < –75 dBc
- >3 GHz to 6.2 GHz (RSA5106B)
- < –70 dBc
- >6.2 GHz to 15 GHz (RSA5115B / RSA5126B)
- < –76 dBc
- >15 GHz to 26.5 GHz (RSA5126B)
- < –72 dBc
- Spurious response with signal at CF, offset ≥400 kHz1
Span ≤25 MHz (Opt. B25) Span ≤40 MHz (Opt. B40) 2 Opt. B85/B125/B16x2 Opt. B85HD, B125HD, B16xHD2 Swept spans >25 MHz Swept spans >40 MHz 40 MHz < span ≤ 160 MHz 40 MHz < span ≤160 MHz
Frequency Specification Typical Specification Typical Specification Typical Typical 10 kHz to 32 MHz (LF band) –80 dBc –85 dBc -- -- -- -- -- 30 MHz to 3 GHz –73 dBc –80 dBc –73 dBc –80 dBc –73 dBc –75 dBc –80 dBc >3 GHz to 6.2 GHz (RSA5106B / RSA5115B / RSA5126B) –73 dBc –80 dBc –73 dBc –80 dBc –73 dBc –75 dBc –80 dBc 6.2 GHz to 15 GHz (RSA5115B / RSA5126B) –70 dBc –80 dBc –70 dBc –80 dBc –70 dBc –73 dBc –80 dBc 15 GHz to 26.5 GHz (RSA5126B) –66 dBc –76 dBc –66 dBc –76 dBc –66 dBc –73 dBc –76 dBc
1RF input level = –15 dBm, Attenuator = 10 dB, Mode: Auto. Input signal at center frequency. Center Frequency > 90 MHz, Opt. B40/B85/B16x. For acquisition bandwidth 15 - 25 MHz with signals at center frequency and at ±(37.5 MHz to 42.5 MHz): 65 dBc.
2CF> 150 MHz for Opt.B40 / B85 / B16x / B85HD / B125HD / B16xHD
- Spurious response with signal at CF (10 kHz ≤ offset < 400 kHz, Span = 1 MHz)1
Frequency Typical 10 kHz to 32 MHz (LF band) –75 dBc 30 MHz to 3 GHz –75 dBc 3 GHz to 6.2 GHz (RSA5106B) –75 dBc 6.2 GHz to 15 GHz (RSA5115B / RSA5126B) –75 dBc 15 GHz to 26.5 GHz (RSA5126B) –68 dBc
1RF Input Level = –15 dBm, Attenuator = 10 dB, Mode: Auto. Input signal at center frequency. Center frequency > 90 MHz, Opt. B40/B85/B16x. For acquisition bandwidth 15 - 25 MHz with signals at center frequency and at ±(37.5 MHz to 42.5 MHz ): 65 dBc.
- Spurious response with signal at Half-IF (3.532.75 GHz)
- <–80 dBc (RF input level, –30 dBm)
- Spurious response with signal, other than CF (typical)
Frequency Span ≤25MHz, swept
spans >25MHzOpt. B40, Span ≤40MHz,
swept spans >40 MHz 1Opt. B85, 40MHz
< Span ≤ 85 MHz1Opt. B16x, 85MHz <
Span ≤ 165 MHz1, 2Opt. B85HD, B125HD, B16xHD
, 40 MHz < span ≤160 MHz11 MHz - 32 MHz (LF Band) –80 dBc -- -- -- -- 30 MHz - 3 GHz –80 dBc –80 dBc –76 dBc –73 dBc -80 dBc 3 GHz - 6.2 GHz (RSA5106B) –80 dBc –80 dBc –76 dBc –73 dBc -80 dBc 6.2 GHz - 15 GHz (RSA5115B) –80 dBc –80 dBc –73 dBc –73 dBc -80 dBc 15 GHz - 26.5 GHz (RSA5126B) –76 dBc –76 dBc –73 dBc –73 dBc -76 dBc
1CF ≥ 150 MHZ for Opt. B40 / B85 / B125 / B16x.
2-70 dBc for input signals 20 MHz above or below instrument center frequency.
- Local oscillator feed-through to input connector (attenuator = 10 dB)
< –60 dBm (RSA5103B / RSA5106B)
< –90 dbm (RSA5115B / RSA5126B)
- Adjacent channel leakage ratio dynamic range
- Measured with test signal amplitude adjusted for optimum performance (CF = 2.13 GHz)
ACLR, typical Signal type, measurement mode Adjacent Alternate 3GPP downlink, 1 DPCH Uncorrected –69 dB –70 dB Noise corrected –75 dB –77 dB
- IF frequency response and phase linearity, includes all preselection and image rejection filters1
Measurement frequency (GHz) Acquisition bandwidth Amplitude flatness (Spec) Amplitude flatness (Typ, RMS)
Phase linearity (Typ, RMS)
0.001 to 0.032 (LF band) ≤20 MHz ±0.4 dB 0.3 dB 0.5° Opt. B25 0.01 to 6.2 2 ≤300 kHz ±0.1 dB 0.05 dB 0.1° 0.03 to 6.2 ≤25 MHz ±0.3 dB 0.2 dB 0.5° Opt. B40 0.03 to 6.2 ≤40 MHz ±0.3 dB 0.2 dB 0.5° Opt. B85/B85HD 0.07 to 3.0 ≤85 MHz ±0.5 dB 0.3 dB 1.5° >3.0 to 6.2 ≤85 MHz ±0.5 dB 0.4 dB 1.5° Opt. B125/B125HD 0.07 to 6.2 ≤125 MHz ±1.0 dB 0.70 dB 1.5° Opt. B16x/B16xHD 0.07 to 6.2 ≤165 MHz ±0.5 dB 0.4 dB 1.5°
1Amplitude flatness and phase deviation over the acquisition BW, includes RF frequency response. Attenuator setting: 10 dB.
2High dynamic range mode selected.
- RSA5115B / RSA5126B IF frequency response and phase linearity
- Includes all preselection and image rejection filters 1
Measurement frequency (GHz) Span Amplitude flatness (Spec) Amplitude flatness (Typ, RMS)
Phase linearity (Typ, RMS)
6.2 to 26.5 ≤300 kHz ±0.10 dB 2 0.05 dB 0.2° 6.2 to 26.5 ≤25/40 MHz ±0.50 dB 0.40 dB 1.0° 6.2 to 26.5 ≤80 MHz ±0.75 dB 0.70 dB 1.5° 6.2 to 26.5 ≤125 MHz ±1.0 dB 0.70 dB 1.5° 6.2 to 26.5 ≤165 MHz ±1.0 dB 0.70 dB 1.5°
1Amplitude flatness and phase deviation over the acquisition BW, includes RF frequency response. Attenuator setting: 10 dB.
2High dynamic range mode selected
DPX zero-span performance
- Zero-span amplitude, frequency, phase performance (nominal)
- Measurement BW range
- 100 Hz to maximum acquisition bandwidth of instrument
- Time domain BW (TDBW) range
- At least 1/10 to 1/10,000 of acquisition bandwidth, 1 Hz minimum
- Time domain BW (TDBW) accuracy
- ±1%
- Sweep time range
100 ns (minimum)
2000 s (maximum, Measurement BW >80 MHz)
- Time accuracy
- ±(0.5% + Reference frequency accuracy)
- Zero-span trigger timing uncertainty (Power trigger)
- ±(Zero-span sweep time/400) at trigger point
- DPX frequency display range
- ±100 MHz maximum
- DPX phase display range
- ±200 degrees maximum
- DPX waveforms/s
- 50,000 triggered waveforms/s for sweep time ≤20 μs
- DPX spectrogram trace detection
- +Peak, –Peak, Avg (VRMS)
- DPX spectrogram trace length
- 801 to 10401
- DPX spectrogram memory depth
Trace length = 801: 60,000 traces
Trace length = 2401: 20,000 traces
Trace length = 4001: 12,000 traces
Trace length = 10401: 4,600 traces
- Time resolution per line
- User settable 125 µs to 6400 s
- Maximum recording time vs line resolution
- 7.5 seconds (801 points/trace, 125 μs/line) to 4444 days (801 points/trace, 6400 s/line)
Digital IQ Output (Opt. 65)
- Connector type
- MDR (3M) 50 pin × 2
- Data output
- Data is corrected for amplitude and phase response in real time
- Data format
I data: 16 bit LVDS
Q data: 16 bit LVDS
- Control output
- Clock: LVDS, Max 50 MHz (200 MHz, Opt. B85, B16x) DV (Data valid), MSW (Most significant word) indicators, LVDS
- Control input
- IQ data output enabled, connecting GND enables output of IQ data
- Clock rising edge to data transition time (Hold time)
- 8.4 ns (typical, Opt. B25 or B40), 1.58 ns (typical, Opt. B85 or B16x)
- Data transition to clock rising edge (Setup time)
- 8.2 ns (typical, Opt. B25 or B40), 1.54 ns (typical, Opt. B85 or Opt. B16x)
Zero-span analog output (Opt. 66)
- General information
- Option 66 provides for a real-time analog representation of the detected output of the analyzer. This output is available when either the DPX spectrum or DPX zero span function is used in spans up to the maximum acquisition bandwidth. The bandwidth of the analog output is adjustable using the resolution bandwidth control of the DPX spectrum analyzer, or can be made independent of the spectrum analyzer. The output is "OFF" when the instrument is in swept spectrum analyzer mode, as it does not correspond to the output of the swept output
- Connector type
- BNC - Female
- Output impedance
- On: 50 Ω, Off: 5 kΩ
- Output voltage
- Typical
1.0V @ 0 dBm input
- Output range log fidelity
- > 60 dB @ 1 GHz CF
- Output log accuracy
- ± 0.75 dB within range
- Output delay accuracy
- RF Input to Analog Out
- ± (1 μs + 10%)
- Output bandwidth
- Up to maximum RBW
- Continuous output
- Continuous output for spans up to the maximum real-time acquisition bandwidth of the instrument.
- Output reverse power protection
- ±20 V
AM/FM/PM and direct audio measurement (Opt. 10)
- Analog demodulation
- Carrier frequency range (for modulation and audio measurements)
- (1/2 × audio analysis bandwidth) to maximum input frequency
- Maximum audio frequency span
- 10 MHz
- Audio filters
- Low pass (kHz)
- 0.3, 3, 15, 30, 80, 300, and user-entered up to 0.9 × audio bandwidth
- High pass (Hz)
- 20, 50, 300, 400, and user-entered up to 0.9 × audio bandwidth
- Standard
- CCITT, C-Message
- De-emphasis (μs)
- 25, 50, 75, 750, and user-entered
- File
- User-supplied .TXT or .CSV file of amplitude/frequency pairs. Maximum 1000 pairs
- FM Modulation Analysis (Modulation Index >0.1)
- FM measurements
- Carrier Power, Carrier Frequency Error, Audio Frequency, Deviation (+Peak, -Peak, Peak-Peak/2, RMS), SINAD, Modulation Distortion, S/N, Total Harmonic Distortion, Total Non-harmonic Distortion, Hum and Noise
- Carrier power accuracy (10 MHz to 2 GHz, -20 to 0 dBm input power)
- ±0.85 dB
- Carrier frequency accuracy (deviation: 1 to 10 kHz)
- ±0.5 Hz + (transmitter frequency × reference frequency error)
- FM deviation accuracy (rate: 1 kHz to 1 MHz)
- ±(1% of (rate + deviation) + 50 Hz)
- FM rate accuracy (deviation: 1 to 100 kHz)
- ±0.2 Hz
- Residuals (FM) (rate: 1 to 10 kHz, deviation: 5 kHz)
- 0.10%
- Distortion
- 0.7%
- 43 dB
- AM modulation analysis
- AM measurements
Carrier Power, Audio Frequency, Modulation Depth (+Peak, –Peak, Peak-Peak/2, RMS), SINAD, Modulation Distortion, S/N, Total Harmonic Distortion, Total Non-harmonic Distortion, Hum and Noise
- Carrier power accuracy (10 MHz to 2 GHz, –20 to 0 dBm input power)
- ±0.85 dB
- AM depth accuracy (rate: 1 to 100 kHz, depth: 10% to 90%)
- ±0.2% + 0.01 × measured value
- AM rate accuracy (rate: 1 kHz to 1 MHz, depth: 50%)
- ±0.2 Hz
- Residuals (AM)
- 0.16%
- Distortion
- 0.13%
- 58 dB
- PM modulation analysis
- PM measurements
- Carrier Power, Carrier Frequency Error, Audio Frequency, Deviation (+Peak, -Peak, Peak-Peak/2, RMS), SINAD, Modulation Distortion, S/N, Total Harmonic Distortion, Total Non-harmonic Distortion, Hum and Noise
- Carrier power accuracy (10 MHz to 2 GHz, -20 to 0 dBm input power)
- ±0.85 dB
- Carrier frequency accuracy (deviation: 0.628 rad)
- ±0.02 Hz + (transmitter frequency × reference frequency error)
- PM deviation accuracy (rate: 10 to 20 kHz, deviation: 0.628 to 6 rad)
- ±100% × (0.005 + (rate / 1 MHz))
- PM rate accuracy (rate: 1 to 10 kHz, deviation: 0.628 rad)
- ±0.2 Hz
- Residuals (PM) (rate: 1 to 10 kHz, deviation: 0.628 rad)
- 0.1%
- Distortion
- 1%
- 40 dB
- Direct audio input
- Audio measurements
- Signal power, Audio frequency (+Peak, –Peak, Peak-Peak/2, RMS), SINAD, Modulation distortion, S/N, Total harmonic distortion, Total non-harmonic distortion, Hum and Noise
- Direct input frequency range (for audio measurements only)
- 1 Hz to 156 kHz
- Maximum audio frequency span
- 156 kHz
- Audio frequency accuracy
- ±0.2 Hz
- Signal power accuracy
- ±1.5 dB
- Residuals (Rate: 1 to 10 kHz, Input level: 0.316 V)
- 0.1%
- Distortion
- 0.1%
- 60 dB
Phase noise and jitter measurement (Opt. 11)
- Carrier frequency range
- 1 MHz to maximum instrument frequency
- Measurements
- Carrier power, Frequency error, RMS phase noise, Jitter (time interval error), Residual FM
- Residual Phase Noise
- See Phase noise specifications
- Phase noise and jitter integration bandwidth range
Minimum offset from carrier: 10 Hz
Maximum offset from carrier: 1 GHz
- Number of traces
- 2
- Trace and measurement functions
Detection: average or ±Peak
Smoothing Averaging
Optimization: speed or dynamic range
Settling time, frequency, and phase (Opt. 12)1
1Measured input signal level > –20 dBm, Attenuator: Auto
- Settled frequency uncertainty
- 95% confidence (typical), at stated measurement frequencies, bandwidths, and # of averages
Frequency uncertainty at stated measurement bandwidth Measurement frequency, averages 85 MHz 10 MHz 1 MHz 100 kHz 1 GHz Single measurement 2 kHz 100 Hz 10 Hz 1 Hz 100 averages 200 Hz 10 Hz 1 Hz 0.1 Hz 1000 averages 50 Hz 2 Hz 1 Hz 0.05 Hz 10 GHz Single measurement 5 kHz 100 Hz 10 Hz 5 Hz 100 averages 300 Hz 10 Hz 1 Hz 0.5 Hz 1000 averages 100 Hz 5 Hz 0.5 Hz 0.1 Hz 20 GHz Single measurement 2 kHz 100 Hz 10 Hz 5 Hz 100 averages 200 Hz 10 Hz 1 Hz 0.5 Hz 1000 averages 100 Hz 5 Hz 0.5 Hz 0.2 Hz
- Settled phase uncertainty
- 95% confidence (Typical), at stated measurement frequencies, bandwidths, and # of averages
Frequency uncertainty at stated measurement bandwidth Measurement frequency, averages 85 MHz 10 MHz 1 MHz 1 GHz Single measurement 1.00° 0.50° 0.50° 100 averages 0.10° 0.05° 0.05° 1000 averages 0.05° 0.01° 0.01° 10 GHz Single measurement 1.50° 1.00° 0.50° 100 averages 0.20° 0.10° 0.05° 1000 averages 0.10° 0.05° 0.02° 20 GHz Single measurement 1.00° 0.50° 0.50° 100 averages 0.10° 0.05° 0.05° 1000 averages 0.05° 0.02° 0.02°
Gain and Noise Figure (Option 14)
- Measurements (tabular)
- Noise Figure, Gain, Y-Factor, Noise Temperature, P-Hot, P-Cold
- Measurements (displays)
- Noise Figure, Gain, Y-Factor, Noise Temperature, Uncertainty Calculator
- Single frequency measurements
- When Single Frequency mode is selected, each display acts as a meter and single-value readout for each selected trace in the measurement
- Measurement configurations
- Direct, Up-Converter, Down-Converter
- Frequency modes
- Single Frequency, Swept (Center+Span or Start-Stop), Frequency Table; 1 to 999 measurement points
- Noise source
- Constant ENR or tabular entry; entry fields for noise source model and type
- Noise sources supported
- NoiseCom NC346 series and similar models from other manufacturers
- Noise source control
- +28 V switched output, rear panel
- External gain/loss tables
- 3 tables or constants available for gain or loss
- Measurement control settings
- Source settling time, reference temperature, RBW(50 Hz to 10 MHz), Average count(1 to 100)
- Instrument input control settings
- Attenuator value, Preamp On/Off
- Trace controls
- 3 traces per display: Ave(VRMS), Max-hold, Min-hold trace functions
- Display scaling
- Auto or manual: Auto resets scale after each measurement
- Markers
- Up to 5 markers on any trace; Absolute and Delta marker functions
- Limit mask testing
- Positive and negative limits may be applied to noise figure, gain, Y-factor traces; limits and Pass/Fail indicated on screen
- Uncertainty calculator
- Provides noise figure and gain measurement uncertainty based on user-entered values for ENR, external preamp, external preamp, and spectrum analyzer parameters
- Application preset for Noise Figure and Gain
- Sets the analyzer to measure Gain, Noise Figure, and the Measurement Table. Sets attenuation to zero, preamplifier ON, and acquisition mode to best for minimum noise
- Performance
Specification Description Frequency range 10 MHz to maximum frequency of instrument (nominal) Noise figure measurement range 0 to 30 dB (nominal) Gain measurement range -10 to 30 dB (nominal) Noise figure and gain measurement resolution 0.01 dB (nominal) Noise figure measurement error ±0.1 dB (typical) 1 Gain measurement error ±0.1 dB (typical) 1 Note: These conditions for Noise Figure and Gain specifications apply: Operating temperature 18 to 28 deg. C, after 20 minute warmup with internal preamp ON, immediately after internal alignment. Specified error includes only the error of the spectrum analyzer. Uncertainty from errors in ENR source level, external amplifier gain, low SN ratio and measurement system mismatch are not included, and can all be estimated using the uncertainty calculator included in the software.
1For (ENR of noise source) > (measured noise figure + 4 dB)
Pulse measurements (Opt. 20)
- Measurements
- Average on power, Peak power, Average transmitted power, Pulse width, Rise time, Fall time, Repetition interval (seconds), Repetition rate (Hz), Duty factor (%), Duty factor (ratio), Ripple (dB), Ripple (%), Droop (dB), Droop (%), Overshoot (dB), Overshoot (%), Pulse frequency, Delta frequency, Pulse-Ref Pulse frequency difference, Pulse-Ref Pulse Phase difference, Pulse-Pulse frequency difference, Pulse-Pulse phase difference, RMS frequency error, Max frequency error, RMS phase error, Max phase error, Frequency deviation, Phase deviation, Impulse response (dB), Impulse response (time), Time stamp
- Minimum pulse width for detection
- 150 ns (Opt. B25/B40), 50 ns (Opt. B85/B16x)
- Number of pulses1
- 1 to 200,000; offline analysis of more than 40,000 continuous pulses is recommended using fast frame mode and fast save option
1Actual number depends on time length, pulse bandwidth and instrument configuration.
- System rise time (typical)
- <40 ns (Opt. B25), <25 ns (Opt. B40), <12 ns (Opt. B85), <7 ns (Opt. B16x)
- Pulse measurement accuracy
- Signal conditions: Unless otherwise stated, Pulse width >450 ns (150 ns, Opt. B85/B16x), S/N Ratio ≥30 dB, Duty cycle 0.5 to 0.001, Temperature 18 °C to 28 °C
- Impulse response
Measurement range: 15 to 40 dB across the width of the chirp
Measurement accuracy (typical): ±2 dB for a signal 40 dB in amplitude and delayed 1% to 40% of the pulse chirp width1
1Chirp width 100 MHz, pulse width 10 μs, minimum signal delay 1% of pulse width or 10/(chirp bandwidth), whichever is greater, and minimum 2000 sample points during pulse on-time.
- Impulse response weighting
- Taylor window
Pulse measurement performance
- Pulse amplitude and timing (typical)
- Average on power1
- ±0.3 dB + Absolute amplitude accuracy
- Average transmitted power1
- ±0.4 dB + Absolute amplitude accuracy
- Peak power1
- ±0.4 dB + Absolute amplitude accuracy
- Pulse width
- ±0.25% of reading
- Duty factor
- ±0.2% of reading
1Pulse width >300 ns (100 ns, Opt. B85/B16x) SNR ≥30 dB
- Frequency and phase error referenced to nonchirped signal
- At stated frequencies and measurement bandwidths 1, typical, 95% confidence
Bandwidth CF RMS frequency error Pulse to pulse frequency Pulse to pulse delta frequency Pulse to pulse phase 25 MHz 2 GHz ±2.5 kHz ±15 kHz ±500 Hz ±0.2° 10 GHz ±2.5 kHz ±20 kHz ±1.5 kHz ±0.5° 20 GHz ±3.5 kHz ±25 kHz ±2 kHz ±0.8° 40 MHz 2 GHz ±3.5 kHz ±20 kHz ±1 kHz ±0.2° 10 GHz ±5 kHz ±30 kHz ±2 kHz ±0.5° 20 GHz ±7.5 kHz ±40 kHz ±3 kHz ±0.8° 60 MHz 2 GHz ±8 kHz ±50 kHz ±1.5 kHz ±0.3° 10 GHz ±15 kHz ±75 kHz ±3 kHz ±0.5° 20 GHz ±20 kHz ±100 kHz ±4 kHz ±0.8° 85 MHz 2 GHz ±15 kHz ±100 kHz ±2 kHz ±0.3° 10 GHz ±20 kHz ±125 kHz ±3 kHz ±0.5° 20 GHz ±25 kHz ±175 kHz ±4 kHz ±0.8° 160 MHz 2 GHz ±20 kHz ±100 kHz ±4.5 kHz ±0.3° 10 GHz ±25 kHz ±125 kHz ±6 kHz ±0.5° 20 GHz ±40 kHz ±175 kHz ±8 kHz ±0.8°
1Pulse ON Power ≥ -20 dBm, Signal peak at reference Level, Attenuator = Auto, tmeas- treference≤ 10 ms, Frequency estimation: Manual. Pulse-to-Pulse measurement time position excludes the beginning and ending of the pulse extending for a time = (10 / Measurement BW) as measured from 50% of the t(rise)or t(fall). Absolute frequency error determined over center 50% of pulse.
- Frequency and phase error referenced to a linear chirp
- At stated frequencies and measurement bandwidths 1, typical
Bandwidth CF RMS frequency error Pulse to pulse frequency Pulse to pulse phase 25 MHz 2 GHz ±5 kHz ±15 kHz ±0.25° 10 GHz ±8 kHz ±20 kHz ±0.5° 20 GHz ±10 kHz ±25 kHz ±0.8° 40 MHz 2 GHz ±5 kHz ±20 kHz ±0.25° 10 GHz ±8 kHz ±30 kHz ±0.5° 20 GHz ±10 kHz ±50 kHz ±0.8° 60 MHz 2 GHz ±25 kHz ±125 kHz ±0.3° 10 GHz ±30 kHz ±150 kHz ±0.5° 20 GHz ±30 kHz ±150 kHz ±0.8° 85 MHz 2 GHz ±25 kHz ±125 kHz ±0.3° 10 GHz ±30 kHz ±150 kHz ±0.5° 20 GHz ±30 kHz ±175 kHz ±0.8° 160 MHz 2 GHz ±35 kHz ±125 kHz ±0.3° 10 GHz ±40 kHz ±150 kHz ±0.5° 20 GHz ±40 kHz ±200 kHz ±0.8°
1Signal type: Linear chirp, Peak-to-Peak chirp deviation: ≤0.8 Measurement BW, Pulse ON Power ≥ -20 dBm, Signal peak at reference Level, Attenuator = 0 dB, tmeas- treference≤ 10 ms, Frequency estimation: Manual. Pulse-to-Pulse measurement time position excludes the beginning and ending of the pulse extending for a time = (10 / Measurement BW) as measured from 50% of the t(rise)or t(fall). Absolute frequency error determined over center 50% of pulse.
Digital modulation analysis (Opt. 21)
- Modulation formats
- π/2DBPSK, BPSK, SBPSK, QPSK, DQPSK, π/4DQPSK, D8PSK, D16PSK, 8PSK, OQPSK, SOQPSK, CPM, 16/32-APSK, 16/32/64/128/256QAM, MSK, GMSK, 2-FSK, 4-FSK, 8-FSK, 16-FSK, C4FM
- Analysis period
- Up to 81,000 samples
- Filter types
- Measurement filters
- Square-root raised cosine, Raised cosine, Gaussian, Rectangular, IS-95, IS-95 EQ, C4FM-P25, Half-sine, None, User defined
- Reference filters
- Raised cosine, Gaussian, Rectangular, IS-95, SBPSK-MIL, SOQPSK-MIL, SOQPSK-ARTM, none, user defined
- Alpha/B*T range
- 0.001 to 1, 0.001 step
- Measurements
Constellation, Error vector magnitude (EVM) vs. Time, Modulation error ratio (MER), Magnitude error vs. Time, Phase error vs. Time, Signal quality, Symbol table, Rho
FSK only: Frequency deviation, Symbol timing error
- Symbol rate range
- 1 kS/s to 100 MS/s (modulated signal must be contained entirely within acquisition BW of the instrument)
- QPSK residual EVM1
- 100 kHz symbol rate
- <0.35%
- 1 MHz symbol rate
- <0.35%
- 10 MHz symbol rate
- <0.4%
- 30 MHz symbol rate (Opt. B40/B85/B16x)
- <0.75%
- 60 MHz symbol rate (Opt. B85/B16x)
- <1.0%
- 120 MHz symbol rate (Opt. B16x)
- <1.5%
1CF = 2 GHz, Measurement filter = Root raised cosine, Reference filter = Raised cosine, Analysis length = 200 symbols.
- Offset QPSK residual EVM 1
- 100 kHz symbol rate, 200 kHz measurement BW
- <0.5%
- 1 MHz symbol rate, 2 MHz measurement BW
- <0.5%
- 10 MHz symbol rate, 20 MHz measurement BW
- <1.1%
1CF = 2 GHz, Measurement filter = Root raised cosine, Reference filter = Raised cosine, Analysis length = 200 symbols.
- 256 QAM residual EVM1
- 10 MHz symbol rate
- <0.4%
- 30 MHz symbol rate (Opt. B40/B85/B16x)
- <0.6%
- 60 MHz symbol rate (Opt. B85/B16x)
- <0.6%
- 120 MHz symbol rate (Opt. B16x)
- <1.0%
1CF = 2 GHz, Measurement filter = Root raised cosine, Reference filter = Raised cosine, Analysis length = 400 symbols 20 averages.
- S-OQPSK (MIL) residual EVM1
- 4 kHz symbol rate, 64 kHz measurement bandwidth, CF = 250 MHz
- <0.3%
- 20 kHz symbol rate, 320 kHz measurement bandwidth, CF = 2 GHz
- <0.5%
- 100 kHz symbol rate, 1.6 MHz measurement bandwidth, CF = 2 GHz
- <0.5%
- 1 MHz symbol rate, 16 MHz measurement bandwidth, CF = 2 GHz
- <0.5%
1Reference Filter: MIL STD Measurement Filter: none.
- S-OQPSK (ARTM) residual EVM 1
- 4 kHz symbol rate, 64 kHz measurement bandwidth, CF = 250 MHz
- <0.3%
- 20 kHz symbol rate, 320 kHz measurement bandwidth, CF = 2 GHz
- <0.4%
- 100 kHz symbol rate, 1.6 MHz measurement bandwidth, CF = 2 GHz
- <0.4%
- 1 MHz symbol rate, 16 MHz measurement bandwidth, CF = 2 GHz
- <0.4%
1Reference Filter: MIL STD Measurement Filter: none.
- S-BPSK (MIL) residual EVM1
- 4 kHz symbol rate, 64 kHz measurement bandwidth, CF = 250 MHz
- <0.25%
- 20 kHz symbol rate, 320 kHz measurement bandwidth, CF = 2 GHz
- <0.5%
- 100 kHz symbol rate, 1.6 MHz measurement bandwidth, CF = 2 GHz
- <0.5%
- 1 MHz symbol rate, 1.6 MHz measurement bandwidth, CF = 2 GHz
- <0.5%
1Reference Filter: MIL STD.
- CPM (MIL) residual EVM1
- 4 kHz symbol rate, 64 kHz measurement bandwidth, CF = 250 MHz
- <0.3%
- 20 kHz symbol rate, 320 kHz measurement bandwidth, CF = 2 GHz
- <0.4%
- 100 kHz symbol rate, 1.6 MHz measurement bandwidth, CF = 2 GHz
- <0.4%
- 1 MHz symbol rate, 16 MHz measurement bandwidth, CF = 2 GHz
- <0.4%
1Reference Filter: MIL STD.
- 2/4/8/16 FSK residual RMS FSK error1
- 2FSK, 10 kHz symbol rate, 10 kHz frequency deviation, CF = 2 GHz
- <0.3%
- 4/8/16FSK, 10 kHz symbol rate, 10 kHz frequency deviation, CF = 2 GHz
- <0.4%
1Reference filter: None, Measurement filter: None.
Adaptive equalizer
- Type
- Linear, decision-directed, feed-forward (FIR) equalizer with co-efficient adaptation and adjustable convergence rate
- Modulation types supported
- BPSK, QPSK, OQPSK, π/2DBPSK, π/4DQPSK, 8PSK, 8DPSK, 16DPSK, 16/32/64/128/256QAM
- Reference filters for all modulation types except OQPSK
- Raised cosine, rectangular, none
- Reference filters for OQPSK
- Raised cosine, half sine
- Filter length
- 3 to 2001 taps
- Taps/Symbol: raised cosine, half sine
- 1, 2, 4, 8
- Taps/Symbol: rectangular filter, no filter
- 1
- Equalizer controls
- Off, train, hold, reset
Flexible OFDM (Opt. 22)
- Recallable standards
- WiMAX 802.16-2004, WLAN 802.11 a/g/j
- Parameter settings
- Guard interval, subcarrier spacing, channel bandwidth
- Advanced parameter settings
Carrier detect: 802.11, 802.16-2004 - Auto-detect; Manual select BPSK; QPSK, 16QAM, 64QAM
Channel estimation: Preamble, Preamble + Data
Pilot tracking: Phase, Amplitude, Timing
Frequency correction: On, Off
- Summary measurements
Symbol clock error, Frequency error, Average power, Peak-to-Average, CPE
EVM (RMS and peak) for all carriers, plot carriers, data carriers
OFDM parameters: Number of carriers, Guard interval (%), Subcarrier spacing (Hz), FFT Length
Power (Average, Peak-to-Average)
- Displays
EVM vs symbol, vs subcarrier
Subcarrier power vs symbol, vs subcarrier
Mag error vs symbol, vs subcarrier
Phase error vs symbol, vs subcarrier
Channel frequency response
- Residual EVM
-49 dB (WiMAX 802.16-2004, 5 MHz BW)
-49 dB (WLAN 802.11g, 20 MHz BW)
Signal input power optimized for best EVM
WLAN IEEE802.11a/b/g/j/p (Opt. 23)
- Modulation formats
- Measurements and displays
Burst index, Burst power, Peak to average burst power, IQ origin offset, Frequency error, Common pilot error, Symbol clock error
RMS and Peak EVM for Pilots/Data, Peak EVM located per symbol and subcarrier
Packet header format information
Average power and RMS EVM per section of the header
WLAN power vs time, WLAN symbol table, WLAN constellation
Spectrum emission mask, spurious
Error vector magnitude (EVM) vs symbol (or time), vs subcarrier (or frequency)
Mag error vs symbol (or time), vs subcarrier (or frequency)
Phase error vs symbol (or time), vs subcarrier (or frequency)
WLAN channel frequency response vs symbol (or time), vs subcarrier (or frequency)
WLAN spectral flatness vs symbol (or time), vs subcarrier (or frequency)
- Residual EVM - 802.11b (CCK-11 Mbps)
- RMS-EVM over 1000 chips, EQ On
Signal input power optimized for best EVM
- 2.4 GHz:
- 1%(–40 dB) typical, 0.9% (–40.9 dB) typical-mean
- Residual EVM - 802.11a/g/j (OFDM, 20 MHz, 64-QAM)
- RMS-EVM averaged over 20 bursts, 16 symbols each
Signal input power optimized for best EVM
- 2.4 GHz
- –49 dB typical, –50 dB typical-mean
- 5.8 GHz
- –49 dB typical, –50 dB typical-mean
WLAN IEEE802.11n (Opt. 24)
- Modulation formats
- OFDM (BPSK, QPSK, 16 or 64QAM)
- Measurements and displays
Burst index, Burst power, Peak to average burst power, IQ origin offset, Frequency error, Common pilot error, Symbol clock error
RMS and Peak EVM for Pilots/Data, Peak EVM located per symbol and subcarrier
Packet header format information
Average power and RMS EVM per section of the header
WLAN power vs time, WLAN symbol table, WLAN constellation
Spectrum emission mask, spurious
Error vector magnitude (EVM) vs symbol (or time), vs subcarrier (or frequency)
Mag error vs symbol (or time), vs subcarrier (or frequency)
Phase error vs symbol (or time), vs subcarrier (or frequency)
WLAN channel frequency response vs symbol (or time), vs subcarrier (or frequency)
WLAN spectral flatness vs symbol (or time), vs subcarrier (or frequency)
- Residual EVM - 802.11n (40 MHz, 64-QAM)
- RMS-EVM over averaged over 20 bursts, 16 symbols each
Signal input power optimized for best EVM
- 5.8 GHz
- –48 dB typical, –48.5 dB typical-mean
WLAN IEEE802.11ac (Opt. 25)
- Modulation formats
- Measurements and displays
Burst index, Burst power, Peak to average burst power, IQ origin offset, Frequency error, Common pilot error, Symbol clock error
RMS and Peak EVM for Pilots/Data, Peak EVM located per symbol and subcarrier
Packet header format information
Average power and RMS EVM per section of the header
WLAN power vs time, WLAN symbol table, WLAN constellation
Spectrum emission mask, spurious
Error vector magnitude (EVM) vs symbol (or time), vs subcarrier (or frequency)
Mag error vs symbol (or time), vs subcarrier (or frequency)
Phase error vs symbol (or time), vs subcarrier (or frequency)
WLAN channel frequency response vs symbol (or time), vs subcarrier (or frequency)
WLAN spectral flatness vs symbol (or time), vs subcarrier (or frequency)
- Residual EVM - 802.11ac
- RMS-EVM averaged over 20 bursts, 16 symbols each
Signal input power optimized for best EVM
- 5.8 GHz (80 MHz, 256-QAM)
- –48 dB typical, –48.5 dB typical-mean
- 5.8 GHz (160 MHz, 256-QAM)
- –45 dB typical, –45.5 dB typical-mean
EMC pre-compliance and troubleshooting (Opt. 32)
- EMC pre-compliance and troubleshooting
- Standards
- EN55011, EN55012, EN55013, EN55014, EN55015, EN55025, EN55032, EN60601, DEF STAN, FCC Part 15, FCC Part18, MIL-STD 461G
- Features
- EMC-EMI display, Wizard to setup accessories and limit lines, Inspect, Harmonic Markers, Level Target, Compare Traces, Measure Ambient, Report generation, Re-measure Spot
- Detectors
+Peak, Avg, Avg (of logs), Avg (VRMS), CISPR QuasiPeak, CISPR Peak, CISPR Average, CISPR Average of Logs, MIL +Peak, DEF STAN Avg, DEF STAN Peak
- Limit lines
- Up to 3 Limit Lines with corresponding margins
- Resolution BW
- Set per standard or user definable
- Dwell time
- Set per standard or user definable
- Report format
- PDF, HTML, MHT,RTF, XLSX, Image File format
- Accessory type
- Antenna, Near Field Probe, Cable, Amplifier, Limiter, Attenuator, Filter, Other
- Correction format
- Gain/Loss Constant, Gain/loss table, Antenna Factor
- Traces
- Save/recall up to 5 traces, Math trace (trace1 minus trace2), Ambient trace
APCO P25 (Option 26)
- Modulation formats
- Phase 1 (C4FM), Phase 2 (HCPM, HDQPSK)
- Measurements and displays
- RF output power, operating frequency accuracy, modulation emission spectrum,
unwanted emissions spurious, adjacent channel power ratio, frequency deviation,
modulation fidelity, frequency error, eye diagram, symbol table, symbol rate accuracy,
transmitter power and encoder attack time, transmitter throughput delay, frequency
deviation vs. time, power vs. time, transient frequency behavior, HCPM transmitter logical
channel peak adjacent channel power ratio, HCPM transmitter logical channel off slot power,
HCPM transmitter logical channel power envelope, HCPM transmitter logical channel time alignment
- Residual modulation fidelity
- Phase 1 (C4FM)
- ≤1.0% typical
- Phase 2 (HCPM)
- ≤0.5% typical
- Phase 2 (HDQPSK)
- ≤0.4% typical
- Adjacent channel power ratio 1
- 25 kHz offset from the center and bandwidth of 6 kHz
Phase 1 (C4FM): -74 dBc typical
Phase 2 (HCPM): -74 dBc typical
Phase 2 (HDQPSK): -75 dBc typical
- 62.5 kHz offset from the center and bandwidth of 6 kHz
- -75 dBc typical
1Measured with test signal amplitude adjusted for optimum performance if necessary. Measured with Averaging, 10 waveforms.
Bluetooth (Options 27 and 31)
- Basic Rate, Bluetooth Low Energy, Enhanced Data Rate - Revision 4.2, Bluetooth® 5 when option 31 is enabled
- Measurements and displays
Peak power, average power, adjacent channel power or inband emission mask,
-20 dB bandwidth, frequency error, modulation characteristics including ΔF1avg (11110000),
ΔF2avg (10101010), ΔF2 > 115 kHz, ΔF2/ΔF1 ratio, frequency deviation vs. time with packet and octet
level measurement information, carrier frequency f0, frequency offset (Preamble and Payload), max
frequency offset, frequency drift f1-f0, max drift rate fn-f0and fn-fn-5, center frequency
offset table and frequency drift table, color-coded symbol table, packet header decoding information,
eye diagram, constellation diagram
- Output power (average and peak)
- Level uncertainty
- Refer to instrument amplitude and flatness specification
- Measurement range
- > -70 dBm
- Modulation characteristics (ΔF1avg, ΔF2avg, ΔF2avg/ ΔF1avg, ΔF2max ≥115 kHz)
- Deviation range
- ± 280 kHz
- Deviation uncertainty (at 0 dBm)
- < 2 kHz + instrument freq. uncertainty
- Measurement resolution
- 10 Hz
- Measurement range
- Nominal channel frequency ±100 kHz
- Initial Carrier Frequency Tolerance (ICFT)
- Measurement uncertainty (at 0 dBm)
- <1 kHz + instrument frequency uncertainty
- Measurement resolution
- 10 Hz
- Measurement range
- Nominal channel frequency ±100 kHz
- Carrier frequency drift
- Supported measurements
Max freq. offset, drift f1- f0, max drift fn-f0, max drift fn-fn-5(50 μs)
- Measurement uncertainty
- < 1 kHz + instrument frequency uncertainty
- Measurement resolution
- 10 Hz
- Measurement range
- Nominal channel frequency ±100 kHz
- In-band emissions and ACP
- Level uncertainty
- Refer to instrument amplitude and flatness specification
LTE Downlink RF measurements (Opt. 28)
- Standard Supported
- 3GPP TS 36.141 Version 12.5
- Frame Format supported
- FDD and TDD
- Measurements and Displays Supported
- Adjacent Channel Leakage Ratio (ACLR), Spectrum Emission Mask (SEM), Channel Power, Occupied Bandwidth, Power vs. Time showing Transmitter OFF power for TDD signals and LTE constellation diagram for PSS, SSS with Cell ID, Group ID, Sector ID and Frequency Error.
- ACLR with E-UTRA bands (Nominal, with Noise Correction)
- 1st Adjacent Channel
73 dB
- 2nd Adjacent Channel
74 dB
Mapping and field strength (Option MAP)
- RF field strength
- Signal strength indicator
- Located at right-side of display
- Measurement bandwidth
- Up to 165 MHz, dependent on span and RBW setting
- Tone type
- Variable frequency
- Mapping
- Map types directly supported
- Pitney Bowes MapInfo (*.mif), Bitmap (*.bmp), Open Street Maps (.osm)
- Saved measurement results
Measurement data files (exported results)
Map file used for the measurements
Google earth KMZ file
Recallable results files (trace and setup files)
MapInfo-compatible MIF/MID files
Analog modulation analysis accuracy (typical)
- AM
- ±2% (0 dBm input at center, carrier frequency 1 GHz, 10 to 60% modulation depth)
- FM
±1% of span
(0 dBm input at center)
(Carrier frequency 1 GHz, 400 Hz/1 kHz Input/Modulated frequency)
- PM
(0 dBm input at center)
(Carrier frequency 1 GHz, 1 kHz/5 kHz Input/Modulated frequency)
Inputs and outputs
- Front panel
- Display
- Touch panel, 10.4 in. (264 mm)
- RF input connector
- N-type female, 50 Ω (RSA5103B, RSA5106B)
N-Type Female Planar Crown (RSA5115B)
3.5mm Female Planar Crown (RSA5126B)
- Trigger out
- BNC, High: >2.0 V, Low: <0.4 V, Output current 1 mA (LVTTL)
- Trigger in
- BNC, 50 Ω/5 kΩ impedance (nominal), ±5 V max input, -2.5 V to +2.5 V trigger level
- USB ports
- (2) USB 2.0
- Audio
- Speaker
- Rear panel
- 10 MHz REF OUT
- 50 Ω, BNC, >0 dBm
- External REF IN
- 50 Ω, 10 MHz, BNC
- Trig 2 / gate IN
- BNC, High: 1.6 to 5.0 V, Low: 0 to 0.5 V
- GPIB interface
- IEEE 488.2
- LAN interface ethernet
- RJ45, 10/100/1000BASE-T
- USB ports
- (2) USB 2.0
- VGA output
- VGA compatible, 15 DSUB
- Audio out
- 3.5 mm headphone jack
- Noise source drive
- BNC, +28 V, 140 mA (nominal)
- Digital I and Q out
- 2 connectors, LVDS (Opt. 65)
- Analog Zero Span Out
- 1 connector, BNC (Opt. 66)
General characteristics
- Temperature range
- Operating
- +5 °C to +40 °C
- Storage
- –20 °C to +60 °C
- Warm-up time
- 20 minutes
- Altitude
- Operating
- Up to 3000 m (approximately 10,000 ft.)
- Nonoperating
- Up to 12,190 m (40,000 ft.)
- Relative humidity
- Operating and nonoperating
- +40 °C at 95% relative humidity, meets intent of EN 60068-2-30. 1
1Frequency amplitude response may vary up to ±3 dB at +40 °C and greater than 45% relative humidity.
- Vibration
- Operating (except when equipped with option 56 removable SSD)
- 0.22GRMS . Profile = 0.00010 g2 /Hz at 5-350 Hz, -3 dB/Octave slope from 350-500 Hz, 0.00007 g2 /Hz at 500 Hz, 3 Axes at 10 min/axis
- Nonoperating
- 2.28GRMS . Profile = 0.0175 g2 /Hz at 5-100 Hz, -3 dB/Octave slope from 100-200 Hz, 0.00875 g2 /Hz at 200-350 Hz,-3 dB/Octave slope from 350-500 Hz, 0.006132 g2 /Hz at 500 Hz, 3 Axes at 10 min/axis
- Shock
- Operating
- 15 G, half-sine, 11 ms duration, three shocks per axis in each direction (18 shocks total)
- Nonoperating
- 30 G, half-sine, 11 ms duration, three shocks per axis in each direction (18 shocks total)
- Data storage
- Internal HDD (Opt. 59), USB ports, removable SSD (Opt. 56)
- Power requirements
90 VACto 264 VAC, 50 Hz to 60 Hz
90 VACto 132 VAC, 400 Hz
- Power consumption
- 400 W max
EMC and safety compliance
- Safety
UL 61010-1:2004
CSA C22.2 No.61010-1-04
- Electromagnetic compatibility, complies with
EU council EMC Directive 2004/108/EC
EN61326, CISPR 11, Class A
ACMA (Australia/New Zealand)
FCC 47CFR, Part 15, Subpart B, Class A (USA)
Physical characteristics
With feet
- Dimensions (with feet)
- Height
- 282 mm (11.1 in.)
- Width
- 473 mm (18.6 in.)
- Depth
- 531 mm (20.9 in.)
- Weight
- 29 kg (64.7 lb.) With all options.
Модели и опции
Товар |
Модели и Опции |
Описание |
Цена | Заказать |
Модели |
Анализаторы спектра реального времени с диапазоном частот от 1 Гц до 3 ГГц
По запросу | ||
Анализаторы спектра реального времени с диапазоном частот от 1 Гц до 6,2 ГГц
По запросу | ||
Анализаторы спектра реального времени с диапазоном частот от 1 Гц до 15 ГГц
По запросу | ||
Анализаторы спектра реального времени с диапазоном частот от 1 Гц до 26,5 ГГц
По запросу |
Опции |
Opt. B85HD
85 МГц полоса анализа сигнала, расширенный динамический диапазон
По запросу | ||
Opt. B125HD
125 МГц полоса анализа сигнала, расширенный динамический диапазон
По запросу | ||
Opt. B16xHD
165 МГц полоса анализа сигнала, расширенный динамический диапазон
По запросу | ||
Opt. 300
Улучшенные характеристики режима реального времени (требуется Opt. 09)
По запросу | ||
Opt. 09
Улучшенные характеристики режима реального времени
По запросу | ||
Opt. 10
Анализ АМ/ЧМ/ФМ и низкочастотных сигналов
По запросу | ||
Opt. 11
Измерения уровня фазовых шумов/джиттера
По запросу | ||
Opt. 12
Время установления (частота и фаза)
По запросу | ||
Opt. 14
Коэффициент шума и коэффициент усиления (рекомендуется встроенный предусилитель)
По запросу | ||
Opt. 20
Импульсные измерения
По запросу | ||
Opt. 21
Анализ модуляции общего назначения
По запросу | ||
Opt. 22
Гибкий анализ OFDM
По запросу | ||
Opt. 23
Анализ WLAN 802.11a/b/g/j/p
По запросу | ||
Opt. 24
Анализ WLAN 802.11n (требуется opt 23)
По запросу | ||
Opt. 25
Анализ WLAN 802.11ac (требуется opt 24)
По запросу | ||
Opt. 26
Анализ APCO P25
По запросу | ||
Opt. 27
Анализ Bluetooth Basic LE Tx
По запросу | ||
Opt. 28
Анализ LTE Downlink
По запросу | ||
Opt. 31
Анализ Bluetooth 5 (требуется opt 27)
По запросу | ||
Opt. 32
Измерения на предварительное соответствие ЭМС
По запросу | ||
Opt. MAP
Измерение уровня сигнала и картографирование
По запросу | ||
Opt. 50
Встроенный предусилитель, 1 МГц - 3/6.2 ГГц, только для RSA5103B/5106B
По запросу | ||
Opt. 51
Встроенный предусилитель, 1 МГц - 15/26.5 ГГц, только для RSA5115B/5126B
По запросу | ||
Opt. 53
Расширение памяти захвата, 4 ГБ
По запросу | ||
Opt. 56 43
Съемный SSD, несовместима с Opt. 59
По запросу | ||
Opt. 59 43
Встроенный HDD, несовместима с Opt. 56 (бесплатно)
По запросу | ||
Opt. 65
Цифровые выход I и Q
По запросу | ||
Opt. 66
Аналоговый выход нулевой полосы обзора
По запросу | ||
Opt. 6566
Цифровые выход I и Q, аналоговый выход нулевой полосы обзора
По запросу | ||
Opt. PFR
Точный стандарт частоты
По запросу | ||
Opt. 54
Функция классификации сигналов
По запросу | ||
Opt. A1
Шнур питания (220 В, 50 Гц)
По запросу | ||
Opt. A99
Без шнура питания
По запросу | ||
Opt. L0
Руководство по эксплуатации на английском языке
По запросу | ||
Opt. L10
Руководство по эксплуатации на русском языке
По запросу | ||
Opt. B25
25 МГц полоса анализа сигнала (стандартная)
По запросу | ||
Opt. B40
40 МГц полоса анализа сигнала
По запросу | ||
Opt. B85
85 МГц полоса анализа сигнала
По запросу | ||
Opt. B125
125 МГц полоса анализа сигнала
По запросу | ||
Opt. B16x
165 МГц полоса анализа сигнала
По запросу |
Дополнительные аксессуары |
Адаптер для совместимости с осциллографическими пробниками Tektronix
По запросу | ||
Software based on the RSA3000 Series platform for analysis supporting 3G Втireless standards, ВтLAN (IEEE802.11a/b/g/n), RFID, Audio Demodulation, и more measurements.
По запросу | ||
Software based on the RSA5000 Series Real Time Spectrum Analyzers puts the power of your RTSA signal analysis tools on your Втindows 64-bit PC. Performs measurements on stored signals from RSA3000/5000/6000 series, RSA306/306B, RSA500A/ 600A series, RSA7100A, и MDO4000B/C oscilloscope RF captures.
По запросу |
Сервисные опции |
Opt. C3
Калибровка 3 года
По запросу | ||
Opt. C5
Калибровка 5 года
По запросу | ||
Opt. CA1
Калибровка или функциональная верификация
По запросу | ||
Opt. D1
Отчет калибровки
По запросу | ||
Opt. D3
Отчет калибровки 3 года (с Opt. C3)
По запросу | ||
Opt. D5
Отчет калибровки 5 года (с Opt. C5)
По запросу | ||
Opt. G3
Полное сервисное обслуживание 3 года
По запросу | ||
Opt. G5
Полное сервисное обслуживание 5 года
По запросу | ||
Opt. R5
Услуги по ремонту 5 лет (вкл. гарантию)
По запросу |
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