AA 9205 Ортогональный поворотный адаптер

AA 9205
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Адаптеры для антенн AA 9205 Подробнее

Компания Schwarzbeck Mess-Elektronik - немецкая фирма, разрабатывающая и производящая продукцию для измерений и испытаний на ЭМС (электромагнитную совместимость).

Компания была основана в 1953 году в Германии Гюнтером Шварцбеком, который во всей Европе считается основоположником по созданию приборов для ЭМС-измерений. Головной офис Schwarzbeck Mess-Elektronik расположен в городе Шёнау-им-Шварцвальд.

Компания Schwarzbeck Mess-Elektronik выпускает широкий ряд измерительных антенн с сопутствующими аксессуарами, эквиваленты сети, системы… подробнее

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The Orthogonal Swivel Adapter AA 9205 was designed for convenient positioning of light- weight antennas in three perpendicular directions. A typical application is the determination of the E-field magnitude |E|, which requires the measurement of the x-, y- and z- components of the field strength. The respective squares must be added and the square root of this is the magnitude of the field strength.


Initially the AM 9144 Antenna mast should be adjusted perpendicular using the bubble and the three adjuster-screws at its foot. The center of the antenna elements should be positioned exactly above the rotation point of the mast. The fixing bolt A is used to lock the rotation in the horizontal plane in 90° increments; both directions are possible. It is advisable to lift the fixing bolt until the rotation is possible, then rotate and slightly before reaching the desired position slowing down rotation and giving light pressure on the fixing bolt will simplify locking. The fixing screw B is responsible to lock the antenna at vertical or horizontal polarisation.

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The Orthogonal Swivel Adapter AA 9205 was designed for convenient positioning of light- weight antennas in three perpendicular directions. A typical application is the determination of the E-field magnitude |E|, which requires the measurement of the x-, y- and z- components of the field strength. The respective squares must be added and the square root of this is the magnitude of the field strength.


Initially the AM 9144 Antenna mast should be adjusted perpendicular using the bubble and the three adjuster-screws at its foot. The center of the antenna elements should be positioned exactly above the rotation point of the mast. The fixing bolt A is used to lock the rotation in the horizontal plane in 90° increments; both directions are possible. It is advisable to lift the fixing bolt until the rotation is possible, then rotate and slightly before reaching the desired position slowing down rotation and giving light pressure on the fixing bolt will simplify locking. The fixing screw B is responsible to lock the antenna at vertical or horizontal polarisation.

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Antenna tube mount: 22 mm
Mast Mount: 3/8" female
Dimensions: 630 x 490 x 60 mm
Weight: 900 g

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AA 9205
Ортогональный поворотный адаптер
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