PDG 9211 - Поворотное приспособление для поляризации

PDG 9211
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PDG 9211
PDG 9211

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Компания Schwarzbeck Mess-Elektronik - немецкая фирма, разрабатывающая и производящая продукцию для измерений и испытаний на ЭМС (электромагнитную совместимость).

Компания была основана в 1953 году в Германии Гюнтером Шварцбеком, который во всей Европе считается основоположником по созданию приборов для ЭМС-измерений. Головной офис Schwarzbeck Mess-Elektronik расположен в городе Шёнау-им-Шварцвальд.

Компания Schwarzbeck Mess-Elektronik выпускает широкий ряд измерительных антенн с сопутствующими аксессуарами, эквиваленты сети, системы… подробнее

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The polarisation swivel fixture PDG 9211 allows to change the polarisation of larger horn antennas by a single person easily. With the four locking points the antenna can snap in increments of 90° angles to horizontal or vertical polarisation. The antenna is supported near its center of gravity. The polarisation swivel fixture can be mounted on the AM 9144 tripod at its vertical 3/8" camera thread. Optionally there is a pneumatic polarisation shifter for remote operation available.

Instructions for use:

For rotating the polarisation, the locking pin must be pulled backwards and the antenna can be rotated easily. If the an- tenna is rotated further the lock pin snaps in and the antenna is fixed at the next position.


By using a PDG 9211 the center of the Horn is approximately 1/2 of the max. width higher than the mast. Please note this height offset in the selection of the mast.

e.g. with „Opt. 9211 J“ (for BBHA 9210 J) the center of the Horn is ~16 cm higher than the mounting point on the mast.


All types of antennas require their own rotating rings and braces. Please specify the model-option of the horn and eventu- ally the pneumatic polarisation swivel adapter when ordering.

Example: “Opt. 9211 J” means the polari- zation swivel fixture for BBHA 9120 J and “Opt. 9211 PN” with pneumatic polarisa- tion shifter.

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The polarisation swivel fixture PDG 9211 allows to change the polarisation of larger horn antennas by a single person easily. With the four locking points the antenna can snap in increments of 90° angles to horizontal or vertical polarisation. The antenna is supported near its center of gravity. The polarisation swivel fixture can be mounted on the AM 9144 tripod at its vertical 3/8" camera thread. Optionally there is a pneumatic polarisation shifter for remote operation available.

Instructions for use:

For rotating the polarisation, the locking pin must be pulled backwards and the antenna can be rotated easily. If the an- tenna is rotated further the lock pin snaps in and the antenna is fixed at the next position.


By using a PDG 9211 the center of the Horn is approximately 1/2 of the max. width higher than the mast. Please note this height offset in the selection of the mast.

e.g. with „Opt. 9211 J“ (for BBHA 9210 J) the center of the Horn is ~16 cm higher than the mounting point on the mast.


All types of antennas require their own rotating rings and braces. Please specify the model-option of the horn and eventu- ally the pneumatic polarisation swivel adapter when ordering.

Example: “Opt. 9211 J” means the polari- zation swivel fixture for BBHA 9120 J and “Opt. 9211 PN” with pneumatic polarisa- tion shifter.

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Suitable for horn antennas with 3/8"-camera thread fixture near the center of gravity and AM 9144.
Dimensions: (with Opt. 9211 J) 85 x 45 x 55 cm
Weight: ~ 5,5 kg
Options: (see last page) F,G,J,24,48,PN

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PDG 9211
Поворотное приспособление для поляризации
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