Микроволновый малошумящий усилитель 1 ГГц - 18 ГГц

BBV 9718 D
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BBV 9718 DBBV 9718 DBBV 9718 D
BBV 9718 DBBV 9718 DBBV 9718 D

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Антенные малошумящие усилители BBV 9718 D Подробнее

Компания Schwarzbeck Mess-Elektronik - немецкая фирма, разрабатывающая и производящая продукцию для измерений и испытаний на ЭМС (электромагнитную совместимость).

Компания была основана в 1953 году в Германии Гюнтером Шварцбеком, который во всей Европе считается основоположником по созданию приборов для ЭМС-измерений. Головной офис Schwarzbeck Mess-Elektronik расположен в городе Шёнау-им-Шварцвальд.

Компания Schwarzbeck Mess-Elektronik выпускает широкий ряд измерительных антенн с сопутствующими аксессуарами, эквиваленты сети, системы… подробнее

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Основные возможности и технические характеристики


Low Noise Low Power Wideband Amplifier for increasing sensitivity at fieldstrength- measurements and for general attenuation measurements up to 18 GHz. Due to the built-in rechargeable battery, operation without power supply is possible for ca. 8h.

The amplifier Input comes with an SMA- female connector. A coaxial microwave cable of 0.5 m length is supplied to con- nect the Antenna with the Amplifier. The cable is equipped with N-male and SMA- male connectors.

Usually, the amplifier should be installed very close to the antenna. The Amplifier Housing is equipped with rubber pads for placement on horizontal surfaces. Further there are 22 mm holes in the housing to accept the mounting tube of Schwarzbeck-Antennas. The antenna mounting tube is usually oriented horizontally with the N-female output of the amplifier facing to ground. This avoids undesired bending of the coaxial cable.

Typical mounting examples together with Log.-Per. ESLP 9145 with mast Adapter AA 9202 and Mast AM 9144.

In- and Output of the Broadband Amplifier are sensitive to Electro- static Discharge. Correct precautions are required before touching the amplifier!

Beginning of operation

Operation environment

The BBV 9718 is preferably used indoors. While using on open area test sites, it must be protected from weather conditions, especially humidity.

Switching ON

The unit is switched on with the push- button. When the battery is properly charged, the upper LED lights up green "BAT FULL". If this LED lights up orange, the unit can only be used for a short time. If the LED is red, charging is urgent. If the unit cannot be switched on, the internal undervoltage cut-off has switched off the battery.

After a new charge, the unit is ready for operation again.

More information about the battery

The BBV 9718 is equipped with a 3.7 V lithium cell. A complete battery charge via USB takes about 2 hours. During the charging process, the green LED "PWR OK" and the yellow LED "CHARGING" light up. The device should be switched off during the charging process. A measurement during the charging process is possible in principle. However, the measurement can be influenced by disturbances of the charging circuit.

Deep discharge of the battery is prevented by a protective circuit. If the battery falls below the voltage that is critical for it and the measuring accuracy, it is automatically disconnected from the load. If the BBV 9718 is switched on and the upper red LED does not light up, this is the case. The battery must then be charged immediately.

If the lower LED flashes, the battery system is defective and the battery cannot be charged.

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Основные возможности и технические характеристики


Low Noise Low Power Wideband Amplifier for increasing sensitivity at fieldstrength- measurements and for general attenuation measurements up to 18 GHz. Due to the built-in rechargeable battery, operation without power supply is possible for ca. 8h.

The amplifier Input comes with an SMA- female connector. A coaxial microwave cable of 0.5 m length is supplied to con- nect the Antenna with the Amplifier. The cable is equipped with N-male and SMA- male connectors.

Usually, the amplifier should be installed very close to the antenna. The Amplifier Housing is equipped with rubber pads for placement on horizontal surfaces. Further there are 22 mm holes in the housing to accept the mounting tube of Schwarzbeck-Antennas. The antenna mounting tube is usually oriented horizontally with the N-female output of the amplifier facing to ground. This avoids undesired bending of the coaxial cable.

Typical mounting examples together with Log.-Per. ESLP 9145 with mast Adapter AA 9202 and Mast AM 9144.

In- and Output of the Broadband Amplifier are sensitive to Electro- static Discharge. Correct precautions are required before touching the amplifier!

Beginning of operation

Operation environment

The BBV 9718 is preferably used indoors. While using on open area test sites, it must be protected from weather conditions, especially humidity.

Switching ON

The unit is switched on with the push- button. When the battery is properly charged, the upper LED lights up green "BAT FULL". If this LED lights up orange, the unit can only be used for a short time. If the LED is red, charging is urgent. If the unit cannot be switched on, the internal undervoltage cut-off has switched off the battery.

After a new charge, the unit is ready for operation again.

More information about the battery

The BBV 9718 is equipped with a 3.7 V lithium cell. A complete battery charge via USB takes about 2 hours. During the charging process, the green LED "PWR OK" and the yellow LED "CHARGING" light up. The device should be switched off during the charging process. A measurement during the charging process is possible in principle. However, the measurement can be influenced by disturbances of the charging circuit.

Deep discharge of the battery is prevented by a protective circuit. If the battery falls below the voltage that is critical for it and the measuring accuracy, it is automatically disconnected from the load. If the BBV 9718 is switched on and the upper red LED does not light up, this is the case. The battery must then be charged immediately.

If the lower LED flashes, the battery system is defective and the battery cannot be charged.

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Сведения о реестре СИ
Номер в госреестре
Не в реестре
Наименование СИ

Обозначение типа СИ


Срок свидетельства или заводской номер

Свернуть Развернуть
Сведения о реестре СИ
Номер в госреестре
Не в реестре
Наименование СИ

Обозначение типа СИ


Срок свидетельства или заводской номер

Загрузить технические характеристики

Nominal frequency range:  1 - 18 GHz
Useable frequency range:  0.5 - 20 GHz
Connectors:  50 Ω N/SMA
Mounting tube:  d=22 mm
Noise figure:  2 dB
Gain:  typ. 30 dB +/- 5 dB
SWR typ.:  <2
Max. Input Power:  -10 dBm (97 dBµV)
Dimensions:  155 x 80 x 67 mm
Weight:  ~1.0 kg

Модели и опции
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Цена Заказать
BBV 9718 D
Микроволновый малошумящий усилитель 1 ГГц - 18 ГГц
По запросу
- шт +

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