Широкополосный малошумящий усилитель  9 кГц - 2 ГГц

BBV 9745
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Антенные малошумящие усилители BBV 9745 Подробнее

Компания Schwarzbeck Mess-Elektronik - немецкая фирма, разрабатывающая и производящая продукцию для измерений и испытаний на ЭМС (электромагнитную совместимость).

Компания была основана в 1953 году в Германии Гюнтером Шварцбеком, который во всей Европе считается основоположником по созданию приборов для ЭМС-измерений. Головной офис Schwarzbeck Mess-Elektronik расположен в городе Шёнау-им-Шварцвальд.

Компания Schwarzbeck Mess-Elektronik выпускает широкий ряд измерительных антенн с сопутствующими аксессуарами, эквиваленты сети, системы… подробнее

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Основные возможности и технические характеристики


The BBV 9745 is a general purpose broadband preamplifier with high gain and low noise.

The BBV 9745 is a general purpose broadband preamplifier with high gain and low internal noise. Because of the high gain and the good noise figure the system noise is nearly independent of the other components including cable and receiver. These features make the BBV 9745 very useful for the measurement of very low limits. In this case it will be connected directly to the antenna. The amplifier has 2 stages. The first stage uses an ESD – protected MMIC to prevent defects by unintentional electrostatic discharge. Nevertheless preamplifiers are generally ESD-sensitive devices, therefore it is very important to discharge coaxial cables before being connected. This is an essential precaution to protect the extremely small semiconductor structures operating in the microwave frequency range.

It must be noted that the use of preamplifiers is generally not recommended for the measurement of impulsive signals. Such broadband noise is typical for many EMC measurements. This means that any broad-band preamplifier is not suitable for EMC-measurement of a broadband pulse spectrum. The BBV 9745 has an aluminium enclosure and uses N-Type flange connectors.

Power supply is very simple because of the built-in voltage regulator. A standard wall plug supply with +12 V DC can be used. An internal protection circuit slows down the rising and falling edge of the power supply voltage to prevent internal components and the receiver from being damaged by voltage spikes. 12-V-auxiliary supplies from receivers and analysers or batteries are also suitable if they can provide a cont. current of 0.11 A.

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Основные возможности и технические характеристики


The BBV 9745 is a general purpose broadband preamplifier with high gain and low noise.

The BBV 9745 is a general purpose broadband preamplifier with high gain and low internal noise. Because of the high gain and the good noise figure the system noise is nearly independent of the other components including cable and receiver. These features make the BBV 9745 very useful for the measurement of very low limits. In this case it will be connected directly to the antenna. The amplifier has 2 stages. The first stage uses an ESD – protected MMIC to prevent defects by unintentional electrostatic discharge. Nevertheless preamplifiers are generally ESD-sensitive devices, therefore it is very important to discharge coaxial cables before being connected. This is an essential precaution to protect the extremely small semiconductor structures operating in the microwave frequency range.

It must be noted that the use of preamplifiers is generally not recommended for the measurement of impulsive signals. Such broadband noise is typical for many EMC measurements. This means that any broad-band preamplifier is not suitable for EMC-measurement of a broadband pulse spectrum. The BBV 9745 has an aluminium enclosure and uses N-Type flange connectors.

Power supply is very simple because of the built-in voltage regulator. A standard wall plug supply with +12 V DC can be used. An internal protection circuit slows down the rising and falling edge of the power supply voltage to prevent internal components and the receiver from being damaged by voltage spikes. 12-V-auxiliary supplies from receivers and analysers or batteries are also suitable if they can provide a cont. current of 0.11 A.

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Срок свидетельства или заводской номер

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Сведения о реестре СИ
Номер в госреестре
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Наименование СИ

Обозначение типа СИ


Срок свидетельства или заводской номер

Загрузить технические характеристики

Frequency range (nominel):  9 kHz - 2 GHz
Noise figure:  typ. 2.5 dB (1.0 GHz)
Gain:  typ. +30 dB
Amplitude flatness:  < +/- 3 dB
1 dB compression point at input:  > -20 dBm
 (87 dBµV)
Impedance:  50 Ω
VSWR input / output:  < 2 : 1
Ambient temperature:  -10°C ... +60°C
Power supply:  + 12 (+/-2V)
 120 mA
Material of the housing:  Aluminium
Housing dimensions:  42 x 35 x 27 mm
Overall dimensions:  82 x 38 x 27 mm
Weight:  150 g

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BBV 9745
Широкополосный усилитель 9 кГц - 2 ГГц
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- шт +

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