Катушка Гельмгольца серии HHS 5210

HHS 5210
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HHS 5210
HHS 5210

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Катушки Гельмгольца/излучающие рамки HHS 5210 Подробнее

Компания Schwarzbeck Mess-Elektronik - немецкая фирма, разрабатывающая и производящая продукцию для измерений и испытаний на ЭМС (электромагнитную совместимость).

Компания была основана в 1953 году в Германии Гюнтером Шварцбеком, который во всей Европе считается основоположником по созданию приборов для ЭМС-измерений. Головной офис Schwarzbeck Mess-Elektronik расположен в городе Шёнау-им-Шварцвальд.

Компания Schwarzbeck Mess-Elektronik выпускает широкий ряд измерительных антенн с сопутствующими аксессуарами, эквиваленты сети, системы… подробнее

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Основные возможности и технические характеристики

HHS 5210


Helmholtz-Coils are especially designed to generate precisely defined magnetic fields from DC to 150 KHz. The generated fields are in a strongly linear relation to the coil current. The field strength can be calculated exactly by analytical (or numerical) methods, based on the coils' geometry, the number of turns and the coil current. The calibration of the magnetic field is finally traceable to a current measurement (or to a voltage drop at a known resistor).

The Helmholtz Coil itself is usually considered as primary standard due to the easily calculable relation between current and field strength. If this relation should be controlled, a loop sensor or monitoring loop can be used to determine the actual field strength.

HHS 5210-100-2.5


Helmholtz-Coils are especially designed to generate precisely defined magnetic fields from DC to the upper end of the audio frequency range and beyond. The generated fields are in a strongly linear relation to the coil current. The field strength can be calculated exactly by analytical (or numerical) methods, based on the coils' geometry, the number of turns and the coil current. The calibration of the magnetic field is finally traceable to a current measurement (or to a voltage drop at a known resistor).

The Helmholtz Coil itself is usually considered as primary standard due to the easily calculable relation between current and field strength. If this relation should be controlled, a loop sensor or monitoring loop can be used to determine the actual field strength.

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Основные возможности и технические характеристики

HHS 5210


Helmholtz-Coils are especially designed to generate precisely defined magnetic fields from DC to 150 KHz. The generated fields are in a strongly linear relation to the coil current. The field strength can be calculated exactly by analytical (or numerical) methods, based on the coils' geometry, the number of turns and the coil current. The calibration of the magnetic field is finally traceable to a current measurement (or to a voltage drop at a known resistor).

The Helmholtz Coil itself is usually considered as primary standard due to the easily calculable relation between current and field strength. If this relation should be controlled, a loop sensor or monitoring loop can be used to determine the actual field strength.

HHS 5210-100-2.5


Helmholtz-Coils are especially designed to generate precisely defined magnetic fields from DC to the upper end of the audio frequency range and beyond. The generated fields are in a strongly linear relation to the coil current. The field strength can be calculated exactly by analytical (or numerical) methods, based on the coils' geometry, the number of turns and the coil current. The calibration of the magnetic field is finally traceable to a current measurement (or to a voltage drop at a known resistor).

The Helmholtz Coil itself is usually considered as primary standard due to the easily calculable relation between current and field strength. If this relation should be controlled, a loop sensor or monitoring loop can be used to determine the actual field strength.

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Обозначение типа СИ


Срок свидетельства или заводской номер


HHS 5210-10 - Helmholtz Coils
Number of turns: 10
Maximum Coil Current: 20 A (5 min.)
Nominal Coil Current: 10 A continuous
Max. Magn. Field Strength: 300 A/m (5 min.)
Nominal Magn. Field Strength: 150 A/m continuous
Magn. Field Strength, 1 A Coil Current: 15 A/m (Coil Dist. 0.4 m)
Mechanical Dimensions: 1.0 x 1.0 x 0.63 m
Coil Separation acc. IEC 1000-4-8: 0.40 m
Coil Separation for best uniformity: 0.57 m
Terminals: 4 mm female
Inductance (per Coil): 0.36 mH
Usable Frequency Range: DC - 150 kHz
Resonance Frequency: > 600 kHz
Weight: 10 kg
HHS 5210-100 - Helmholtz Coils
Number of turns: 100
Maximum Coil Current: 15 A (5 min.)
Nominal Coil Current: 9 A continuous
Inner side length of the coil: 1.0 m
Electrical side length of the coil: 1.04 m
Maximum Coil Separation: 0.70 m
Usable Frequency Range: DC - 10 kHz
Inductance (per Coil): 31.3 mH
Resonance Frequency (Pair of Coils): >25 kHz
Weight: 36.5 kg
Terminals: 4 mm female

The following data is valid for 0.4 m coil distance:

Coil Separation acc. IEC 1000-4-8: 0.40 m
Max. Magn. Field Strength: 2183 A/m (5 min.)
Nominal Magn. Field Strength: 1310 A/m continuous
Magn. Field Strength, 1 A Coil Current: 145.54 A/m (Coil Dist. 0.4 m)

The following data is valid for 0.566 m coil distance:

Coil Separation for best uniformity along an axes through the coil center: 0.566 m
Magn. Field Strength, 1 A Coil Current: 124.66 A/m (Coil Dist. 0.566 m)
Recommended Accessories: NFCN 9732-120
HHS 5210-100 2.5 - Helmholtz Coils
Number of turns: 100
Maximum Coil Current: 20 A (5 min.)
Nominal Coil Current: 15 A continuous
Inner side length of the coil: 1.0 m
Electrical side length of the coil: 1.04 m
Maximum Coil Separation: 0.70 m
Usable Frequency Range: DC - 10 kHz
Inductance (per Coil): 31.3 mH
Resonance Frequency (Pair of Coils): >25 kHz
Weight: 56 kg
Terminals: 4 mm female

The following data is valid for 0.4 m coil distance:

Coil Separation acc. IEC 1000-4-8: 0.40 m
Max. Magn. Field Strength: 2900 A/m (5 min.)
Nominal Magn. Field Strength: 1746 A/m continuous
Magn. Field Strength, 1 A Coil Current: 145.54 A/m (Coil Dist. 0.4 m)

The following data is valid for 0.566 m coil distance:

Coil Separation for best uniformity along an axes through the coil center: 0.566 m
Magn. Field Strength, 1 A Coil Current: 124.66 A/m (Coil Dist. 0.566 m)

Модели и опции
Модели и Опции
Цена Заказать
HHS 5210-10
Катушка Гельмгольца HHS 5210-10, 10 витков
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- шт +
HHS 5210-100
Катушка Гельмгольца HHS 5210-100, 100 витков
По запросу
- шт +
HHS 5210-100 2.5
Катушка Гельмгольца HHS 5210-100, 100 витков
По запросу
- шт +
Рекомендуемые аксессуары
NFCN 9732-120
Схема компенсации NFCN 9732-120 для HHS 5210-100
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- шт +

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