Частотомер 350 МГц ВЧ-канал, до 15 ГГц СВЧ-канал, разрешение 10 разрядов

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Частотомеры 53210A Подробнее

Американская компания Keysight Technologies начала свою историю в 1930-х годах прошлого века. Сегодня – это лидер в производстве измерительного оборудования и САПР (систем автоматизированного проектирования). Keysight Technologies предлагает интегрированные решения, объединяющие измерения, экстракцию параметров и верификацию разработок.

Компания Keysight Technologies производит осциллографы, анализаторы, измерители, генераторы, источники питания, а также… подробнее

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Основные возможности и технические характеристики

Ключевые возможности и технические характеристики

  • Одноканальный ВЧ частотомер
  • Один входной ВЧ канал (350 МГц) плюс второй дополнительный СВЧ канал (6 ГГц или 15 ГГц)
  • Разрешение 10 разрядов в секунду
  • Встроенные функции для математического анализа данных, цветной графический дисплей (графики тренда и гистограмма)
  • Интерфейсы LXI-C/LAN, USB, GPIB
  • Дополнительная литий-ионная батарея
  • Описание

    Утвержденный тип СИУтвержденный тип средств измерений.
    Внесен в Государственный реестр средств измерений за номером 51077-12.

    Одноканальный ВЧ частотомер Keysight 53210A с диапазоном частот 350 МГц обеспечивает быстрое и точное измерение частоты и имеет простой удобный пользовательский интерфейс. Для измерения частоты в диапазоне до 6 ГГц или до 15 ГГц может быть добавлен дополнительный СВЧ канал.

    Свернуть Развернуть
    Основные возможности и технические характеристики

    Ключевые возможности и технические характеристики

  • Одноканальный ВЧ частотомер
  • Один входной ВЧ канал (350 МГц) плюс второй дополнительный СВЧ канал (6 ГГц или 15 ГГц)
  • Разрешение 10 разрядов в секунду
  • Встроенные функции для математического анализа данных, цветной графический дисплей (графики тренда и гистограмма)
  • Интерфейсы LXI-C/LAN, USB, GPIB
  • Дополнительная литий-ионная батарея
  • Описание

    Утвержденный тип СИУтвержденный тип средств измерений.
    Внесен в Государственный реестр средств измерений за номером 51077-12.

    Одноканальный ВЧ частотомер Keysight 53210A с диапазоном частот 350 МГц обеспечивает быстрое и точное измерение частоты и имеет простой удобный пользовательский интерфейс. Для измерения частоты в диапазоне до 6 ГГц или до 15 ГГц может быть добавлен дополнительный СВЧ канал.

  • Шнур питания
  • USB-кабель 
  • CD с документацией: примеры программ, руководство по программированию
  • Руководство по эксплуатации, руководство по быстрому включению, руководство по сервисному обслуживанию
  • Keysight IO библиотека на CD

  • Шнур питания
  • USB-кабель 
  • CD с документацией: примеры программ, руководство по программированию
  • Руководство по эксплуатации, руководство по быстрому включению, руководство по сервисному обслуживанию
  • Keysight IO библиотека на CD

  • Свернуть Развернуть
    Сведения о реестре СИ

    Номер в Госреестре

    Наименование СИ

    Обозначение типа СИ


    Срок свидетельства или заводской номер

    53210А, 53220А, 53230А
    Фирма "Agilent Technologies", Малайзия
    53210А, 53220А, 53230А
    Фирма "Keysight Technologies Microwave Products (M) Sdn. Bhd.", Малайзия
    Свернуть Развернуть
    Сведения о реестре СИ

    Номер в Госреестре

    Наименование СИ

    Обозначение типа СИ


    Срок свидетельства или заводской номер

    53210А, 53220А, 53230А
    Фирма "Agilent Technologies", Малайзия
    53210А, 53220А, 53230А
    Фирма "Keysight Technologies Microwave Products (M) Sdn. Bhd.", Малайзия
    • Сравнение серии 53200 с серией 53100
    • 53200|Обзор продукции
    • 53200|Меню помощи
    • 53200|Установка измерительного таймаута
    Загрузить технические характеристики

    Input Channel Characteristics
    Input characteristics (nom) 53210A 53220A 53230A
    Standard (DC - 350 MHz) Ch 1 Ch 1 & Ch 2
    Optional (6 or 15 GHz) Ch 2 Ch 3
    Standard inputs (nom)
    Frequency range
    DC coupled DC (1 mHz) to 350 MHz (2.8 ns to 1000 sec)
    AC coupled, 50 Ω1 or 1 MΩ 10 Hz - 350 MHz  
    Connector  Front panel BNC(f). Option 201 adds parallel rear panel BNC(f) inputs2
    Input impedance (typ) Selectable 1 MΩ ± 1.5% or 50 Ω ± 1.5% || <25 pF
    Input coupling Selectable DC or AC
    Input filter Selectable 100 kHz cut-off frequency low pass  10 Hz (AC coupling) cut-off frequency high pass filter
    Amplitude range
    Input range ±5 V (±50 V) full scale ranges
    Sensitivity3,4 (typ) DC - 100 MHz: 20 mVpk > 100 MHz: 40 mVpk
    Noise3 500 μVrms (max), 350 μVrms (typ)
    Input event thresholds  
    Threshold levels  ±5 V (±50 V) in 2.5 mV (25 mV) steps
    Noise reject4 Selectable On/ Off
    Slope Selectable Positive or Negative
    Auto-scale Acquires signal for current measurement channel, selects range (5 V or 50 V), sets auto-level 50%
    Auto-level Selectable On or Off  On: Sets auto-level (% of Vpp) operation  Occurs once for each INIT or after a timeout.  Measures signal Vpp and sets Trigger level to 50%  Off: Selectable user set level (Volts)
    Minimum signal frequency for  auto level User selectable (Slow (50 Hz), Fast (10 kHz))
    Minimum signal for auto level 300 mVpp
    Maximum input
    50 Ω damage level 1 W
    50 Ω protection threshold Will not activate below 7.5 Vpk  50 Ω internal termination auto-protects by switching to 1 M Ω
    1 M Ω damage level DC - 5 kHz: 350 Vpk (AC + DC)  5 kHz - 100 kHz: Derate linearly to 10 Vpk (AC + DC)  >100 kHz: 10 Vpk (AC + DC)
    Optional microwave inputs (nom)
    Frequency range
    Option 106 100 MHz - 6 GHz
    Option 115 300 MHz - 15 GHz
    Connector Front panel precision Type-N(f)  Option 203 moves the input connector to a rear panel SMA(f)
    Input impedance (typ) 50 Ω ± 1.5% (SWR < 2.5)
    Input coupling AC
    Continuous wave amplitude range
    Option 106 Autoranged to +19 dBm max. (2 Vrms)
    Option 115 Autoranged to +13 dBm max. (1.0 Vrms)
    Sensitivity (typ)1 2 3 4 5 6 GHz (Opt 106): -27 dBm (10 mVrms)  15 GHz (Opt 115):  < 3 GHz: -23 dBm  3 - 11 GHz: -27 dBm > 11 GHz: -21 dBm
    Input event thresholds
    Level range Auto-ranged for optimum sensitivity and bandwidth
    AM tolerance6 50% modulation depth
    Maximum input
    Damage level 6 GHz (Opt 106): > +27 dBm (5 Vrms)  15 GHz (Opt 115): > +19 dBm (2 Vrms)
    1. AC coupling occurs after 50 Ω termination.
    2. When ordered with optional rear terminals, the standard/baseband channel inputs are active on both the front and rear of the universal counter though the specifications provided only apply to the rear terminals. Performance for the front terminals with rear terminals installed is not specified.
    3. Multiply value(s) by 10 for the 50 V range.
    4. Stated specification assumes Noise Reject OFF. Noise Reject ON doubles the sensitivity minimum voltage levels.
    5. Assumes sine wave.
    6. CW only. Assumes AM Rate > 10/gate. For Option 106, spec applies for input powers > -20 dBm; use a tolerance of 15% modulation depth for frequencies less than 900 MHz. For Option 115, spec applies for input powers > -10 dBm. 
    Measurement Characteristics
    53210A 53220A 53230A
    Measurement range (nom)
    Frequency, period (average) measurements
    Channels Ch 1 or optional Ch 2 Ch 1, Ch 2 or optional Ch 3
    Digits/s 10 digits/s 12 digits/s 12 digits/s
    Maximum display Resolution1 12 digits 15 digits 15 digits
    Measurement technique Reciprocal Reciprocal and resolution  enhanced Reciprocal, resolution-  enhanced or continuous  (gap-free)
    Signal type Continuous Wave (CW) CW and pulse/burst
    Level & slope Automatically preset or user selectable
    Gate Internal or external
    Gate time2 1 ms to 1000 s in 10 μs steps 100 μs to 1000 s in 10 μs steps 1 μs to 1000 s in 1 μs steps
    Advanced gating3 N/A Start delay (time or events) and stop hold-off (time or events)
    FM tolerance ± 50%
    Frequency, period
    Range9 DC (1 mHz) to 350 MHz (2.8 ns to 1000 s)
    Microwave input (optional) Option 106 - 100 MHz to 6 GHz (166 ps to 10 ns)  Option 115 - 300 MHz to 15 GHz ( 66 ps to 3.3 ns)
    Frequency ratio4
    Range 1015 Displayable range
    Timestamp/modulation domain
    Sample rate5 N/A N/A 1 MSa/s, 800 kSa/s,  100 kSa/s, 10 kSa/s
    #Edges/timestamp N/A N/A Auto-acquired per acquisition
    Acquisition length N/A N/A up to 1 MSa or  100,000 s (max)
    Time interval (single-shot) measurements11
    Channels N/A Ch 1 or 2
    Single-shot time resolution N/A 100 ps 20 ps
    Gating N/A Internal or external gate  Start delay (time or events) and stop hold-off (time or events)
    Slope N/A Independent start, stop slopes
    Level N/A Independent start, stop slopes
    Channel-to-channel time skew (typ) N/A 100 ps 50 ps
    53210A 53220A 53230A
    Time interval A to B, B to A
    Range9 N/A -1 ns to 100,000 s (nom)  -0.5 ns to 100,000 s (min)
    Time interval A or B
    Range N/A 2 ns to 100,000 s (min)
    Minimum width N/A 2 ns
    Minimum edge repetition rate N/A 6 ns
    Level & slope N/A Auto-level or user selectable
    Single-period, pulse-width, rise time, fall time
    Range N/A 0 s to 1000 s
    Minimum width N/A 2 ns
    Minimum edge repetition rate N/A 6 ns
    Level & slope N/A Auto-level or user selectable
    Range N/A .000001 to .999999 or 0.0001% to 99.9999%
    Minumim width N/A 2 ns
    Level & slope N/A Auto-level or user selectable
    Phase A to B, B to A
    Range6 N/A -180.000° to 360.000°
    Totalize measurements
    Channels N/A Ch 1 or Ch 2
    Range9 N/A 0 to 1015 events
    Rate N/A 0 - 350 MHz
    Gating N/A Continuous, timed, or external gate input  Gate accuracy is 20 ns
    Level measurements
    Voltage level - standard input channels ±5.1 Vpk with 2.5 mV resolution or ±51 Vpk with 25 mV resolution
    Microwave power level (microwave channel option) 0 to 4 relative signal power
    53210A 53220A 53230A
    6 GHz (Option 106) 15 GHz (Option 115)
    Pulse/burst frequency and pulse envelope detector 12
    Pulse/burst measurements N/A N/A Carrier frequency, carrier period, pulse repetition interval (PRI), pulse repetition frequency (PRF), positive and negative width
    Pulse/burst width  for carrier frequency  measurements10 N/A N/A > 200 ns  Narrow: < 17 μs  Wide: > 13 μs > 400 ns  Narrow: < 17 μs  Wide: > 13 μs
    Minimum pulse/burst width for envelope measurements N/A N/A > 50 ns > 100 ns
    Acquisition N/A N/A Auto, Manual7
    PRF, PRI range N/A N/A 1 Hz - 10 MHz 1 Hz - 5 MHz
    Pulse detector response time (typ)8 N/A N/A 15 ns rise/fall 40 ns rise/fall
    Pulse width accuracy N/A N/A 20 ns + (2*carrier period) 75 ns
    Power ratio (typ) N/A N/A > 15 dB
    Power range and sensitivity (sinusoidal) (typ) N/A N/A +13 dBm (1 Vrms) to -13 dBm (50 mVrms) < 3 GHz: +7 dBm (500 mVrms) to -6 dBm (115 mVrms)  3 - 11 GHz: +9 dBm (630 mVrms) to -8 dBm (90 mVrms)  > 11 GHz: +7 dBm (500 mVrms) to -6 dBm (115 mVrms)
    1. Maximum display resolution for frequency and period. Totalize display resolution is 15 digits, time interval based measurements are 12 digits.
    2. Continuous, gap-free measurements limits the gate time setting to 10 µs to 1000 s in 10 µs steps.
    3. Refer to the gate characteristics section for more details on advanced gate capabilities.
    4. Measurements on each input channel are performed simultaneously using one gate interval. The actual measurement gate interval on each channel will be synchrounous with edges of each input signal.
    5. Maximum sample rate. Actual sample rate will be limited by the input signal edge rate for signals slower than the selected sample rate. Maximum timestamp rate offers minimal FM tolerance. If high FM tolerance is required, use lower timestamp rates.
    6. Assumes two frequencies are identical, only shifted in phase.
    7. Manual control of gate width and gate delay are allowed only for wide pulsed mode.
    8. For pulsed signals > -7 dBm (100 mVrms) while gated on.
    9. For totalize, time interval and frequency measurements, you may get measurement readings beyond the range stated, but the accuracy of those readings is not specified.
    10. Applies when burst width * Carrier Freq > 80.
    11. Specifications apply if measurement channels are in 5 V range, DC coupled, 50 Ω terminated and at fixed level for: time interval single and dual channel, pulse width, duty, phase, single period and rise/fall time measurements.
    12. Microwave pulse/burst measurement descriptions:
    Gate, Trigger and Timebase Characteristics
    53210A 53220A 53230A
    Gate characteristics (nom)
    Source Time, external Time, external or advanced
    Gate time (step size) 1 1 ms - 1000 s (10 μs) 100 μs - 1000 s (10 μs) 1 μs - 1000 s (1 μs)
    Advanced: gate start
    Source N/A Internal or external, Ch 1/Ch 2 (unused standard channel input)
    Slope N/A Positive or negative
    Delay time1 N/A 0 s to 10 s in 10 ns steps
    Delay events (edges) N/A 0 to 108 for signals up to 100 MHz
    Advanced: gate stop hold-off
    Source N/A Internal or external, Ch 1/Ch 2 (unused standard channel input)
    Slope N/A Positive or negative
    Hold-off time1 N/A Hold-off Time settable from 60 ns to 1000 s
    Hold-off events (edges) N/A 0 to 108 (minimum width (positive or negative) > 60 ns)
    External gate input characteristics (typ)
    Connector Rear panel BNC(f)  Selectable as external gate input or gate output signal
    Impedance 1 kΩ when selected as external gate input
    Level TTL compatible
    Slope Selectable positive or negative
    Gate to gate timing 3 μs gate end to next gate start
    Damage level < -5 V, > +10 V
    Gate output characteristics (typ)
    Connector Rear panel BNC(f)  Selectable as external gate input or gate output signal
    Impedance 50 Ω when selected for gate output
    Level TTL compatible
    Slope Selectable positive or negative
    Damage level < -5 V, > +10 V
    Trigger and Timebase Characteristics (nom)
    53210A 53220A 53230A
    Trigger characteristics (nom)
    Trigger source Internal, external, bus, manual
    Trigger count 1 to 1,000,000
    Trigger delay 0 s to 3600 s in 1 μs steps
    Samples/trigger 1 to 1,000,000
    External trigger input (typ)
    Connector Rear panel BNC(f)
    Impedance 1 kΩ
    Level TTL compatible
    Slope Selectable positive or negative
    Pulse width > 40 ns min
    Latency2 Frequency, period: 1 μs + 3 periods time interval, totalize: 100 ns
    External trigger rate 300/s max 1 k/s max 10 k/s max
    Damage level < -5 V, > +10 V
    Timebase characteristics (nom)
    Timebase reference Internal, external, or auto
    Timebase adjustment method Closed-box electronic adjustment
    Timebase adjustment  resolution 10-10 (10-11 for Option 010 U-OCXO timebase)
    External timebase input (typ)
    Impedance 1 kΩ AC coupled
    Level (typ) 100 mVrms to 2.5 Vrms
    Lock frequencies 10 MHz, 5 MHz, 1 MHz
    Lock range ±1 ppm (±0.1 ppm for Option 010 U-OCXO timebase)
    Damage level 7 Vrms
    Timebase output (typ)
    Impedance 50 Ω ± 5% at 10 MHz
    Level 0.5 Vrms into a 50 Ω load  1.0 Vrms into a 1 kΩ load
    Signal 10 MHz sine wave
    Damage level 7 Vrms
    1. Continuous, gap-free measurements limits the Gate Time setting to 10 µs to 1000 s in 10 µs steps.
    2. Latency does not include delays due to auto-leveling.
    Math, Graphing and Memory Characteristics (nom)
    53210A 53220A 53230A
    Math operations
    Smoothing (averaging) 1 Selectable 10 (slow), 100 (medium), 1,000 (fast) reading moving average  Selectable filter reset .1% /1000 ppm (fast), .03%∕300 ppm (medium), .01%∕100 ppm (slow) change from average
    Scaling mX-b or m(1/X)-b  User settable m and b (offset) values
    Δ-change (X-b)/b scaled to %, ppm, or ppb  User settable b (reference) value
    Null (X-b)  User settable b (reference) value
    Statistics 1 Mean, standard deviation, Max, Min, Peak-to-Peak, count Mean, standard deviation, Allan deviation2,  Max, Min, Peak-to-Peak, count
    Limit test 3 Displays PASS/ FAIL message based on user defined Hi/ Lo limit values.
    Operation Individual and simultaneous operation of smoothing, scaling, statistics, and limit test
    Graphical display selections
    Digits Numeric result with input level shown
    Trend Strip chart (measurements vs. readings over time)  Selectable screen time
    Histogram Cumulative histogram of measurements; manual reset  HI/LO limit lines shown  Selectable bin and block size
    Limit test Measurement result, tuning bar-graph, and PASS/FAIL message
    Markers Available to read values from trend & histogram displays
    Data log Guided setup of # of readings/counts; automatically saves acquisition results to non-volatile memory
    Instrument state Save & recall user-definable instrument setups
    Power-off Automatically saved
    Power-on Selectable power-on to reset (Factory), power-off state or user state
    Volatile reading memory 1 M readings (16 MBytes)
    Non-volatile internal memory 75 Mbytes (up to 5 M readings)
    USB file system Front-panel connector for USB memory device
    Capability Store/recall user preferences and instrument states, reading memory, and bit map displays
    Speed Characteristics4  (meas)
    53210A 53220A 53230A
    Measurement/IO timeout (nom) no timeout or 10 ms to 2000 s, in 1 ms steps
    Auto-level speed Slow mode (50 Hz): 350 ms (typ)  Fast mode (10 kHz): 10 ms (typ)
    Configure-change speed Frequency, Period, Range, Level: 50 ms (typ)
    Single measurement throughput5: readings/s 
    (time to take single measurement and transfer from volatile reading memory over I/O bus)
    Typical (Avg. using READ?):
    LAN (VXI-11) 110 120
    LAN (sockets) 200 200
    USB 200 200
    GPIB 210 220
    Optimized (Avg. using *TRG;DATA:REM? 1, WAIT):
    LAN (VXI-11) 160 180
    LAN (sockets) 330 350
    USB 320 350
    GPIB 360 420
    Block reading throughput5: readings/s (Example uses: 50,000 readings) 
    (time to take blocks of measurements and transfer from volatile reading memory over I/O bus)
    Typical (Avg. using READ?):
    LAN (VXI-11) 300 990 8700
    LAN (sockets) 300 990 9700
    USB 300 990 9800
    GPIB 300 990 4600
    Optimized (Avg. using *TRG;DATA:REM? 1, WAIT):
    LAN (VXI-11) 300 990 34700
    LAN (sockets) 300 990 55800
    USB 300 990 56500
    GPIB 300 990 16300
    53210A 53220A 53230A
    Maximum measurement speed to internal non-volatile memory6: (readings/s)
    Timestamp N/A N/A 1,000,000
    Frequency, period, totalize 300 1000 75000
    Frequency ratio 44000
    Time interval, rise/fall, width,  burst width N/A 90000
    Duty cycle N/A 48000
    Phase N/A 37000
    PRI, PRF N/A N/A 75000
    Transfer from memory to PC via:
    LAN (sockets) 600,000 readings/sec
    LAN (VXI-11) 150,000 readings/sec
    USB 800,000 readings/sec
    GPIB 22,000 readings/sec
    1. These Math operations do not apply for Continuous Totalize or Timestamp measurements.
    2. Allan Deviation is only calculated for Frequency and Period measurements. Allan Deviation calculation is available on both 53220A and 53230A, it is only gap free on 53230A.
    3. Limit Test only displays on instrument front panel. No hardware output signal is available.
    4. Operating speeds are for a direct connection to a >2.5 GHz dual core CPU running Windows XP Pro SP3 or better with 4 GB RAM and a 10/100/1000 LAN interface.
    5. Throughput data based on gate time. Typical reading throughput assumes ASCII format, Auto level OFF with READ? SCPI command. For improved reading throughput you should also consider setting (FORM:DATA REAL,64), (DISP OFF), and set fastest gate time available.
    6. Maximum 53230A rates represent >= 20 MHz input signals with min gate times, no delays or holdoffs. Measurement rates for the 53210A & 53220A are limited by min gate time. Actual meas rates are limited by the repetition rate of the input being measured. 
    General Characteristics (nom)
    53210A 53220A 53230A
    Warm-up time 45-minutes
    Display 4.3" Color TFT WQVGA (480 x 272), LED backlight
    User interface and help languages English, German, French, Japanese, Simplified Chinese, Korean
    USB flash drive FAT, FAT32
    Programming language
    SCPI 532xx Series and 53131A/53132A/53181A Series compatibility mode
    Programming interface
    LXI-C 1.3 10/ 100/ 1000 LAN (LAN Sockets and VXI-11 protocol)
    USB 2.0 device port USB 2.0 (USB-TMC488 protocol)
    GPIB interface GPIB (IEEE-488.1, IEEE-488.2 protocol)
    Web user interface LXI Class C Compatible
    Bench dimensions 261.1 mm W x 103.8 mm H x 303.2 mm D
    Rack mount dimensions 212.8 mm W x 88.3 mm H x 272.3 mm D (2U x 1/2 width)
    Weight 3.9 kg (8.6 lbs) fully optioned  3.1 kg (6.9 lbs) without Option 300 (battery option)
    Storage temperature - 30 °C to +70 °C
    Operating environment EN61010, pollution degree 2; indoor locations
    Operating temperature 0 °C to +55 °C
    Operating humidity 5% to 80% RH, non-condensing
    Operating altitude Up to 3000 meters or 10,000 ft
    Safety Complies with European Low Voltage Directive and carries the CE-marking  Conforms to UL 61010-1, CSA C22.2 61010-1, IEC 61010-1:2001, CAT I
    EMC Complies with European EMC Directive for test and measurement products.  IEC/EN 61326-1  CISPR Pub 11 Group 1, class A  AS/NZS CISPR 11  ICES/NMB-001  Complies with Australian standard and carries C-Tick Mark  This ISM device complies with Canadian ICES-001  Cet appareil ISM est conforme a la norme NMB-001 du Canada
    Acoustic noise (nom) SPL 35 dB(A)
    Line power
    Voltage 100V - 240V ± 10%, 50-60 Hz ±5%  100 V - 120 V, 400 Hz ±10%
    Power consumption 90 VA max when powered on or charging battery;  6 VA max when powered off/standby
    53210A 53220A 53230A
    Battery (Option 300)
    Technology Internal lithium ion battery with integrated smart battery monitor & charger  Use for maintaining timebase accuracy or environments with unstable AC power
    Operating temperature limits 0 to 55 °C. Battery will only charge under 35 °C.  Instrument running on battery power above 50 °C will turn off to minimize battery capacity degradation.
    Storage temperature limits -10 °C to 60 °C.  Extended exposure to temperatures above 45 °C could degrade battery performance and life
    Operating time (typ) 3 hours when operated below +35 °C
    Standby time - OCXO powered (typ) 24 hours
    Recharge time (typ) 1 4 hours to 100% capacity; 2 hours to 90% capacity
    Accessories included
    CD User's guide, SCPI/programmers reference, programming examples, drivers (IVI-COM, LabView), IO library instructions
    Cables Power line cord, 2 m USB 2.0
    Timebase Uncertainty = ( Aging + Temperature + Calibration Uncertainty )
    Timebase Standard  tcxo Option 010  Ultra-High Stability OCXO
    Aging 1 (spec)
    24-hour, Tcal ±1 °C ± 0.3 ppb (typ)
    30-day, Tcal ±5 °C ± 0.2 ppm (typ) ± 10 ppb
    1-yea∣-, tcal ±5 °C ± 1 ppm ± 50 ppb
    2-yea∣-, tcal ±5 °c ± 0.5 ppm ± 25 ppb
    Temperature (typ) 2
    0 °C to Tcal - 5 °C and Tcal + 5 °C to 55 °C ± 1 ppm ± 5 ppb
    Calibration uncertainty 3
    Initial factory calibration (typ) ± 0.5 ppm ± 50 ppb
    Settability error ± 0.1 ppb ± 0.01 ppb
    Supplemental characteristics (typ)
    5-min. warm-up error 4 ± 1 ppm ± 10 ppb
    72-hour retrace error 5 < 50 ppb < 2 ppb
    Allan deviation τ = 1s 1 ppb 0.01 ppb
    1. All Timebase Aging Errors apply only after an initial 30-days of continuous powered operation and for a constant altitude ±100 m. After the first 1-year of operation, use ½ x (30-day and 1-year) aging rates shown.
    2. Additional temperature error is included in the time base uncertainty equation if the temperature of the operating environment is outside the TCAL ± 5 °C (calibration temperature) range. The error is applied in its entirety, not per °C.
    3. Initial factory calibration error applies to the original instrument calibration upon receipt from the factory. This error is applied until the first re-calibration occurs after shipment. Settability error is the minimum adjustment increment (resolution) achievable during electronic adjustment (calibration) of the instrument. It is added to the uncertainty of your calibration source.
    4. Warm-up error applies when the instrument is powered on in a stable operating environment.
    5. When moved between different operating environments add the Temperature error during the initial 30-minutes of powered operation
    6. Retrace error may occur whenever the instrument line-power is removed or whenever the instrument is battery operated and the battery fully discharges. Retrace error is the residual timebase shift that remains 72-hours after powering-on an instrument that has experienced a full power-cycle of the timebase. Additional frequency shift errors may occur for instrument exposure to severe impact shocks > 50 g. 
    Модели и опции
    Модели и Опции
    Цена Заказать
    Частотомер 350 МГц ВЧ-канал, разрешение 10 разрядов
    $3 338.75
    - шт +
    Гарантия, калибровка, сервисное обслуживание
    Calibration Plan - Return to Keysight - 3 years
    По запросу
    - шт +
    Calibration Plan - Return to Keysight - 5 years
    $1 966.25
    - шт +
    Keysight Calibration + Uncertainties - 3 years
    По запросу
    - шт +
    Keysight Calibration + Uncertainties - 5 years
    $3 347.50
    - шт +
    Keysight Calibration + Uncertainties + Guardbanding - 3 years
    По запросу
    - шт +
    Keysight Calibration + Uncertainties + Guardbanding - 5 years
    $3 681.25
    - шт +
    Poverka Service - Single Event (for use in Russia only)
    - шт +
    Poverka Service - 3 Years (for use in Russia only)
    $1 803.75
    - шт +
    Poverka Service - 5 Years (for use in Russia only)
    $3 396.25
    - шт +
    Extended Warranty - Return to Keysight - 5 years
    - шт +
    Опции и асессуары
    Internal lithium ion battery/charger for unstable AC power or timebase stability
    $1 193.75
    - шт +
    ANSI Z540-1-1994 Calibration
    - шт +
    English Printed Manual Set (full documentation on CD-ROM)
    - шт +
    Japanese Printed Manual Set (full documentation on CD-ROM)
    - шт +
    Continental European power cord - Only For EU DISTR W MULT PWR Cord Standards
    По запросу
    - шт +
    Rackmount Flange Kit 88.1mm H (2U) - Two Flange Brackets, Lock Link Kit
    - шт +
    Transit Case
    - шт +
    Rackmount Kit
    - шт +
    2U Dual Flange Kit
    - шт +
    Dual Lock Link Kit
    - шт +
    Пассивный пробник, 1:1, 35 МГц, 1,3 м
    - шт +
    Пассивный пробник, 10:1, 500 МГц, 1,3 м
    - шт +
    Пассивный пробник, 10:1, 1,5 ГГц, 1,3 м
    - шт +
    Ultra High-stability OCXO Timebase
    $1 778.75
    - шт +
    Add Channel 2 - 6 GHz CW
    $1 852.50
    - шт +
    Add Channel 2 - 15 GHz CW
    $4 590
    - шт +
    Add rear panel parallel input for Ch 1
    - шт +
    Channel 2 input - front Type-N
    По запросу
    - шт +
    Move Channel 2 input to rear panel - SMA
    - шт +

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